Hot Toys DX Bespin Luke Skywalker

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I could be wrong... but my guess is Sideshow will not give up the armored figures to HT. But honestly, as good as the recent ones have been I'm not worried about that.

As long as they make these guys, I am more than happy for Sideshow to keep the Armoured figures. Hot Toys already help Sideshow out with those type of figures anyway
I'll most likely (gulp) pass on this Luke (Gawd that was hard just to type!). Unless he does come with the X-Wing gear, in which case I'll be selling some internal organs online.

I will only buy repeats of Han. And I don't feel so bad doing that since they were all relatively cheap. I mean, geez, I got Bespin Han for 20 bucks shipped! And now ANH Han's price of $65 seems like they were giving it away! But most everything else in my collection I'm happy with.
Hey, we can't expect Star Wars only reveals every day. Sure it's one of SSC main licence but there's a lot of other brands around.
Waitaminute, a DX Bespin Luke?
... and we know that Sideshow is currently making a new 1/6 Vader...
Hmmm, maybe an inevitable Carbonite freezing chamber 1/6 environment?
I may be in the minority, but I'd rather just have a Sideshow version of Dooku. Generally their "old guy" figures have been badass... and Dooku is one I probably would not want to spend an extra $50 on to get HT quality.

Yeah, they did great with Ben and even Palps but I'd love to have Dooku with HT quality body and paint apps. Also, I'm not as fond of most of SS's clothing as you are but I guess I'm just picky. :D
Yeah, they did great with Ben and even Palps but I'd love to have Dooku with HT quality body and paint apps. Also, I'm not as fond of most of SS's clothing as you are but I guess I'm just picky. :D

They have been pretty much top notch for the last 2 years or so.
Being a big Luke collector, this is insanely good news. I just wonder what a HT DX of a Bespin luke will all entail.

Can't wait. Luke finally gets 1/6 justice!
They have been pretty much top notch for the last 2 years or so.

They've definitely improved these last couple years. Although so has HT and, for me, they're just a few notches below what HT is doing right now in most areas. I have no complaints about the armored figures lately. Those are awesome! Yoda's and other aliens sculpts and paint have been great too.

Being a big Luke collector, this is insanely good news. I just wonder what a HT DX of a Bespin luke will all entail.

Can't wait. Luke finally gets 1/6 justice!

:rock I've got a list of things that I'd love to see this come with.
Yeah, they did great with Ben and even Palps but I'd love to have Dooku with HT quality body and paint apps. Also, I'm not as fond of most of SS's clothing as you are but I guess I'm just picky. :D

I think the recent clothing has been very good... but yeah, the Palpatine robes (especially the red ones) were kind of funky.
Pseudo Han could be great! Imagine this dressed up like Solo:


I think this looks more like the guy that young Indiana Jones stole the cross from in TLC than it does like Harrison Ford. But I guess I can see some Hariison in there...somewhere.
I bought the sideshow luke jedi around 2007 as I was slightly late to the game, and back then I also bought another hot toys figure in 2007 and it looked like this:

So I think my comparison to the sideshow luke to my 2007 hot toys t-800 endoskeleton a fair comparison(granted it maybe only a year off). I don't know where you got that head from, but even back then in 2007 hot toys was way ahead of sideshow in terms of detail if you base it off of the t-800 endoskeleton.
But that was the only comparison I had back then as I didn't collect human figures from hot toys back in 2007.

So going off of the t-800, I made the conclusion back in 2007 that hot toys had way more detail campared to SS.

That head is from HT's Marines "Apone"...
I'm not saying HT didn't have great quality back then... I'm just saying, you were discussing the sculpt,
which is not the problem with SS figures, maybe the paint job yes... but I wanted to show you what HT's
paint-job for human characters was back then, nowhere near to today, same with SS...
Comparing the sculpt of the Endo to a human, is apples and oranges...
Even so, that Luke sculpt is one of the finest I've ever seen, despite being oversized...