LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2010

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Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009


Be careful with Benedryl. My doctor told me that it also affects the nervous system. When I take it I get spacey and wired at the same time. I do not like that stuff and only use it if necessary.

Don't get me wrong. It DEFINITELY sounded necessary. Just thought I'd give you the heads up.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Your Dad is right, Les. Classic niacin overdose. Believe it or not, this is sometimes recommended for headache. All your capillaries get flushed out. Harmless, but real uncomfortable.

I've purchased Niacin that states it doesn't cause the red flush. Never had problems, so look for the type that says that.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Thanks guys.
I got out for a bit today, and mailed out a couple of things, but still feel weird and under the weather. I HATE benedryl for sure! I won't take it again unless, as you say, it is essential. I had the wildest dreams I have EVER had on that stuff! Man! No more if I can help it!

Gonna stay home for a day or two til I know I am ok. It's gonna be cold again anyhow, so what better than to paint and work while the cold winds blow outside... (no snow here Orbiting, too far south I am afraid...I love snow...if only....)

Regarding my reaction, I have been told it may have been blood pressure related, but I don't think so. I have a lot going on, sure, but was feeling great and energized when I fixed breakfast and took the vitamins yesterday morning. I think it was just something of a mix of accidentally too much niacin, some of this Osteo bi-flex stuff (has shellfish in it??? maybe...), and some other vitamins that maybe had more niacin and other stuff and kicked up the ratio of compatible daily ingredients too much.
That and coffee for the first time in months, I think didn't mix well or something. I don't do caffeine anymore. Even Coke and soft drinks can speed me up too much now.
Anyway,...who knows!

Workwise, back at it today guys. Still not all that off schedule.
More to ship this week. Hang tight! More coming for sure! :rock
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Hey Les - when will you be posting the final Joker paintjob option? Would be great to get all the options together in one post!

I'm fairly certain how I want mine but curious to see what you have in mind for the final option...
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Hey Les - when will you be posting the final Joker paintjob option? Would be great to get all the options together in one post!

I'm fairly certain how I want mine but curious to see what you have in mind for the final option...

End of this week at the latest! Maybe sooner. Wednesday or so maybe. I had hoped it would be today, just got messed up yesterday with this reaction thing. Hang tight. THIS WEEK FOR SURE! I promise!
I have one Pencil Trick version example on my HT figure (with neck adapter I can't remove), so I may can take it off, or use another one I am trying to do also as a lineup one, and the only Road fight version is on my original custom figure, so it won't come off, but I may can line them all up somehow before I ship these next couple out. Good call. There needs to be a single shot with the four in it. Will do! :rock
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

i'm so happy that you are back at it Les. Feels good to have you back in full form. :rock :rock :rock
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

geesh les just make sure to take care of yourself allergic reactions can be dangerous


and yeah when ever i'm given benedryl i really feel out of it
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

BTW, the warriors baseball fury fig looks awesome!!! :rock :rock

only small thing I'd add is maybe to dirty up his hands and forearms a bit.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

I did think of that Reiny, but in person, the arms look less immaculate than in the flash photos. If that makes sense. Oh well, King liked it.

Here is a newly acquired accessory for my future custom Indy...stuck it on for the photo... a hand made, kangaroo hide whip!


The guy that made it said he was out of material, but if he gets any more, I will let you guys know. He sounded like I just got in before the doors shut. Anyway, I LOVE IT! It is flexy and is amazingly well made. I only added the tip string bit, and dirtied it some with some brown paint. That's it. It pretty much comes ready for use!

Quick update:
Ma is back at the Nursing Home from her two week jaunt in the hospital. I went and moved her back and she is fine. Asked about you guys. I told her of your continued thoughts and prayers. Thanks for those guys. Mean much! :rock

TRYING to get the extra Jokers done late tonight or possibly tomorrow. Making three to photo and compare with, AND ship, amongst all else I am doing, so it is not happening fast. Those Jokers are a bit ahead of my planned production order, so bear with me.

I will be shipping more Friday with lists here of the mailed to. Thanks for the week's patience guys. Between Ma and my allergic reaction Sunday, it's been a wacky week. But a productive one. LOTS of coolness coming! I can't wait to post it all! :rock

Til then...keep thy hats on!
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Can't wait to get my Joker head,Les!! I need to ditch this one I have on my original HT Joker :lol
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

That's a beautiful whip you were able to get. :rock I'm definitely interested if the guy makes some more.

Glad to hear your Ma is out of the hospital and doing better!
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Isn't it the whip from Sovereignstudios ?
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Isn't it the whip from Sovereignstudios ?

Nope, I can't even remember Les' source but he talked to me about it and it is not Sovereign Studios' whip, not sure what Sovereign's construction materials are for the whip.
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

glad to hear youre getting thru everything there les. and that whip is impressive!
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Hi Les.
Have you shipped any more Hicks and Hudson's? Just asking because the list hasn't been updated on your third post.

Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Hi Les.
Have you shipped any more Hicks and Hudson's? Just asking because the list hasn't been updated on your third post.


I've shipped some out, but not the whole bunches yet. When I do, you'll know. It won't just be posted in the third post, but in the latest update post at this end also. No worries! :rock
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Ah, I see!

That Indy whip is a beauty, BTW! Congrats on scoring that!
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Can't believe how damn late I am to this party, but HOLY CRAP Les!! Dude, that Indy is the BEST I have ever seen... I am taking notes, and mental images bro... seriously that thing is a work of art in every sense of the word. Really amazing work bro. :rock:rock

And Baseball Fury rocks too, glad Chase loves it as well... That bat alone is sickly detailed. :rock2
Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009

Hey Les if my Joker heads in with your recent batches remember not to post it on its own :) stick it to oneside till you ge chance to go at Sheppard
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