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At least they were kind enought to show it to us today so people not wanting to order Kit will still know what the exclusive is. I'm personally looking forward Kit more than the other three! :google His appearence is SO different from anything else and I think that is why Sideshow chose him. He is so unique and very different looking.

PS there is a new pic! In the Star Wars homepage, click on the order of the Jedi banner and a page will come up with the four figures together. Kit has his robe :D I wonder if this means they will start the next line (Sith?) now.
Who knows, the robot head my be useful in the future. Say if a AOTC C3P0 comes out and this head can be popped onto his body?

Hey, that's actually a pretty cool idea!

And I hope the blog has silenced all the Fisto naysayers -- this fig looks to be right on the mark.
Kit looks great. I would prefer the grin but I do like the figure and the droid head I like as well. I hope tomorrow goes smooth as I have all the exclusives so far.
Wow. Great pics of the Kit sculpt. The production blog is certainly doing it's job as I was initially going to pass on Kit but now find him hard to resist. He isn't as iconic to the series as the other figures, but he is so unique. I'm getting excited and am dying for the Sith to make their appearance.
There P-Blog images look good. I tried to sculpt a Kit head in Castilene awhile back. Those tentacles are very difficult. They break easy and to achieve a uniform shape is tough, also they look smooth as glass. Tim has talent! Way to go.

I honestly had to do a double take when I saw this picture, as I assumed it was a test shot of an actor in makeup and full costume. Only after reading the caption did I realize that I was looking at a 12" figure. This is amazing!
tomandshell said:

I honestly had to do a double take when I saw this picture, as I assumed it was a test shot of an actor in makeup and full costume. Only after reading the caption did I realize that I was looking at a 12" figure. This is amazing!

That is the actor in make-up and costume.
OK. Looks like I misread the caption. I was just dumbfounded by the appearance! I read the part about "as promised, here is the portrait of Kit Fisto" and looked at that picture with the Sideshow logo in it and couldn't believe my eyes!

At second glance, I see that they are illustrating the difference in appearance of the costume and makeup between AOTC and ROTS. Now I understand. But my first response was sheer amazement at the quality of the figure!! I'm sure it'll still look great.
Yeah He looks great from the new pics! I'm definitely going to be waiting by my computer at 12 pm (10 PT) to place my order! If the Battle Droid head is anything like previous exclusives, then it'll be made out of polystone or resin and won't be suitable to be popped onto C3PO's body.
I'd now like to know just how poseable are his tentacles. Even if they're really poseable, they'll still get in the way of his neck articulation; he might not even be able to turn his head right and left. :(
Well at least the figure is much better looking than the actual guy in that promo shot!
So, now that Sideshow has a banner up displaying all four 12" Star Wars figures released to date under the "Order of the Jedi" and that they said no more then 12 figures this year (possibly a couple more); maybe they are planning to release two sets of four characters from two other categories to round out the 12?
If that's the case I couldn't be more happier to have some figures other then Jedi for the rest of the releases. I think the Galactic Rogues and the Legacy Collection will be the next two groups.
Customikey said:
An SSC tradition, the "severed head" exclusive continues!! But this one is a tad....dull.

At one point I thought that Sideshow would not be doing severed heads as accessories with the Star Wars figures, thinking them too gruesome for a more PG rated line. Looks like I was wrong!
tomandshell said:
At one point I thought that Sideshow would not be doing severed heads as accessories with the Star Wars figures, thinking them too gruesome for a more PG rated line. Looks like I was wrong!

I wonder if this means Dooku will come with his own and Mace with Jango's. Mace wouldn't have much for an exclusive otherwise, same with Dooku (guess the Death Star plans could be, but those should be a regular accessory). I have every severed head in hand or on order so far, so I must not fail tomorrow :eek:

The guys at Rebelscum now think a Battle Droid is a possible figure. I don't know why they just don't get it. If Sideshow isn't making Grevious, they won't make a less popular Battle Droid.
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tomandshell said:
At one point I thought that Sideshow would not be doing severed heads as accessories with the Star Wars figures, thinking them too gruesome for a more PG rated line. Looks like I was wrong!

Well, I think that this doesn't really qualify since it is a droid. A ton of them get their heads chopped off in the PT. Watching a machine get chopped up by a lightsaber isn't very graphic or scary to kids.