Happy 30th Anniversary, ESB!

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Figuring it out
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Jul 13, 2006
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Happy Anniversary to the best episode in the saga, The Emprie Strikes Back!

Share your ESB memories and moments here...
Just watched it again last night, hadn't seen it in a while...

It beats the crap out of the crap Lucas is putting out these days(well crap without crap isn't much of anything, is it? :lol)... No Jar Jar or anything, no stupid midichlorians (cograts, you can use the force, cuz you have a bacterial infection!)

Just a great movie. Never noticed before that Han mentioned that "a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell" changed his mind!

Oh a neat little tidbit, you guys know how the walls in the Hoth base are all scratched up? Remember white C-3PO with a hole in his chest? Did you ever wonder what that little orange and red sign on the door Han passed was for?
The sign was a warning sign, that's where they were keeping all the wampas that destroyed parts of the base! The wampa attack never actually got made though... (at least I don't think so)... but the aftermath is visible in the movie.
As a kid I wasn't a fan of Empire cuz it was so dark, but as I got older I fell in love. To this day I still remember it being on HBO about this time of year, I was outside with my dad shoveling (it had to be very early 90s) and my mom yelled to me it was on. Well dad finished the shoveling by himself :lol
I had some butthead tell me that Darth was Lukes father---from then on I was there opening day or do not talk about movie
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/neuMyI8M5fc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/neuMyI8M5fc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The 1st time I remember seeing ESB was when ROTJ came out (yes I know weird), but they played all 3 movies in the one sitting. I was only young (11 I think) Empire was kinda overshadowed by me wanting to to see ROTJ more but it was still incredible, I remember my floating stomach as the Snow speeders went over the hills, the ATAT are still my Favs.
I was only 9 when I saw ESB in 1980, but remember it so clearly.
My Dad told me to close my eyes as we were coming around the corner of the street near the Cinema. he led me to the queue (line) outside the Movie theater and told me to open them. I was staring right at the poster, I was so happy as I had been going on about how much I needed to see this movie. When went inside they had Star Wars figures and Vehicles behind glass cases. And when I was watching it, the shock that Vader was Luke's father is something I also still remember. My Dad took me again to see a double bill with Star Wars and we stayed and watched both movies.

I can truly say that not only is this film my favourite sequel of all time, but the best movie ever made
Wow guys. I was born in 85...I feel like I missed something big here. :(

I think u did, seeing these movies on the big screen for the first time & not knowing the story was absolutely incredible, todays movies would have a lot more impact without all the spoilers & books before hand. arghh back when employees could be trusted to keep secrets :cool:
Wow. Is it May 21st already? It seems like Christmas and New Year's were just yesterday:D

Seriously, it's hard to believe it's been almost 30 years. I remember being one of many kids who felt, when the first images and details starting leaking in magazines like Starlog and Fantastic Films in the winter and spring of 1980, like we were being treated to pieces of manna from heaven. When the Marvel Comics adaptation hit the newstands about 2 weeks before the film opened, I devoured it voraciously, and the fact that I knew the story before going to the film on opening day in no way diminished the power of seeing it for the first time on the big screen( and by "big screen", I mean the Loews Astor Plaza in midtown Manhattan, which was one of the last great movie palaces still running before theatres and screens were chopped into chunks with the birth of the multiplexes in the 80's).

Empire is the greatest Star Wars film of them all, and it's unlikely it will ever be bested. I'll be thrilling to it when I'm 75(which, considering I saw it opening day in '80, ain't too far away anymore!!!)
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Wow guys. I was born in 85...I feel like I missed something big here. :(

I was born in 85 too but my earliest memories involve Star Wars. Having the toys, watching them on HBO and NBC. It was a long 10 years to 95, I'll tell ya what.
Empire is definitely my favorite SW movie and still my reigning favorite film to date. Just so many great elements to it. Kershner really did wonders with the dark moody feel of the movie in a way that I don't Lucas could have were he directing. The script is priceless. Also has all my favorite costumes for the main cast.

I was too young to catch it in theaters the first go-round but saw the special edition in '97. Would love for them to release it theatres again. :love :drool
I actually remember the toys before seeing the movie, my 1st Star Wars figure was going to be IG88 but it was missing the price sticker so my mother made me pick another and that was the ATAT driver SWEET!
Wow guys. I was born in 85...I feel like I missed something big here. :(

Same, which is why I had to see all 3 SE re-release in theaters. Incredible seeing it on the big screen and just like others have said, this used to be my least favorite until I grew up
I was 14 when Empire came out. I remember reading a review in the paper that told about Vader being Luke's father. Spoilers didn't seem to exist back then. :mad:
I was eight when I saw ESB and I remember watching small tv screens in the foyer showing parts of the movie before going in. I recall watching the Probe Droid shooting at Chewie behind the mound of snow, and not knowing how much of a massive treat I was in for. Even when Darth acknowledged Luke he was his father I was surprised!
There's so many classic visions is this movie, it still remains to be my favourite movie of all time. I don't think anything will top it.
It simply is science fiction perfection.:bow
:happybday ESB and here's to another 30.:duff