I Hate Canada Post

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Super Freak
Jan 30, 2011
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I just sold the Killzone 3 Halgaust edition extra's for $28 bucks and 19.99 shipping on E-bay. paid $34 so I figured if I sell the rest of the stuff for nearly the same price It's like I bought the game for dirt cheap. problem is now Canada Post wants me to pay double the amount for shipping. but I already charged the buyer $19.99. if I keep my word and sell for the said price I have to take a $20 hit. I wish I kept the printout with the prices they originally gave me, but it doesn't even matter if I did cause they would probably say that anybody could have printed that, implying that I forged it. man I wasted too much time on this, don't know if somebody at the post office screwed up with the original $20 price, or if canada post got rid of a cheaper delivery service. only thing I do know is I would have made more then 28 bucks flipping burgers at burger king or scraping small animals off the road in this whole time.
Be best if you honor your word and eat the postage. I've had to do it in the past and it's better than eating a negative feedback if the buyer doesn't understand, thinking you're trying to screw him out of extra cash. A black mark for what he'd consider a "shady price increase after the auction's close" is enough to send other potential buyers away.
I hate Canada too. F'ing Hockey loving jerk wads.

I just sold the Killzone 3 Halgaust edition extra's for $28 bucks and 19.99 shipping on E-bay. paid $34 so I figured if I sell the rest of the stuff for nearly the same price It's like I bought the game for dirt cheap. problem is now Canada Post wants me to pay double the amount for shipping. but I already charged the buyer $19.99. if I keep my word and sell for the said price I have to take a $20 hit. I wish I kept the printout with the prices they originally gave me, but it doesn't even matter if I did cause they would probably say that anybody could have printed that, implying that I forged it. man I wasted too much time on this, don't know if somebody at the post office screwed up with the original $20 price, or if canada post got rid of a cheaper delivery service. only thing I do know is I would have made more then 28 bucks flipping burgers at burger king or scraping small animals off the road in this whole time.

is simple if you didn't ship it already just explain to the seller and refund the money, if you sent it and they are charging you could explain the seller but like Nam said is going to seem fishy,
Well I shipped it out. don't like to go back on my word as much as it pains me that I went thru a heck of a lot of trouble to make the post office an extra $16 bucks on top of the original price they gave me. cause unlike canada post I am a man of my word

Funny thing is 1st place near ossington was charging me $40 and some odd change, 2ed place that gave me the original quote for $19 something shipped it for $35.83

Oh well guess next time I wanna through my money away I will just burn it and spare myself a lot of time and trouble.
it sucks about the extra shipping fee but you did the right thing................:hi5:
Canada Post is a bastard. I subject myself to it everytime I buy from Toys2. If not for the great service I get from that store I wouldn't even consider buying out of Canada.
They're not as bad as UPS :monkey4

:exactly: UPS SUCK BALLS :mad:

When I list things in eBay, I never use there shipping calculator. I post all the shipping cost in the description area. Give or take, I charge about 10% more in shipping when I sell things. If it then cost less to ship, I will refund the difference back to the buyer. I do get a lot of buyer complaint that the shipping is high though which results ot takes longer for my stuff to sell.

Some people in the USA doesn't realize shipping from Canada to USA cost almost double the cost then USA to Canada. Canada post in general ownly ships expedited. This results in a higher rate.

I hate Canada and all their overtly polite and well mannered bears. :mad:


:lol :lol
I ordered 4 things off ebay. 2 were from China. 1 was from Malaysia. 1 was from Canada. They were all shipped on the 11th.

I got all the 3 pieces from China/Malaysia this week. I am still waiting for the one piece from Canada.

I ordered 4 things off ebay. 2 were from China. 1 was from Malaysia. 1 was from Canada. They were all shipped on the 11th.

I got all the 3 pieces from China/Malaysia this week. I am still waiting for the one piece from Canada.


Thats problem more or less your customs holding it up. The speed of the delivery for Canada Post is actually pretty good. There prices to ship outside cost $$$
:exactly: UPS SUCK BALLS :mad:

When I list things in eBay, I never use there shipping calculator. I post all the shipping cost in the description area. Give or take, I charge about 10% more in shipping when I sell things. If it then cost less to ship, I will refund the difference back to the buyer. I do get a lot of buyer complaint that the shipping is high though which results ot takes longer for my stuff to sell.

Some people in the USA doesn't realize shipping from Canada to USA cost almost double the cost then USA to Canada. Canada post in general ownly ships expedited. This results in a higher rate.

:lol :lol

Thats the worst ever, i experienced that kinda recently when i was going to ship and return something i bought that was incomplete.