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It's often the case with this board, that people strive to post smart aleck comments in the most inappropriate ways to gain attention, but end up getting themselves into trouble :lol.
A mod having to issue infractions and clean up this particular thread is pretty disappointing. I don't imagine Elder will receive an apology, but he deserves one.
Yeah, the infractions were well deserved. People should feel comfortable about posting their pictures in here, without being insulted. I feel so sorry for Elder.
I would just like to point out that my post was misunderstood. So if you were one of the people who reported it, thank you for misunderstanding. :hi5:
I feel surprised that anyone even reads Riddick's posts. They are ALL intended to get a rise out of someone. He seems to be trying to goad people with every post. I mean i occasionally make a joke here and there, but actual insults? That's all Riddick ever seems to do.
I have long had him on my ignore list, and never read his posts. I only see his posts when someone quotes them, and it always makes me glad i ignore him.
That last post was bang out of order.
I feel surprised that anyone even reads Riddick's posts. They are ALL intended to get a rise out of someone. He seems to be trying to goad people with every post. I mean i occasionally make a joke here and there, but actual insults? That's all Riddick ever seems to do.
I have long had him on my ignore list, and never read his posts. I only see his posts when someone quotes them, and it always makes me glad i ignore him.
That last post was bang out of order.

Which is exactly what my post was aiming for. But apparently someone didn't understand that very well and reported my post.
I would just like to point out that my post was misunderstood. So if you were one of the people who reported it, thank you for misunderstanding. :hi5:

I didn't report any posts. I just tried to warn Riddick to delete his post because inevitably it was going to cause great offense and for no good reason. If he had done that I would have then deleted mine and nothing would have started.
I also forgot that the other word for Richard has been banned, so I can see how my post could have been interpreted wrong. :eek: :lol