Greek Gods?

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Super Freak
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
I'd love to see Sideshow's take on the classical Greek gods...Ares, Hades, Zeus, Aphrodite, and so on...

Could be a creative series, and heck, no royalty payments for Sideshow...

What do you all think?
maybe they could start a new mythology line, taking up not only the greek ones but mythology in general.

i also would like to see sideshow's take on the the zodiac line, the chinese zodiac, maybe a good take on the atlantis mythology... great stuff if done right! :D
Olympus would be the ultimate Premium Format line. I would buy all 12.

greek gods rock!!ares with light up eyes would be great!!!
They'd have to do some serious research to make it worth while. Details like Athena's aegis, Dionysus' thrysus, and Aphrodite's cestus are the kinds of things that would mean all the difference between pop-art line and a serious set of statues.

I would drop Star Wars and G.I. Joe to collect something like this, but I don't think my enthusiasm would be shared by many. I don't even know if it would be worth it to them if they did edition sizes of 100 with a minimum $300 price point. I think the best bet would be to find an independent artist, though the price would be much more than $300 per piece.
It would also have wider appeal versus the usual crowd. People (read non-geeks) could display these pieces in their living rooms etc. But then Sideshow may have to change their name to Main Event... hmm.
greek gods top star wars easily!:banana:bananaif they made them right they will be great!!the problem is that few will buy those statues,so sideshow wont get a big profit from them.has anyone ask sideshow about greek gods??

edit:found that photo in wikipedia which is great imo

I bet it would sell okay...I was surprised that SOTA's "Death" statue EX sold out within 15 minutes.

I would assume that the Greek gods have a broader appeal that we might not be aware of, plus there's lots of Greek culture in the mainstream this year, what with "Percy Jackson" and "Clash of the Titans" on the way...
I'm sure we'll at least get Hollywood's/Hot Toys' 1/6th interpretation of Zues from the new clash of the titans movie. Liam Neeson + fantastic armor/costume=must buy for me!
I'm sure we'll at least get Hollywood's/Hot Toys' 1/6th interpretation of Zues from the new clash of the titans movie. Liam Neeson + fantastic armor/costume=must buy for me!

I thought he looked pretty weak as zeus. And is he also playing hades?