I honestly don't get all the McClain and Lethal Weapon requests. They were good movies back in the day but talk about boring figures on the shelf.
Each to their own I guess.
I also love all the requests for stuff being made by other 1/6th companies as if they don't exist. Some are not up to par but others are definitely good and getting better. With HT's nursing from the Mouse's teat their entire level of detail, likeness, and quality has gone down. Some of their releases look great still, others hold no interest for me, and sadly, some of the ones I am most excited for come out looking mediocre in comparison to what they have been capable in the past.
If they are going to tackle any of these requests with the quality of say Commando or the lack of nailing the likeness of all the Star Wars figures barring Stormtroopers and Leia, I am ok with other companies taking a crack at any and/or all of these in this thread.
Some of the "least deserving" figures in the other thread have better tailoring, better likenesses, and better load outs than a lot of what has been released lately. (Green Goblin and Sao Feng are two that come to mind... look like the character/actor, good tailoring, boring as hell on my shelf and I only got them because of some crazy deal - $60 for Goblin... free for Feng w/ SDCC giftcard).
What exactly IS "Hot Toy Treatment" these days? Passing likeness and a "bend you over a barrel" style handshake?