My Knockoff Red/Gold Excl. Iron Man Arrived!

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If Prostitution and Weed were made legal in the US, the Revenue influx alone would spark an upswing in the Dollar.
No offense, but a second casting by the original company (i.e. Sideshow) is an AWFUL idea. The whole reason these things are "collectible" is because of their scarcity. Think of the negative reaction when hellboy samaritan II came out. Or the drop in demand of Wolf predator once cleaner exclusive came out. Imagine if SS re-rereleased a Patient Zero. A lot of fans would be turned off. If SS starts mass producing product to satisfy the wants of those that miss out originally, the retail price better drop by 50% at least. I think SS realizes they can meet their bottom line if they continue to focus on Quality rather than Quantity.

I'm actually more interested in the artistic value of these pieces and as many people as possible being able to have them and enjoy them if they want to. They are really nice looking and I think that a great work of art is inspirational can can often give great joy to people to have it. Isn't that ten times more important than money? I don't buy anything I don't really want to have. I want the things that I buy to RETAIN the value of the money I paid fo

r them, but I don't care how much it appreciates beyond that, because I'm never going to sell them, anyway, because I bought them for ME. I don't care if a piece I paid $5 for is suddenly worth $1000. I'm still not selling it. Appreciated value is pretty much irrelevant to me. It's a nice feather in my cap, knowing I have a valuable piece, but it could increase to 5,00 or 50,000. I don't care. I want it. If I sell it, how will I get anther one?

I am a collector, and originality is important to me. Let me give you an example.: I was collecting G.I.JOE comics in the 80's as a teenager, and the original for number 2 was very scarce. Yes, there was a second printing, but I didn't want a second printing. I only wanted the original. So I spent $35 on the first vf/nm #2 that became available. That was a lot of money for me at 15, since it was about 3 months money for me, but hey, it's what I wanted, and (yeah, I didn't really make that much money at the time) I COULD have bought a second printing for about a dollar, but that isn't what I wanted.

Like I said before, I don't think that a second printing really hurts the value of the first printing to a true collector. It seems to me that the same should apply to a company making the second casting of a statue. If I want an original piece then I'll buy one. The reality is that any talented sculptor can make a fake or an original statue of something for their own use or for their friends. Who is going to stop them? At the same time, that sculpture that they make isn't going to be worth what the original was worth, ever, unless that copy or totally new piece was hand made by a famous artist.

The second casting will never be worth as much as the first casting, just like in comic books. customizerwannabe was right, 2nd printings I've seen look exactly like the first printing, except for very small writing on the inside of the book, saying second printing, and the date of the printing. If the comic is bagged or in a mylar on the wall, or something, you'd never know the difference, but to a collector, there would be a BIG difference. To a TRUE collector, he would only want the first printing. I still don't see the problem of a second casting, because the first casting will never LOSE value, and then the original company would be the only one making money off of the sale of the sculptures. If the original company DOESN'T re release a sculpture and a lot more people still want it, then it is virtually guaranteed that someone ELSE will be making recasts. As I see it, it's either the original company doing the recasts, and THEY make the money, and they mark them as second castings so it doesn't hurt the value of the first ones, OR, someone else will be making illegal recasts, and the original company makes NO money. You have to understand that there is no way that you can prevent people from making unauthorized castings.

And one more thing. I would NEVER pay more for an unauthorized recast than the original version when it first sold, cost adjusted for inflation, of course.
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damn customizerwannabe, ever wish you could just take back a post.:banghead lol
this sure seems to of upset some people and open up a whole area of discussion.(morals and ethics)
but anyways peace brother.
ps. the KNOCK-OFF looks good, lol and thanks for letting the rest of us know that there is yet another marvel product that seems to be better done then some of the others out in the market place, which is probably one of the reasons you started this post in the first place.
it would make me more leary if i was looking for one of these statues. though i'm not and happy with my sim.
damn customizerwannabe, ever wish you could just take back a post.:banghead lol
this sure seems to of upset some people and open up a whole area of discussion.(morals and ethics)
but anyways peace brother.
ps. the KNOCK-OFF looks good, lol and thanks for letting the rest of us know that there is yet another marvel product that seems to be better done then some of the others out in the market place, which is probably one of the reasons you started this post in the first place.
it would make me more leary if i was looking for one of these statues. though i'm not and happy with my sim.

:lol No matter what you're buying you have the best advice. Always use your credit card. Get a fake? Do a chargeback. Very little risk. Use your debit card and you'll feel like you were passed around for cigarettes in County.:D
I won't post further as I'm sure I will make the sculptors here mad and I'll get into trouble with the admin. Suffice to say, you shouldn't cast stones if you live in a glass house.
I'm 100% against recasts and those who support them. I've heard every attempt at justification on the subject, but the bottom line is there is no greater display of disrespect for an artist (or in this case, Sideshow) than to support recasts or knock-offs of his/her/it's work. Additionally of course there is the small issue of it being against the law.

I'm not here to judge, nor am I attempting to push my beliefs on anyone else. I feel a strong conviction on this issue and was asked to share my opinion so I'm chiming in, but I don't expect it to make much difference. In my experience, those who knowingly support recasting don't really care enough about the original producers and are immune to enlightenment on the issue.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Well said Andy! :clap
The pathetic thing is, most of you who are against recasts that missed out on the original iron man, if you were offered a recast for $100 I bet 90% of you would buy it and just keep it quiet from the forum. Customizer just has the ballz to be upfront about his acquisition.
I'm 100% against recasts and those who support them. I've heard every attempt at justification on the subject,

Hi Andy,

hopefully i can get my "message" right into english words.

I am lucky to have all the Marvel Stuff from Sideshow or a legal seller. But if i really have the need/demand for something i could never afford to buy as an original there are so many facts to be considered.

Who is closer to me? You/the sculptor/ sideshow or my need/wish and my credit card? It is so human to see it this way. Its your money against "mine". The justification is simple "iam closer to me than to you".
Thanks for giving me a chance to buy it from SS, but as this impossible for some people and there is a way to get it on a illegal way its ok for them.


... hopefully it gets clear what i wanted to say. Recasting is bad, but human and there is no way to shut it down.
I think anyone who buys this crap is a criminal and I don't care what people think:)
The pathetic thing is, most of you who are against recasts that missed out on the original iron man, if you were offered a recast for $100 I bet 90% of you would buy it and just keep it quiet from the forum. Customizer just has the ballz to be upfront about his acquisition.

Theres nothing ballsy about buying a cheap knockoff and posting them here. The ballsy thing to do is to save and buy the original like a real man:D

The lack of respect to licensed product on there is astonishing. You do realise that if this recasting escalates any further it will put sculptors work in jeopardy and Sideshows Marvel license. Why would anyone buy an original when they can buy a cheap knockoff from these ^^^^^^^s.
I'm not against it...If you know what you buy.

Those who says its criminal...of course its illegal, but how many of you ever downloads music from the internet or movies're stealing from those artists too...Making copies for other people....everyone does it one time or Nash said, Ed had the balls to say it. Not many people have big balls here.
I'm not against it...If you know what you buy.

Those who says its criminal...of course its illegal, but how many of you ever downloads music from the internet or movies're stealing from those artists too...Making copies for other people....everyone does it one time or Nash said, Ed had the balls to say it. Not many people have big balls here.

Yeah, we have all done this before so I dont see what the big deal is.:confused:
I'm not against it...If you know what you buy.

Those who says its criminal...of course its illegal, but how many of you ever downloads music from the internet or movies're stealing from those artists too...Making copies for other people....everyone does it one time or Nash said, Ed had the balls to say it. Not many people have big balls here.

I was going to use the same comparison yesterday but just never posted. This is exactly like copying a DVD, downloading a song illegally, getting a buddies copy of a cracked Microsoft OS. It's just this particular example is much more personal to us, and to a larger scale $-wise.

So unless you've never copied a song, movie, or operating system, be careful in handing out judgements.

I don't approve of it either, and will continue to report to Ebay the sellers that sell these when I feel like it, but very sadly, I think we're going to see more and more of it. Now if only Sideshow went after these guys the way that Sony went after movie pirates and Metallica went after music pirates.