Neill Blomkamp's ALIEN is official!

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Well, I'm not a religious person, but it is well-known that the power of the mind can do wonderful things.
Also, traditional, big pharmaceutical holding, medicine isn't all that great... I've worked with a few pharmaceutical companies over the years, and the more open minded of my clients would always tell me that most medicines sort of fix something at the expense of something else.

Having said that, it's a but silly not to look at all the options.
Well, I'm not a religious person, but it is well-known that the power of the mind can do wonderful things.
Also, traditional, big pharmaceutical holding, medicine isn't all that great... I've worked with a few pharmaceutical companies over the years, and the more open minded of my clients would always tell me that most medicines sort of fix something at the expense of something else.

Having said that, it's a but silly not to look at all the options.

Well. As a sick person battling leukemia and lupus, I've seen a lot of praying for healing coming my way. My parents (my dad was Muslim now converted to Christianity) they pray without ceasing and I can tell you that they may say prayer heals but thus far although it makes me feel loved when someone says "they're praying" for me, when I know they say it to fill a void of silence or to make their presence known because so many post it on FB; prayer has not worked for me.
Neither has holistic diets and so many other things that people are always telling me to try.
I believe in something. And I know that whatever put us here also gave men knowledge to treat diseases with medicine. Thus far the chemo drug I must be on for the rest of my life (been on chemo for 3.5 years straight no breaks now) is the only thing that's keeping me alive and the stuff actually has worked! I was dying when I started it and I was told I wouldn't live to meet my newborn baby. From labor my heart stopped due to severe heart failure with an eject fraction less than 10%, subsequently landing me in the ICU where I died twice again, causing me to not meet my newborn baby until he was 4 months old. I was told I wouldn't make it until my doctors found that lupus had invaded my heart and several other organs, causing me to not be viable even for heart transplant. Do you know how scary that is?. Medicine however has worked for me more than any prayer would and that's because of the one reason. Medicine and the knowledge of many doctors that saved my life as a whole and me trying my damnedest to get better as well. A lot of work but because I knew I had to do something to survive instead of relying on faith. I have faith in the doctors that saved my life. I saw them every day trying to keep me alive.

The premise that only prayer heals is ridiculous and I hope that no one takes offense by this.
What Val is doing to himself is deliberately digging his own grave.
Do you know how many people in that religion has diedbecUse of this?, let Wikipedia do the talking;

"In particular, adherents subscribe to a radical form of philosophical idealism, believing that reality is purely spiritual and the material world an illusion.This includes the view that disease is a mental error rather than physical disorder, and that the sick should be treated not by medicine, but by a form of prayer that seeks to correct the beliefs responsible for the illusion of ill health... Between the 1880s and 1990s the avoidance of medical treatment led to the deaths of several adherents and their children. Parents and others were prosecuted for, and in a few cases convicted of, manslaughter or neglect."

Sadly in this case Val is practically screwed. He won't seek treatment, much like many say Travolta did with his autistic kid that died a few years ago. The Church of Scientology actually prevented John from providing proper care for his autistic and epileptic child leading that to open a door for multiple array of issues that ended the kids life, and the Scientologist community actually frowned upon Travolta for even saying anything to the public about his own son because they considered it shameful for their community.
Much like him there's many other that believe that not prayer will heal but in the Scientology foundation, training under certain study courses or getting shocked with some thingy supposedly is what makes you "better" yet my question to them is, a religion founded by a SciFi author, wouldn't that alone be enough for it to tell you to stay away?

Again. Sorry for going off topic. I guess as someone battling illness everyday I take it personally, and makes me feel discouraged for people that have the means for proper treatment to perhaps have better quality of life yet they choose to look the other way because they're hoping for a miracle to give when come on. That's what science and medicine is for!

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I'll bite my tongue keep my opinions on religion to myself. But I didn't even know Val was ill, that's sad, I guess it's unlikely, especially as he isn't doing himself any favors, but I hope he pulls through.
Jmona, keep fighting the good fight. Sometimes we all need to be reminded of what reality is actually like for those having to face it. Somewhere along the way we forgot the old saying of God helps those who help themselves. Meaning don't rely on a miracle and "rage against the dying of the light". I will say a prayer for you and your family. Not becuase I think it will cure you, rather because I do care and it's the least I can do.
As I said, I find it silly to not look at all the options.
Good luck Jmona, it's wonderful that despite your illness you have had the chance to see your boy grow!

Here's some more good vibes going your way! :clap
Stay strong.
Jmona, I'm gonna send some positive vibes your way, science be damned! Good luck fighting your fight!

Absolutely....keep it up Jmona!!

Jmona, keep fighting the good fight. Sometimes we all need to be reminded of what reality is actually like for those having to face it. Somewhere along the way we forgot the old saying of God helps those who help themselves. Meaning don't rely on a miracle and "rage against the dying of the light". I will say a prayer for you and your family. Not becuase I think it will cure you, rather because I do care and it's the least I can do.

As I said, I find it silly to not look at all the options.
Good luck Jmona, it's wonderful that despite your illness you have had the chance to see your boy grow!

Here's some more good vibes going your way! :clap
Stay strong.

Thank you guys! I appreciate all the prayers I can get. While I know they won't heal me, believe it or not (and sorry if I sound as an unbeliever for I'm not but) prayers keep me strong enough to endure. [emoji120]🏻[emoji16]
If you'd met me you would never know I was sick for I look better than many I know and reason for that is because I work my butt off real hard to stay on top of this illnesses. And while they're trying to kill me from the inside out, I don't let them define me but how I deal with it is that does.
It'll either break you or make you and I've always chosen the latter.
Might be the longest road and the rockiest and while many quit when they've barely started they ignore that on this road there is no traffic and if you were to push hard enough, you'll make it unavoidably to the other side caveat of a few bumps and bruises but you can get there nevertheless. Don't ever let disease or bad circumstances define you.
Doesn't matter how bad things can and will be, every single breath counts.
Now I can tell you what our prayers could inevitably work for in this instance, and that's to make Val see what's the right thing to do about his own health situation![emoji120]🏻[emoji4]
Again. Thank you all for the love and the prayers, positive thoughts/vibes, always appreciated!

Did you guys see that Sir Scott said there'll be 3 more Prometheus Films starting with Paradise Lost with the last one being the tie in and direct prequel to Alien?
There were some rumors that said Neil had confirmed that Alien 5 would be "Prometheus" but he went on Twitter today to discredit that information. So stocked to see a new Alien Film. I really hope it isn't "just" another Alien film.

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In case anyone is wondering, at no point does the Bible ever instruct anyone to forsake medicine/treatment and to do nothing but pray if you are ill. The book of James actually states that "Faith without works is dead." Pray for healing and then go out and use whatever knowledge/wisdom you have to make it happen. Doctors, positive thinking, homeopathic remedies, etc. Heck at one point Jesus actually healed a man's blindness by rubbing mud on the man's eyes and telling him to splash some water on them and open them. The man opened his eyes and he could see. What's interesting about that is many scholars report that doctors of the time used mud as a form of medicine. So even though it was a true supernatural miracle most theologians believe that that moment right there was God/Jesus giving His approval of the pursuit of modern medicine, so to speak.

I love Val but I do consider what he's doing to being akin to swearing off all food and then praying for a full and nourished belly. Not wise, IMO.

And to Jmona I *do* pray that your valiant battle does conquer your illness. Praise God that you got to see and experience your baby. Way to go! :duff
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It seems strange that Blomkamp's promoting props if filming can't begin until Alien: Paradise Lost has wrapped. All I know was they had to rewrite the script for Alien 5 because of objections from Ridley Scott, if it hadn't been that they would've began filming weeks ago.
I have to create a fake Neill Blomkamp twitter accnt and post pics of my airsoft M41A with a bunch of useless addons.
Be right back...
Lighting the candle at both ends.

Prequel Alien and Sequel Aliens.... is there even value in this old franchise anymore after 40 years?

The BEST this movie could be is simply more of the same.

Can't someone somewhere think of a new terrifying alien creature for us now?