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^ No. Guy Pierce as Blight. Who shoots radioactivity from his mouth.

I got the impression that Blight was supposed to be the big bad of Batman Beyond, since he was the first and had Terry's Dad killed. But he only appeared once after that and died :dunno

Batman Beyond :lol

In other words, you want a Robin movie. Could do that with Third Rock guy.

No chance. Wouldn't Terry Mcginnis future Gotham with flying cars and thus wouldn't be Batman Beyond
You could do a Batman Beyond movie without setting it in the crazy future with flying cars. It's completely open. I've always wanted a beyond movie.

Screw Justice League, We need Batman Beyond movie.

^ i'd love to hear from some of those who didn't like TDKR to see if they prefer GL over it.

You could do a Batman Beyond movie without setting it in the crazy future with flying cars. It's completely open. I've always wanted a beyond movie.

I dunno, without the high-tech future it loses alot of it's unique style.
^ i'd love to hear from some of those who didn't like TDKR to see if they prefer GL over it.

I dunno, without the high-tech future it loses alot of it's unique style.

You could keep it in todays world, have the suit a much thiner looking IM suit (since that's what it looks like a lot of the time).

The villain, depending on who could easily be explained. Plus, if you think about it, Beyond didn't make much sense coming off of TAS. It being futuristic and all when TAS seemed to be in the 40's-50's. If not earlier.

Such people if they exist have as good taste as Bieber fans.

:lol :lol :lol
So anyway, back to Batman Beyond.

Just watched the first 6 episodes and I'm surprised at how good it is for a children's cartoon. Really like the story so far and the futuristic designs as well as the music.
I loved Batman Beyond, i own the complete series, its so good. For the most part, its very well written, has some dark dramatic moments and good action with great voice casting! WILL FRIEDEL AND KEVIN CONROY!. A Batman Beyond movie would be steller!
Damon Lindelof Gives His Take on the Justice League "Problem"

The Star Trek and Prometheus writer offers his advice on how to get the Justice League movie off the ground.

May 15, 2013

by Scott Collurao

Screenwriter Damon Lindelof is now a tentpole kind of guy, with Cowboys & Aliens, last summer's Prometheus and now Star Trek Into Darkness under his belt. He's also apparently viewed as a troubleshooter by some, having been brought in to rewrite the ending to World War Z. (One presumes these same people have not seen the endings of some of Lindelof's own films.)

So on that tip, The Hollywood Reporter asked Lindelof what he would do if asked by Warner Bros. to solve what the trade refers to as "their Justice League problem." Here's what he had to say:

"I think a lot of that depends on Man of Steel," says the writer. "The Justice League problem is not a problem of, who is the bad guy that Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, Superman, whoever you decide to pit them against. The problem is: What’s the tone of that movie?

They’ve been struggling with launching their own tone. The tone of Green Lantern is very different from the tone of The Dark Knight. They clearly inhabit two entirely different worlds. You want to feel like someone is establishing a world where the Justice League can exist, maybe Man of Steel is that movie. If Man of Steel works, and it’s great, I think it starts to make sense where Paradise Island is in that world. Because that’s an entirely different world than the one Christopher Nolan introduced."

Lindelof goes on to say he thinks Man of Steel should be a PG movie rather than the PG-13 that it has wound up with.

"In the spirit of not throwing stones from the glass house in which one resides, the same should be said of Star Trek," he says. "The limitation between PG and PG-13, particularly as it pertains to violence -- there’s no sex in Star Trek; there are a couple of 's-words,' but only because we already knew we were going to get PG-13. They are easily excisable. I always loved that moment in Temple of Doom when Indy says, '****.' Because that’s exactly what he would say. You don’t use it to be gratuitous, but it’s what a character would say in that moment. Donner’s Superman is a very adult movie. It doesn’t feel like it’s being whitewashed or watered down in any way. It feels real, cool, fun, escapist and upbeat. The larger thing for Man of Steel, is like, 'Yes, we all are consuming darker stories.' Again, glass house. But it’s like, 'Is there any way we can get the word dark in it?'"