hisstank.com . . . is it worthwhile to officially join/register?

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Jul 24, 2007
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NE Florida
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The 25th & 30th Anniversary bug has bitten me as of late and I'm finding myself slowly amassing a growing collection of 3.75" figures that I am actually opening and setting up . . . unlike the majority of my 1:6 collection as of late.

This section of the forum is dedicated to the 12" offerings from Sideshow . . . of course. I read about hisstank.com within this forum from time to time when it comes to information pertaining to 3.75" products and their reactions to 12" figures from Sideshow.

I perused through hisstank.com on occasion and I admit some of the information there is very useful.

I don't see myself geeking out over 3.75" by acquiring any & every offering as they become available, but just certain characters I find worthwhile.

Is hisstank.com a good forum to officially join or since I am not necessarily a die hard 3.75" enthusiast would it just be better to peruse and soak up useful information?
Couldn't hurt to join I don't guess. I used to be a pretty active member there, oh, 4 years ago or so. You can't ask questions if you can't post.
I post once in awhile, I post my gallery, but mainly there to read up on 3 3/4" and it does have up to date info.
Yeah, I think it's worthwhile.

You have to sift through a lot of spammy threads but there are some pretty good guys and serious collectors who are a good resource for any questions you might have.

I still prefer Yojoe.com but it's been fairly quiet there ever since the 25th-style lines really took off - the influx of new collectors seem to have joined Hisstank, primarily.
Honestly I've found that while Hissyfit's a good resource for everything Hasbro related 25th and post, but YoJoe (at least for the older stuff) is better. And anything really crucial to the Joeverse gets posted here anyway by those who brave the crap. I don't like it there because I can't fathom the concept of hating on something for nothing more than because you can't afford it on a weekly, chore-based allowance. If you can get past that, I suppose it won't be that bad.
I also liked yojoe.com's forums better. I still stick my nose in there every once in awhile, but it always seems pretty dead. I can't remember any of the specifics, but it seems like some of Hisstank's founding fathers and more vocal members were booted out of yojoe.com for one reason or another (YoJoe felt like it catered a bit more to older members, cracking down on language and other BS that folks could get away with at Hisstank). There seemed to be some bad blood there for whatever reason.
I also liked yojoe.com's forums better. I still stick my nose in there every once in awhile, but it always seems pretty dead. I can't remember any of the specifics, but it seems like some of Hisstank's founding fathers and more vocal members were booted out of yojoe.com for one reason or another (YoJoe felt like it catered a bit more to older members, cracking down on language and other BS that folks could get away with at Hisstank). There seemed to be some bad blood there for whatever reason.

Kinda sounds like the Spawn.com douches who come over here, bashing everything high-end and swearing up a storm. :lol
Honestly I've found that while Hissyfit's a good resource for everything Hasbro related 25th and post, but YoJoe (at least for the older stuff) is better. And anything really crucial to the Joeverse gets posted here anyway by those who brave the crap. I don't like it there because I can't fathom the concept of hating on something for nothing more than because you can't afford it on a weekly, chore-based allowance. If you can get past that, I suppose it won't be that bad.

:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol Uh-Huh :lol
I only use my lack of money to hate on the price...not on other factors of a figure...would I still fit in with hisstank?
Yojoe.com, that place is steered towards the sponsors. I made one post about removing some of the excessive advertisements and got banned. "RedClaw" went on to say I made personal threats towards him in private messages...that never happened. Nevermind that I helped contribute to some of content there. Still has the best archive on the web.

His stank is a truly sad place that proves just how creepy adult toy collectors can be. Stay away from there and you will be a better human being for it.
I post here and there... and i have had no issues with anyone there.

I will say that the comments about "hating" on something costing more than 6.99 are completely accurate. I hardly discuss anything SideShow there.
I post here and there... and i have had no issues with anyone there.

I will say that the comments about "hating" on something costing more than 6.99 are completely accurate. I hardly discuss anything SideShow there.

The price point of 3 3/4" figures lends itself to collectors on a budget. I don't have a problem with that, per se, but the "vocal minority" who feel the need to complain about things they can't afford is annoying, definitely.

But hey, it's the internet.
I'm a member at Hiss (though under a different name). It's a fun place but I usually hang around in the off topic areas a good chunk of the time but I've never had any problems there.