How do you feel about Hot Toys doing second runs of Vader, Chewie, Han and Obi-Wan?

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I am against this but it's all good. I'll not preorder another figure and instead go back to cherry picking older releases when they come along. Got Tamashi C-3PO for $180 shipped, Grevious and Starboost for $150 etc...

I just don't like that they made it look like limited runs (to get more preorders) and then turned the tables. **** move.
I don't think they have ever said that. I thought we've always just assumed it and over time simply became a presumption.
I think it's fine. Realize it's not like it's years later. It's only a couple months after sell out, and Star Wars is the hottest it's ever been since the late 70's. Maybe even more so as this stuff is now mainstream and accepted as part of pop culture, not just nerds, geeks, and fanboys. New fans have jumped on board since TFA, and I'm sure every day new collectors are discovering Hot Toys. For that alone it's better overall in the long run for every one. HT & collectors. Now if they made the same figure available 2 years later and not a new 2.0 version, that would be a problem.

Love this photo - I want a photo like this but filled with HT and Sideshow figures.
I was about to get han and chewy set for $650 so I'm glad I didnt.Now where can I get the pre-orders or them or are they even out yet?
I don't know why i keep coming back to this thread. Oh wait yeah i do, because it's been at the top since inception. I remember another thread just like this one a few years back regarding 2.0's. It had about the same for/against margin mixed in with scalper and HT greed inflation conversation.

I get all angles being discussed for and against this practice. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. I will say this though, For those saying they don't expect nor care to make money on these things.. please contact me when it comes time to sell a figure you aren't interested in anymore.
Sure, always glad to be sure a figure i am moving on goes into another collectors hands.
I'll sell at original retail when the times comes.

I was about to get han and chewy set for $650 so I'm glad I didnt.Now where can I get the pre-orders or them or are they even out yet?

Is it the one on Facebook BST? I would go for cheaper and brand new myself unless you really want the belt and guns
You know the thread title does ask "How do you feel..." so if people aren't happy about it, they're more than welcome to voice their opinion.

As for myself I bought them all previously before they were marked up, but that doesn't mean I didn't have to scramble to find them before they were sold out locally. I had to get Obi-Wan from Sideshow because it was sold out in Australia. I'd probably be annoyed if I'd paid full price, but I had $80 worth of rewards, so I got it cheap anyway.

I'd be probably spewing if I'd paid AUD $800 for Han and Chewie, only to have them come back in stock at retail a few months later for $150 less. It wasn't just ebay scaplers that upped the prices on these figures, all online stores here put the prices up as soon as they were starting to sell out. Absolute greed there because Sideshow never upped their prices when stock was getting low.
I've only been collecting 1/6 for about a year-and-a-half. How rare is this for HT, a straight-up re-release of a figure sans changes? It's another chance for me to purchase a Chewie, another chance I'll likely pass.
I've only been collecting 1/6 for about a year-and-a-half. How rare is this for HT, a straight-up re-release of a figure sans changes?

Never been done before. Vader was the first that they announced an additional run based on demand. Then Kylo. Now this.

Prior to this, HT always double-dipped but waited about two years between and offered a new improved V2 or V3.
Not sure if this has been confirmed already for the North American market, but SSC confirmed with myself on Thursday (yesterday), they will have them for order shortly on the site.
Is this just speculation?? if not can someone provide a link..

Why would hot toys change thier business model over a few figures. Wouldnt it be a waste of resources redoing them for a limited market of people who missed out when they could just do empire strikes back versions that more people would buy anyway because the market isn't already partially saturated.
Hopefully after this new run of figs they announce Stormtrooper Han. I want to be done with Star Wars until ESB.
Not speculation, there are many stores abroad with new pre-orders for these. No US stores yet though.

Hmm well if they are doing this for these figures where is the reissue of DX11, it sells for more then these star wars figures so demand is higher... godfather, blade leonidas are all waiting...common hot toys whats the hold up..