Jurassic Park 4,5,and 6

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JP3 wasn't even a movie really

How do you figure? Talk about a nonsense insult. Even crappy movies are still movies.

So what was it? A coloring book? A shoe? A milkshake?

But yeah, I'm a big Spielberg fan but both of his JP movies rank pretty low in his filmography. We're not talking about "Hook" and "1941" here but we're certainly not talking about "Jaws" either. In any case I don't see JPIII as inferior. If anything I'd rank it between the first and second films, but even then all 3 are pretty close.

As long as Stan Winston Studios and ILM do a great job on the dinosaurs I'll be happy. Well, as long as said dinosaurs eat a lot of characters that the audience doesn't really care about. That's what the JP series is all about.
How do you figure? Talk about a nonsense insult. Even crappy movies are still movies.

So what was it? A coloring book? A shoe? A milkshake?


How do you figure? Talk about a nonsense insult. Even crappy movies are still movies.

So what was it? A coloring book? A shoe? A milkshake?

Jurassic Park 3 was more of a tech-demo or a reel. It seemed like they could have taken all of the humans out and the movie would have been the same.

Also, it wasn't really an insult. I don't consider Cloverfield a movie either. It was more of an experience than a traditional movie.
Eh, this doesn't sound good. I just don't have high hopes. The last one really sucked. And as we've seen with Star Wars and Indiana Jones its incredibly difficult to return to a movie franchise so many years after the fact.
Does anybody really want more Jurassic Park movies? The novelty of seeing realistic dinosaurs onscreen wore off after the first one.
Who keeps letting Joe Johnston make movies? Is Brett Ratner too busy? They're like the temps in the movie-making company.

Eh...cheers to them I guess! :lol
Eh, this doesn't sound good. I just don't have high hopes. The last one really sucked. And as we've seen with Star Wars and Indiana Jones its incredibly difficult to return to a movie franchise so many years after the fact.

I thought Die Hard 4 was good. But, I actually liked KOTCS, too ... for what its worth.

why dont they just let it out, thier going to do a remake of this too.
I'm surprised its not a remake of the Original like everything else.

they actually should. i mean, do we really need feeble excuses for Malcom or Grant to show up on the island again? maybe they can get SLJ to play the twin brother (from the hood natch) of his character from the original and he can go kick some mother fricken dinosaur ass in revenge!

Seriously, the first movie mattered not because the dinosaurs were better than 2 and 3 (just saw 3 this morning and the monstersaurus is awesome) but the 1st one mattered because Michael Crighton wrote a great book with fairly believable sci fi science.
Despite Jurassic Park III being "meh" overall, Spinosaurus is infinitely cooler than Tyrannosaurus Rex ever thought about being.


It's funny how we learn things over time. When I was a kid, Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest land predator that ever lived. Now he's been reduced to most likely being a scavenger, or at least less fearsome than previously thought. He's been trumped by Carcharodontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and the largest land predator ever - Spinosaurus (estimated to be nearly 60 feet long).
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This has been talked over a lot on JPT and JPL the past few days...it's not even known if Johnston was being serious or not. I'm not buying it until we see a cast list or something else more concrete. JP in 3D has potential..and there are a LOT of good fan stories out there that would make great films. So I believe a good sequal or whole new trilogy is possible...there are even plenty of scenes left in the first two novels to make a new film exciting.