Hot Toys The Last Jedi Captain Phasma 1/6 Figure

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No, and I doubt she ever will.

Pure speculation on my part, but if anybody ends up actually killing Snoke in the next two films, my money is on Phasma.

I know she wields an axe and a sword at some point.

Unless Captain Phasma has Grievous's speed, strength, agility, or any other Jedi like Obi-Wan, she won't be resisting Snoke's Force freeze.
I know she wields an axe and a sword at some point.

Unless Captain Phasma has Grievous's speed, strength, agility, or any other Jedi like Obi-Wan, she won't be resisting Snoke's Force freeze.

I wouldn’t expect it to be a fair fight or direct attack.
I wouldn’t expect it to be a fair fight or direct attack.

True, but the thought of it is tough to believe. If Snoke is really stronger than Vader and Palpatine, someone without experience with Force users will have a nick of a chance killing let alone injuring her superior. I mean, she has no experience (unlike the villains in the OT and PT) killing Jedi. Pardon my ignorance, but I don't recall the novel showing the First Order encountering Jedi (minus Kylo Ren).
After reading, actually listening to, the new Phasma novel I have a whole different perspective on the character. She's definitely not cowardly or weak.

I'll be in line for the new, shiny armored Phasma figure and am looking forward to seeing more of her in TLJ.

That's nice to hear there is some additional content out there to expand on this character, to make her richer or more well-rounded in some folks' eyes; however, I am basing my views on how she was portrayed in the film, definitive canon which isn't generally altered or reset on a whim by the corporate overlords. If nothing else, she *looks* cool :hi5:
It's tiresome that the same fools jump into with the same repetitive crap every time phasma is mentioned. Why bother at this point?

Hey, now, we're all on the same side here. Perhaps you've tread this ground before but not with me and I don't care for name-calling directed towards those who may hold a different opinion of a movie character. Can't we all just get along? :peace
Oh not at all, it actually shows just how far she’s willing to go to save her own ass in any situation. Very far. It’s actually quite engaging and gives her character a real menace. Her actions in the comics after having read the novel are expected, and to be honest rather tame for her.

I’ll be picking up TLJ Phasma as I skipped the TFA version, and I feel that the clean armor and pike reflect her character post novel the best.

An interesting notion, one that I personally would have liked to see play out in a movie rather than in supplemental works. The slimy, "survivor" (coward) doesn't jibe with the portrayal throughout the majority of the film and sounds more like apologist marketing material created to improve the image of a character that was "falsely advertised" to fans of the property. The First Order is presented as a fanatical militant organization, that "rises from the ashes of the Empire" - Young children are taken from their families to be raised as a soldiers, schooled in extremist ideology. In my opinion, it is the fanatical villain, the true believer, that is most menacing (in both fiction & life) and the FO is supposedly churning them out at a substantial rate. For a ranking officer in this type of organization to commit high treason to just save her own skin, in the process causing the countless deaths of comrades & a potential fatal blow to their war effort, is simply stupid. General Hux seems more of an appropriate example of what the FO represents - Channeling Hitler, he gives a rousing speech to his legions, so impassioned that he looks on the verge of tears, then proceeds to commit global genocide. Phasma should have had the good sense to die in the explosion, reaping what she had sown, or by her own hand, if she was rescued (which she presumably was). Just my two cents. :)
Well without spoiling things there's also some history of Hux and his father, who plays a big part in phasma. I would say you need to read the book as that might provide context.
An interesting notion, one that I personally would have liked to see play out in a movie rather than in supplemental works.

Yup. The problem so far with the sequel trilogy is that you really have to read the books to have the whole picture. As much as I enjoy books and movies interconnecting and forming s larger universe, it's not fair to the people who don't read books/comics. Granted there's only been one movie in the new trilogy, but I feel you need the stuff in the books to truly see the whole scale of what was presented in it. Hoping TLJ changes that a bit.
I'm a fan of all three, though you do need to watch TCW if you want to fully comprehend the prequels.
It’s no secret they came out with the Novel and comic series to rehab a character they knew they dropped the ball on. I don’t see why anyone would complain though:dunno

I’ll give them credit for trying and actually coming up with a couple more interesting characters for the SW Universe while doing it.
Yeah Boba Fett on-screen is incredibly lame when I first saw him. The Force Unleashed comic series made him more enjoyable. Maul is a letdown in Phantom Menace before his popularity soared during TCW. General Grievous was terrible in the film and in TCW he is an incompetent buffoon. His 2003 and comic versions are always the best.
It’s no secret they came out with the Novel and comic series to rehab a character they knew they dropped the ball on. I don’t see why anyone would complain though:dunno

I’ll give them credit for trying and actually coming up with a couple more interesting characters for the SW Universe while doing it.

I mean from what I recall Phasma was a late addition to the script, and was never meant to be that big of a deal in TFA. But everyone loved the actress and her look, so marketing latched onto her and made her seem like a bigger deal. Thus the disappointment.

I believe the intention was always to expand on her character in the sequels.
Yup! Phasma is cool, but I'm sticking primarily to Force users. I will say this Phasma, with the different armor and the pike, looks a LOT better than TFA Phasma.
This has different armor?? lol - looks exactly the same. I mean other than this figure has some scuff/scrap marks that the first didn't have. It's all about marketing, so it seems like they would've gotten a different outfit - but I guess somewhere on there there's a curved piece when the first one had a straight angled piece? Then again, I'm a Star Wars original/older novels fan. It's quite a testament to the franchise when all the 70's/80's Star Wars stuff is more relevant to little kids than the Disney era. Sorry to bother you guys with my unnecessary (almost 40 year old/curmudgeon) post. I just searched 'Boba Fett' and was led here lol.
This has different armor?? lol - looks exactly the same. I mean other than this figure has some scuff/scrap marks that the first didn't have. It's all about marketing, so it seems like they would've gotten a different outfit - but I guess somewhere on there there's a curved piece when the first one had a straight angled piece? Then again, I'm a Star Wars original/older novels fan. It's quite a testament to the franchise when all the 70's/80's Star Wars stuff is more relevant to little kids than the Disney era. Sorry to bother you guys with my unnecessary (almost 40 year old/curmudgeon) post. I just searched 'Boba Fett' and was led here lol.

I think her armor in TLJ has some weathering or a different finish to it. That's what I meant by different. It is largely the same lol.
Haha, dirty/weathered from the trash compactor of Starkiller Base, not from battle :wink1:

Yes it's filthy down there! :rotfl

Or... it could be from the fight with Finn. Maybe she's become more useful since TFA. Her armor was way too polished in TFA..
General Grievous was terrible in the film and in TCW he is an incompetent buffoon.
You're talking about the CGI show right? Original animated CW version was a beast!
I think her armor in TLJ has some weathering or a different finish to it. That's what I meant by different. It is largely the same lol.

The differences are:
Phasma's chrome armour isn't weathered, it's new
Her shin armour is new
Her finger armour is new
Her armour closures are curved
Handplates are different
Her belt no longer has any cloth on pouches, all chrome
Her knee plates now face the opposite way
Her toe and ankle armour has some changes too
Her spear
Her spear collapses to attach to her waist
Her gold blaster is now silver
She also has a small blaster pistol that attaches to her thigh
The differences are:
Phasma's chrome armour isn't weathered, it's new
Her shin armour is new
Her finger armour is new
Her armour closures are curved
Handplates are different
Her belt no longer has any cloth on pouches, all chrome
Her knee plates now face the opposite way
Her toe and ankle armour has some changes too
Her spear
Her spear collapses to attach to her waist
Her gold blaster is now silver
She also has a small blaster pistol that attaches to her thigh

Thank you for that! :clap
The differences are:
Phasma's chrome armour isn't weathered, it's new
Her shin armour is new
Her finger armour is new
Her armour closures are curved
Handplates are different
Her belt no longer has any cloth on pouches, all chrome
Her knee plates now face the opposite way
Her toe and ankle armour has some changes too
Her spear
Her spear collapses to attach to her waist
Her gold blaster is now silver
She also has a small blaster pistol that attaches to her thigh

Thanks for the list! I hadn't done any kind of in depth analysis. It's cool to know her outfit IS different.