Future diorama possibilities

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
Its interesting that all dios in 1/9 scale have been of characters actively fighting and within arm's reach of one another. Omitting lightsaber duels (of which I'm sure almost all will see the light of day in dio form) that gives us a number of possibilities based on that criteria.

Off the top of my head:

Old Ben vs. Walrusman
Luke vs. Sandperson
Chewie punching a Stormtrooper (Detention block)
Luke vs. Wampa
Chewie vs. Stormtroopers (Carbon Freezing Chamber)
Luke vs. Rancor
Luke vs. Boba Fett (Sarlacc)
Leia vs. Jabba
Han vs. Biker Scout

Obi-Wan and Qui Gon vs. Battle Droids
Gungans on riding beasts vs. Battle Droids
Obi-Wan vs. Jango
Mace vs. Jango
Anakin vs. Geonosians (Conveyor belt)
Anakin and Obi-Wan vs. Battle Droids (ROTS)
Obi-Wan vs. Grievous (with Boga and Bike)
Obi-Wan vs. Grievous (landing platform)
Anakin vs. Separatists

There are more of course, but I left out static encounters like Han and Greedo and those that just aren't very dynamic (like the Stormtrooper who throws the ewok.) :)
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You missed Chewbacca versus Ugnauts as pieces of C3PO roll by on to the furnace.:chew
That's a nice list and all, but way to heavy on the VS motif. There are plenty of "static" moments that you could make dios of that would still be powerful.

- Luke reveals Anakin's face beneath the Vader mask.
- ROTJ Jedi Spirits
- Funeral Pyre of Darth Vader
- Jabba the Hutt's main audience chamber (many small characters to showcase the whole menagerie)
- Han Solo frozen in carbonite (the moment the carbonite slab is first revealed)
- Luke and Yoda training on Dagobah
- Obi-Wan enlightening Luke about Anakin's past on Dagobah
- Palpatine revealing that he's the Sith Lord to Anakin with Anakin holding up his ignited saber
- A New Hope medal ceremony
- Empire dinner when Han shoots at Vader and Vader deflects
- Vader recruiting bounty hunters
- Darth Maul mounting his Sith speeder in the dessert
- Anakin and Padme posed back to back in the AOTC arena with debris spread about the base
- Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme showdown on Mustafar
- Reconstruction of Darth Vader on Coruscant
- Sidious and Vader in the Coruscant medical chamber
- Jedi Council
- Han and Jabba from ANH
- Han, Luke, Chewie and Leia in the prison corridor in ANH
- Trash compactor scene
- Luke and Leia's chasm swing from ANH
- Luke and Leia's rope swing from ROTJ
- Bacta Tank scene
- Luke looking out at the twin suns of Tatooine in ANH
- Padme and Anakin's wedding
- Padme and Anakin's first kiss
- Darth Vader throwing the Emperor down the Death Star shaft
- Darth Vader looking on as the Emperor attacks Luke with Sith lightning

There are a lot of cool moments to make dios of. The only real question for most collectors is size and price, as space and funds always have limits.
That's a nice list and all, but way to heavy on the VS motif.

As I stated in my post I was making a list based on the common elements in all their previous 1/9 scale SW dios. I'd definitely love a number of the scenes you mentioned, let's hope that SS branches out from the "characters fighting within arm's reach" motif.
My bad, didn't quite pick up on that point.

I think the reason the 1/9 dios have been heavy on the VS stuff is simply because a lot of moments outside of VS moments involve more characters and more environment, so you have to start taking the scale down. I'd wager that the Ani-Obi and the Duel of the Fates dios are about the largest physical space they want the dios to occupy, which is good, because much larger than that and space totally becomes the determining factor of what to buy, regardless of how affordable a piece may be.
I think the reason the 1/9 dios have been heavy on the VS stuff is simply because a lot of moments outside of VS moments involve more characters and more environment, so you have to start taking the scale down.

Yeah, I'd love to see a Dagobah training, tauntaun, or Anakin/Padme wedding in 1/9 scale. The dinner party with Vader on Cloud City would be cool but to fit the whole table in between Han and Vader would make a pretty lengthy piece.

I only want ONE. ROTJ, DSII, Luke/Vader/Palpatine! GIVE IT UP! :emperor:emperor:emperor

Just remember that SS prefers to show one character falling backwards in almost all of their Vs. dios. So instead of Luke and Vader crossing sabers in front of Palpatine you'll probably see Luke kicking his clumsy dad off the top of the stairs... :lol ;)
I want a dio of that animal farting in Jar Jar's face. And the exclusive better have a fart sound button. :monkey3
I only want ONE. ROTJ, DSII, Luke/Vader/Palpatine! GIVE IT UP! :emperor:emperor:emperor

That would be the dio for me as well, I have passed on all of them thus far but I would have to purchase the Final Duel Dio
Yeah, I'd love to see a Dagobah training, tauntaun, or Anakin/Padme wedding in 1/9 scale. The dinner party with Vader on Cloud City would be cool but to fit the whole table in between Han and Vader would make a pretty lengthy piece.

Just remember that SS prefers to show one character falling backwards in almost all of their Vs. dios. So instead of Luke and Vader crossing sabers in front of Palpatine you'll probably see Luke kicking his clumsy dad off the top of the stairs... :lol ;)

I have no interest whatsoever in a dio of the Anakin/Padme wedding.
I think the dinner party scene from Cloud City could be done-- from the perspective of looking at each of the ends of the table directly at the characters and that way two dios would be made. One with Han (outstretched arm as his gun has been pulledout), Lando (here I go again:D), Leia, and Chewie and the other dio would have Vader (holding Han's gun) and Boba.
-Jango and Obi
-Luke Entering Jabba's Palace Chokeing a GG
-Anakins March up the stairs of the Jedi Temple
-Tuskins shooting at Podracers
What about the ROTS scene where Anakin and Padme are on the balcony talking about how much the love each other and on the other side Lucas in a directors chair sleeping with a "How to Direct Dummies for Dummies" half open in his lap?

Ok, I went outa my way for that one :lol