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No way... Bacta Tank Diaper Luke FTW!

The moment you realize your Bacta diaper sprung a leak...

I know Wor-Gar didn’t mean anything racist with his statement, and T2 was perhaps a bit over-sensitive about the crack. I’m hispanic and I got nothing malicious from WG’s words.

However, I have to say people jumping in and calling T2 a snowflake and SJW is what really raised my hackles. The whole situation could have been defused perfectly fine without having to resort to name calling. Indeed many others came in to lighten the mood without piling on T2. I appreciate that you guys came to WG’s defense, but name calling and attacking wasn’t necessary, IMO.
So.... any one think HT will start announcing ROTJ figures soon? We got 4 teased so far and with 2 SW movies within half a year I don't know if they will do any OT announcements during that time.
Not sure how that's racist?

I would like to know how that is racist actually or "a casual slight towards another race", especially since you have no idea what race I am. You can PM your opinion to me. I'd be very interested. My sentence reads as fact to me -- a joke I do often around here using other languages for emphasis to add importance. You know, like saying "nada, nein" for emphasis on the word "no".

My sentiments as well.

I noticed that freak (and just so they don't lambast me, I'm referring to them as a freak as a fellow member of this forum; not calling them personally a freak) has only 70 posts, so it's likely they're not familiar with the posting mannerisms of many other freaks here and may take everything said on here literally.

Couldn't agree more though about them having no idea what race you are or anything about you in general, so not sure how they can label you as "racist" towards any particular ethnic group.
My hope lies now on Jedi Luke being announced at SDCC.

Wor-Gar is actually an anagram for 'racist'.

Don't bother checking but it's a fact. A scientific fact.

Shhhh... quiet you.


So much anger in the Jedi thread. Silly Jedi *Jabba laugh*

Tonight's another chance at a SW reveal... but I have a feeling its going to be another Guardian.

I do like that TaunTaun sleeping bag speaking of bellies.

But yes, even the DX07 shows you -- HT made their definitively iconic Luke as Bespin. In fact, two Bespins. That's 'dos' for you Hispanics out there.

Damn, and you think you know a guy. smh
I'm only racist to my own kind Scottish/German/Ukrainian. Are there any other Scottish/German/Ukrainians on here I can offend? If so let me know so we can call each other Schemie/Kraut/Kogut! LOL
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