Medicom Joker

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Damn! Gutted man. Always frustrating to miss out by a small amount.

I think I will try and get a medicom head. Wonder if it in HT scale?
The original painting on the sculpt is a shame! The sculpt looks really good
I TOLD you guys the sculpt was decent, just the paint that sucked :p Unfortunately Timbo, I think the head is ever so slightly out of scale. I remember something that stops it from being comparable to the HT jokers If I recall.
Auction link btw someone?
If I buy this figure would anyone be interested in everything except the patterned shirt for 50 dollars. You would get the body, head, clothes and accessories for 50 dollars. Please let me know soon
well I ended up pulling the trigger on this guy and will be using just the pattern shirt. If anyone wants everything else for 50 dollars let me know. I will throw in a DX pattern shirt for free.
Many thanks to brother Iforigno for hooking me up with a stellar deal. After a 5 minute repaint on the face, and switching out the Medicom "bathrobe" for a HT V1 overcoat, I'm pretty pleased. Here's a quick shot:
Nice job on the repaint! Wish I could do that in 5 min. :(

To bad the overcoat is a little too big for him. Could you post a full figure pic?
Here are some better shots. Last night I switched out the Medi tie for the DCD version. So here's the mod rundown:

1. Repainted face (I'll eventually redo the hair.)
2. HT V1 Jacket
3. DCD tie

All in all, pretty minor changes, but they make a world of difference. It's turned "Epic Fail" into something that's more than okay.




Love the "putting card in pocket" pose! :clap

I may have to steal that one!
Not a bad figure after all, right?

Of course, I'd be plenty mad if I had paid $200 for this. Dunno why Medi would let this out the door with that horrendous paint app and the abomination of an overcoat.
Out of the four Ledger 1/6 Scale Jokers I have, it's my second favorite since I futzed with it. HT's portrait still blows everything out of the water, but the others have their good points too. DCD has by far the best quality costume materials, and the Mattel is the most durable/affordable. The HT is the only one I didn't repaint.
Not a bad figure after all, right?

Actually I'm one of the few (perhaps the only?) that actually likes the Medi Joker right out of the box. It really is unique standing next to the others. However, I would be pissed if I had paid $200 for it though, and it would suck if it was the only 1/6 Joker we had access to.

Anyway your repaint is pretty rad! :duff
Out of the four Ledger 1/6 Scale Jokers I have, it's my second favorite since I futzed with it. HT's portrait still blows everything out of the water, but the others have their good points too. DCD has by far the best quality costume materials, and the Mattel is the most durable/affordable. The HT is the only one I didn't repaint.

That Mattel one looks sharp. If they fixed his right mouth scar it would be even greater. You don't have the DX?
Confession - I don't like the Batman or Joker DX heads. I think the Joker's eyes are too big, and the Batman mouth area too small. If I find a deal on 'em down the road, fine, but until then, I'm happy with these.
I actually really love the Mattel headsculpt. And my factory paint is actually really sharp.


Yeah I have one too, and it took me 5 minutes to look through all the ones at TRU to get one with the best paint. I love the sculpt, but the bubble gum thing on his right cheek bothers me. It is an ace figure though, especially for the price.