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I am torn between keeping this figure or the GA one; I think I only need one in the collection, which one do you think should make the cut? I am not liking that FA Cap is shorter and the shield flakes, but there are fixes to those (longer pegs, clear spray). Opinions? :gah:
I am torn between keeping this figure or the GA one; I think I only need one in the collection, which one do you think should make the cut? I am not liking that FA Cap is shorter and the shield flakes, but there are fixes to those (longer pegs, clear spray). Opinions? :gah:

FA > GA every day and twice on Sunday.
I am torn between keeping this figure or the GA one; I think I only need one in the collection, which one do you think should make the cut? I am not liking that FA Cap is shorter and the shield flakes, but there are fixes to those (longer pegs, clear spray). Opinions? :gah:

The only thing I don't like about GA is the head sculpt. FA HS is slightly better but not that much better and he's a bit skinnier compared to the other caps. Get the steve rogers HS for GA and you're set! Plus, the diecast shield! :p
GA cap wins hands down. Even with the crap head. I replaced that head with a strike suit head or you can use an aou head. It makes the figure my favorite cap.
I sold my FA cap when GA shipped, I was pretty happy with the upgrade, especially with the DieCast Shield, however the GA figure never truly impressed me until I scored The Rogers head from the two pack set off MD, once I put that head on the overall figures proportions were perfect, no more pin headed look, I also got the GA empty helmet to complete the look, I would say this is the ultimate Look for Classic WW2 Cap





They're both great figures, but my vote goes to GA cap.
TFA looks great, but even with longer foot pegs, he's on the small side.
So next to other figures, specially Thor, he looks like he lost some of the Super Soldier Serum.

GA Cap on the other hand can hang with Thor.

GA's so poofy... :monkey3 Though Skull's pics are making me rethink that.

I've seen some other people try it (I've only considered it), but there is the option to use a larger body with FA Cap (i.e., Cap bodies from Avengers or TWS). The tailoring would be a bit off, but it would bulk it up a bit.
If you ask me Golden Age is the far superior version :clap

I agree, it is the better figure for a few reason, bigger body, diecast shield, better articulation, although FA came with guns which increased pose options!!

They're both great figures, but my vote goes to GA cap.
TFA looks great, but even with longer foot pegs, he's on the small side.
So next to other figures, specially Thor, he looks like he lost some of the Super Soldier Serum.

GA Cap on the other hand can hang with Thor.

Great photos and yes, it fits in better with the newer figures.

GA's so poofy... :monkey3 Though Skull's pics are making me rethink that.

I've seen some other people try it (I've only considered it), but there is the option to use a larger body with FA Cap (i.e., Cap bodies from Avengers or TWS). The tailoring would be a bit off, but it would bulk it up a bit.

That was my first impression and it does look a bit puffy with the stock head, that head comes across as pin headed which in turn throws the proportions off, however with the unmasked head, it looks just right!!




Great photos and yes, it fits in better with the newer figures.

Thanks. Love your pics also.

The Skull said:
That was my first impression and it does look a bit puffy with the stock head, that head comes across as pin headed which in turn throws the proportions off, however with the unmasked head, it looks just right!!





I'm glad to see this head fits well with GA Cap. I do recall seeing this head, I think on a TFA and it looked big. So with the GA, it looks perfect.
I'm getting the AOU cap which comes with the Evans head so I think ill use that on my GA.
I sold my FA cap when GA shipped, I was pretty happy with the upgrade, especially with the DieCast Shield, however the GA figure never truly impressed me until I scored The Rogers head from the two pack set off MD, once I put that head on the overall figures proportions were perfect, no more pin headed look, I also got the GA empty helmet to complete the look, I would say this is the ultimate Look for Classic WW2 Cap





Wow that looks awesome! I'd love to do the same on mine - where did you get the empty GA helmet from? Seriously leaning towards just keeping the GA one! :clap
Thanks. Love your pics also.

I'm glad to see this head fits well with GA Cap. I do recall seeing this head, I think on a TFA and it looked big. So with the GA, it looks perfect.
I'm getting the AOU cap which comes with the Evans head so I think ill use that on my GA.

Thanks, I had the same plan because trying to get two pack head seemed nearly impossible as it kept selling out every time it was broke down but, I finally got lucky one day and scored one:yess:

I'm still getting the AOU version though, that figure looks amazing and will be my modern cap for display:)

Wow that looks awesome! I'd love to do the same on mine - where did you get the empty GA helmet from? Seriously leaning towards just keeping the GA one! :clap

Thanks, here's a link

Custom made 1/6 Scale CA Helmet For Display Only

Remy you should pick one of these up as well since your planning to put the AOU Steve head on yours:wink1:
Wheres the best place to grab a closest custom replica of this shield? Just bought this guy but has a severe flakking issue.

also what is the checklist to provide best looking display?

1. Non flake shield
2. Belt fix up/tighter

Wheres the best place to grab a closest custom replica of this shield? Just bought this guy but has a severe flakking issue.

also what is the checklist to provide best looking display?

1. Non flake shield
2. Belt fix up/tighter


If you want more articulation for poses, then it'll help to unglue the padded shoulders from the main suit. And if you're displaying him with other figures, also make sure you have the longer foot pegs.