Ki Adi Mundi 12-Inch Figure

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I really loved the Hasbro Ki Adi, but man, as good as that head sculpt is I still think the SS version is much better (eyes need to be repainted though).
People who think the head is too tall are kidding themselves, as this guy had a seriously tall head. But as several people have pointed out, I think it would look better if the head wasn't so "thick" looking, as in the photoshopped version below.


Wow, that photoshop makes a huge difference in his appearance.
First impressions are that he's got a rather large head and is wearing a pair of booties. Something that looks really wierd about the size of the head and boots really does not look right.

Havent been able to look at the list of accessories yet cause of the PPO bowwn but does anyone no if theres an eye patch included?
I do think his head should be a little more narrow and the skin around his eyes seems way too red, but I used reward points and so I'm not going to complain too much.
Usually being on this board talks me in to buying things, but as with Aayla all the criticism has me starting to lean away. However unlike Aayla, my initial reaction was satisfaction with it so I think I will resist peer pressure this go round. At least until I have it in hand (or something better comes along).
People who think the head is too tall are kidding themselves, as this guy had a seriously tall head. But as several people have pointed out, I think it would look better if the head wasn't so "thick" looking, as in the photoshopped version below.


You're right. The height is fine. It's that it's too wide and the face itself takes up more space.

Another I was looking forward to ruined.
Sideshow: retire the BUCK already. Its not a quality body anymore! :emperor

I'm betting it should be the last BUCK BODY SW figure we see. Obi in clone armor and Vader will be new bodies. and everything after that should be new bodies or there is going have to be some explaining to do.:mad:
People who think the head is too tall are kidding themselves, as this guy had a seriously tall head. But as several people have pointed out, I think it would look better if the head wasn't so "thick" looking, as in the photoshopped version below.


Reducing the thickness of the head here really helped a bunch. The hight of his head is right, but the width of the head and the proportion of his face to the rest of the head are what's off the most.
Sadly, I don't think that's something Sideshow could fix at this point, so I think the best option would be to reduce the size of the entire head.
I'd rather have a Ki with a head hight that's too short, then a Ki with a head that's just too big in general.

If Sideshow reduces the head size by 20% as MaulFan did here:

I'd be more then willing to pay $70 for him.
It's still early enough Sideshow, you can reduce the head size a bit before sending the head off to have molds made.
Please do it!