Molecule8 John Lennon UPDATE 5/10/18 - SCAM COMPANY!

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Honestly, in the close up, higher res shots, those closer to production sculpts don't look all that bad. Of course, not up to the level of the prototype, but serviceable. The much bigger problem is everything else. Those glasses and outfits are pitiful.

I agree with you on this I saw the pics on my iPhone and zoomed in and they don't look as bad as people think!
I think the green outfit the buttons need redoing as they are too large! The making of Lennon outfit is perfect and the Imagine video outfit needs resizing.

The glasses are shoddy to but other than that it's not bad! $300 for 2 sculpts, guitar, custom body, new magnetic base, custom hands, 3 outfits is worth it especially for a 1st release. :lecture Of course their will be loss in detail as most mass produced things the sculpt was sculpted bigger for casting I believe.....It still looks like lennon and isn't all that bad! Part of the illusion is because people are use to seeing a highly detailed proto not to mention the neck has been cut off for logical reasons. :lecture

I'm keeping my order as I'm curious to see what the final verdict is on this piece.
Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Ok so here's my un-educated guess work:
They had the KA Kim sculpt, decided it needed to be neckless, they then scanned it into the computer to remove the neck, they then printed a test piece, painted it and then showed it off at the con. It was a sub par scan so now they are going back and have to re add the details in the 3D render (they are videogame people after all) and plan to print the final piece for the figure that way.
The reason they haven't come out and said this is because they still want to use the excellent KA Kim sculpt for marketing purposes and still think as the scan is from the kim sculpt directly they aren't doing anything wrong.
I myself think they should have said this or just left the scan unpainted so people didn't get confused with what they saw at the convention. Also, using lo res pics only added to the annoyance and the fact this is supposed to be out in August means that people are rightfully getting nervous. $300 for a figure is still a lot of money and I hope the final piece is as good as most would want it to be. Sorry if I'm repeating what others have said. M8 should be more transparent if they are trying to go the whole "full disclosure during the manufacturing process" route and this definetly isn't going to be ready by the end of August if thats the case.

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Christ you know it ain't easy...

You know how hard it can be......

The way things are goin.....

They gonna crucify me.....

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I do hope I get my refund back, they said they would still send it to me. Deleting my comments on FB had nothing to do with them.

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Don't worry they are working on your render of a refund receipt. Progress updates coming soon......
All joking aside I hope they refund you.
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

What's this about I'm reading on Facebook about the infamous sculpt they used the other day being a 3D printed sculpt?
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Has the thread hit the "Aw ****, I love it now!" point yet, or is it still in the "WTF? How was I supposed to know I shouldn't give money to an unknown company whose process has been suspect from the start?"
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

From what we've seen how far away do you think this is guys? 6 months? A year?
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Barry's currently on standby to have the delivered by last May.


No matter how long Molecule8 take, you will have had your figures in hand since last May.
Now that's service. :lol
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

And so it begins.

Yeah. A company that can't take constructive criticism and learn from them going nowhere, man. [emoji4]

Anyway, it's great that people are getting refunds. That's at least a good sign that they're not scammers/frauds (which I never thought they were).
After this **** storm blows over hopefully they'll get to work making a great prototype and be a little bit more realistic and honest about shipping dates, etc. This could be a great and harsh lesson learned.

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

What's there to criticize? There's no official product yet. All I saw was a bunch of pot shots and nothing else

There might be a pot shot here and there but mostly I've seen fair criticism on how all this came to be. I could repost them here, or re-type my own and others but there are plenty here. If you don't see it that way then there's nothing more to say.
And besides, to pretend there isn't anything else worth criticizing other than an "official product" (which this is is kind of silly.

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Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

Can't we criticize how they refuse to answer questions about the release date?
Re: Molecule8 - 1/6th Scale John Lennon

They never had a time frame to begin with. Likely just used the dates to inflate preorders and string people along.