No fun this week...

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Jun 18, 2006
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Please bear with me, I need to share this story....

Well, a lot of you know I have trouble logging in here.
To add to that, my Mom's having a lot of "living" issues at home, all when my Dad has had wrist surgery that puts us all out. And so, it has been a HARD WEEK..... the midst of all that....

A really good buddy named Jimmy, that I used to help when I worked a few years ago, for a Local area Service Center, where MR folks work recycling paper, cans, etc., was killed in a wreck. He was riding in the very minivan I used to drive him and others around in to go to doctors, shop for groceries, look for jobs...that kind of thing. Anyway, he and two others were killed when it somehow accidentally drove into the back of a log truck. I guess the driver got distracted or something....One guy survived and he is still in critical condition in Jacksonville, Florida. All my hopes for him.

But, good old Jimmy...I am gonna really miss that guy. He was quite the womanizer, and often got himself fired from jobs because he liked the ladies a bit too much, too openly flirted, that sort of thing, but I kinda got a kick out of the fella, and always tried to help him out.

I only tell you guys, because he lived alone, and died the way he did, and I am just very sad about it. I wish I had gone to see him more often after I left that job. He always sent vegetables from his garden to my Mom whenever I drove him home. A really giving, funny guy.

Kinda makes my complaints seem unimportant this week.

I just wanted someone else out there to know about Jimmy, and a lot of you share these kinds of stories or issues here from time to time, since we all have this kind of thing happen...and this one's hard for me to take in. Especially NOW....

Just the image of that van I drove so often, all bashed in, is enough to haunt my mind....I know that van so well...I just can't get images of logs crashing into it out of my head....and then there's the loss of those people....there's more of course, but I won't go into it.

I'll just try to remember Jimmy.
He was my buddy and I sure am gonna miss him. :monkey2

And oh, Happy St. Patty's day!
Raise a glass to old Jimmy! :duff

I wish you all could have known him.

So sorry to hear about your loss and other problems. Jimmy was lucky to have someone like you in his life who cared so much. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
Gosh... I am sure sorry for your loss. We can never know when our time is up. I try to live everyday as if it were going to be my last and I ALWAYS let my wife know how much I love her every day. It sounds like Jimmy left the earth a bit better than he found it. If anyone can do that then their life was well lived.

Don't beat yourself up for not seeing him much towards the end. Just think about the positive impact you nad Jimmy had in eachother's lives.

:duff ...TO JIMMY

Really sorry to hear about this, Les. I will indeed have a drink to Jimmy... And to you too. :duff
Jimmy sounds like the larikin we waggle our finger at but nevertheless adore. It's sad to hear of his departing but great that you were a close enough friend to have shared in his life. We all need friends.

This sort of thing just remindes me that all we have in this life are family and friends, and friends are a revolving door, they seem to drift away over time. Meaning your family is all the more important. Look after your family Les. It can be hard but it's never too much trouble. May they remain the centre of your universe for many more years to come.

I recall you telling me about another friend that you lost late last year and I know you were pretty upset about it. When you shared that story with me, it was very comforting for me when I was coping with the sudden passing of a very good friend.

And now, I am sure losing another friend is difficult to accept. That is life, I suppose....

My thoughts and prayers goes out to you, Les. My PM box is always open to you if you want to talk about it.....
Sorry to hear about your loss Les and I hope the survivor manages to pull out of it as well.

I was just in a bad car accident this past August...I was lucky to have survived (I ended up fracturing some foot bones as well as my left hip and finger) and get away with just some ankle surgery.But it put my out on my back for a while and on a long road of recovery.

I totally share your feelings about the vehicle as well.My car was totaled and though my family and girlfriend saw the photos of my car, I never did nor did I ever want to.
Les, I am sorry to hear this. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and all those who knew and loved Jimmy. If you need anything Les, email me or drop me a PM.

Thanks all...
Your thoughts and prayers mean much to me, as I am sure they would to Jimmy.
The survivor, so far, his name is John. Anyone that feels like it, he could use lots of thoughts and prayers too.


Jimmy will be looking down upon you with a smile...or is it 'cause he's looking down some ladies shirt? :)

Just trying to keep it light! :D Your memories of Jimmy will keep his spirit alive.