Hot Toys putting Sideshow to shame.

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Told an ^^^^^^^ he was being an ^^^^^^^.

Plus I was getting tired of baby sitting all you ninny-farts. :fart

Actually, I have said plenty of nice things about SS. That is where you are dead wrong. I have no vested interest in any one company. My interests are about finding the best product out there for my hobby and I call em' like I see em'. I bet you'd have no problem with anything I said if I switched SS and HT around, would you? Then I'd be a hero to all the SS devotees. If you're satisfied with all your stuff then that is super. Just don't get down on the rest of us for speaking the truth as WE see it.

I can't believe every time I log in here I gotta deal with a bunch of SS prima donna sociopaths. :rolleyes:

I haven't really seen anyone being rude, perhaps some disagreeing with you though. And the tone of your original post does set up for some emotional reactions. I think most reasonable people can see merits in the approaches to both companies, but they have different business models and will do things differently. It's not a matter of defending one over the other and I don't really see that happening here.
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Ok, i'll put my 2 cents in







I would happily let all of these ladies have sex with me. I believe in diversified collections though.

SS puts out more, but HT is better in the sack.

It isn't that HT is better in the sack, you're just more likely to video tape yourself with HT and put it out there because you want people to know where pepe has been whereas SSC is good either way. :D
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