Going to C4? Adam Hughes print....

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But you know I'm a fan of PBR, I'm not part of their fan club thing. I don't get a chance at the good seats at the shows.

Sometimes being a member of something has its perks, or like me just take a chance and hopefully get a good seat at good price.
The thing is they are doing a pre order for people in a yahoo group but not for us who are paying the money to go. Now if the Yahoo group had someone go and they go in line like the rest of us then went back and sold it to those who wanted one thats all good.

Ohh well I am pretty sure I can get one, but if I dont I will be saying something.
mfoga said:
Ohh well I am pretty sure I can get one, but if I dont I will be saying something.
Make sure you say it to Lucasfilm, since they are the ones ultimately calling the shots.

Again, it's not Adam, Allison, J.J., etc. It's LFL... who has let loose a double-standard here. They wouldn't allow Adam to accept reservations of his piece for attendees (even though most of the other artists, including Allison, were allowed to do so) because they want attendees to be able to buy them at the show. Makes sense, except when you consider that they're still allowing the pre-sales via the Yahoo Group to NON-Attendees. Yes, they are limiting on how many can be pre-sold that way... but even if it's only 50-100 prints that is 20-40% of the entire allotment gone before the first CIV attendee walks through the door, essentially creating the very scenario LFL was trying to avoid by asking Adam not to accept holds or reservations for attendees.

This isn't Rocket Science, but sometimes it seems you need the Rosetta Stone to figure out how LFL thinks.
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IrishJedi said:
Make sure you say it to Lucasfilm, since they are the ones ultimately calling the shots.
No I dont want anyone to get in trouble but I was planning to make sure Adam understands my dissatisfaction with this. I understand Adam want to take care of his fans and trying to do right by them but I dont want LFL to go after him.
IrishJedi said:
Make sure you say it to Lucasfilm, since they are the ones ultimately calling the shots.

Again, it's not Adam, Allison, J.J., etc. It's LFL... who has let loose a double-standard here. They wouldn't allow Adam to accept reservations of his piece for attendees (even though most of the other artists, including Allison, were allowed to do so) because they want attendees to be able to buy them at the show. Makes sense, except when you consider that they're still allowing the pre-sales via the Yahoo Group to NON-Attendees. Yes, they are limiting on how many can be pre-sold that way... but even if it's only 50 prints that is 25% of the entire allotment gone before the first CIV attendee walks through the door, essentially creating the very scenario LFL was trying to avoid by asking Adam not to accept holds or reservations for attendees.

This isn't Rocket Science, but sometimes it seems you need the Rosetta Stone to figure out how LFL thinks.

Guys: Lucasfilm gave us a chocie; Pre-Orders or Yahoo Group, not both. Seeing as pre-orders are guys going to the show anyway, we thought it'd be more fair to try and help out those that can't make it. If you are going to be at C4, does a pre-order make THAT big a difference? Just come by the table the first day. Most pre-orders are insisting on pick ups by the 25th anyway.
Understood. But let's say Adam's prints sell out at the show within the first 1-2 hours (which may not be likely but is is pretty conceivable). What about that next person who shows up at the table at 2PM on Thursday only to discover that they're sold out because a portion of the total allotment was pre-sold to people who are not even at the show??

Aha!! :p

Trust me, I don't envy you guys and I do know you were trying to do the right and fair thing here. It's a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" if there ever was one. I'm just personally of the opinion (and I could very well be wrong) that if you are going to err... then it should be on the side of the people who are ATTENDING said event that has the "exclusive" items.

Just my 2 cents and nothing personal at all.
Also, let me ask this since I don't believe it's been covered...

Are the Yahoo members who are pre-ordering Adam's print able to request specific edition numbers? If so, then that would indeed be patently unfair to those attending the con.

I really hope it's not a case of the first person who buys a print AT THE SHOW choosing between #s 101 and 250.

Does anyone else think the bottom part (attached the words 'Leia') of the print looks a bit like the shape of the Millennium Falcon? Or have I just been drinking too much? :monkey5

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
PsychoCenobite said:
Does anyone else think the bottom part (attached the words 'Leia') of the print looks a bit like the shape of the Millennium Falcon? Or have I just been drinking too much? :monkey5

You're always drinking too much (as am I, admittedly). :lol

IrishJedi said:
Also, let me ask this since I don't believe it's been covered...

Are the Yahoo members who are pre-ordering Adam's print able to request specific edition numbers? If so, then that would indeed be patently unfair to those attending the con.

I really hope it's not a case of the first person who buys a print AT THE SHOW choosing between #s 101 and 250.


I NEVER honor number requests. So this won't be an issue.
I will also add this. They were supposed to only take orders from members of the yahoo group. How many (including myself) have signed up to said group and contacted JJ for a copy? It's probably at least 5, possibly more that haven't posted here. It's not a lot but this is a pretty limited run.

I think both sides of the arguement are right. The Yahoo group should've only taken pre-orders from members that were signed up when this decision was made. Not let any old person join the group and then send money for a pre-order. But being as I'm one of these people, I hope they don't change their mind :monkey3
IrishJedi said:
Understood. But let's say Adam's prints sell out at the show within the first 1-2 hours (which may not be likely but is is pretty conceivable). What about that next person who shows up at the table at 2PM on Thursday only to discover that they're sold out because a portion of the total allotment was pre-sold to people who are not even at the show??

is this any different than showing up and finding the print sold out after 2 hours, and when you ask "but what about those prints over there?" being told that they are "pe-orders" and can't be sold? What about THAT fan, that made coming to Adams' table a priority; should they suffer over the fan that couldn't be bothered getting there in a timely manner because they have one "pre-ordered"?

There's no perfect answer; we're just doing the best we can.
I asked for the artist proof original! :chew

I hope nothing falls through. Granted, I'm not the biggest fan and have only recentally heard of Adam Hughes but I love his artwork and this will probably be the first and last peice of art that I buy.

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
DarthSaffron said:
There's no perfect answer; we're just doing the best we can.

Oh, I know that... and said so earlier.

Again, even though I don't like this situation as an Attendee my beef is ultimately with LFL because they would only allow you to choose one option here.
PsychoCenobite said:
I asked for the artist proof original! :chew

I hope nothing falls through. Granted, I'm not the biggest fan and have only recentally heard of Adam Hughes but I love his artwork and this will probably be the first and last peice of art that I buy.

PsychoCenobite :monkey5

thank you so much; I know it will mean alot to Adam that you like his work!