Hot Toys Tokyo Expo Guesses

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Super Freak
Apr 15, 2008
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Any guesses as to what we will see come out of the Hot Toys Expo?

I think likely we will see:
Indiana Jones
Boba Fett
Iron Man Mark V
Either Clu or Quorra or maybe both
Ney'tiri or Jake Sully
Reeve Superman
some Captain America, Thor and Green Lantern Announcement

Extreme long shot but I'm severely hoping:
Iron Monger
Whiplash Mk II
Any guesses as to what we will see come out of the Hot Toys Expo?

I think likely we will see:
Indiana Jones
Boba Fett
Iron Man Mark V
Either Clu or Quorra or maybe both
Ney'tiri or Jake Sully
Reeve Superman
some Captain America, Thor and Green Lantern Announcement

Extreme long shot but I'm severely hoping:
Iron Monger
Whiplash Mk II

maybe I´m very pesimist but I don't expect so much only the indy and superman.
Now that hot toys has borrowed the godfather, terminator 2, indiana jones and star wars from sideshow im hoping for lord of the rings.
Any guesses as to what we will see come out of the Hot Toys Expo?

In addition to Superman/Indy, I expect to see prototypes of one of the inevitable, forthcoming Terminator figures (either BD T2 T-800 or Police Assault T1 T-800). I also expect to see another Expendables guy (I figure they'll do 2 or 3 from the film, anyway), Willem Defoe from Platoon, Res. Evil chick, Symbiote Spiderman 3, at least one Avatar creature, and very possibly another Stallone (Cobra?). Mark V will probably be shown, as well.

As far as new licenses, I agree with Cap, Thor, and Green Lantern. Original Tron would be nice, as would Star Wars though I wouldn't be surprised if they held off on that and gave it its announcement by itself later in the year. I figure they'll have one or two left field license announcements that are gonna be impossible to guess. Just for the hell of it, I'll guess Big Lebowski and Mystery Men :D

I think Watchmen is dead.
Now that hot toys has borrowed the godfather, terminator 2, indiana jones and star wars from sideshow im hoping for lord of the rings.

Would love to see a LOTR license announced, Lurtz and strider Aragorn would be awesome.

Personally i would love to see a 28 days later or Inception license, but thats never gonna happen.
I'm hoping for original Tron but I don't see hope for that.