Fantastic Four reboot

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Glad to see an older person who remembers about him.

I'm 95, I'm not dead! :wink1:

Heck I even went back and re-watched the og x-men trilogy last week and even though 3 was awful 1 and 2 were almost just as bad.
Movies these days have more of a serious tone to them with the occasional joke here and there. Do you not like the new x-men movies? Fox put those out.

X-Men 1 came out in--what--2000? A thousand years ago in the Internet Age.
Before it, there was really only Blade if one desired an "adult" take on the genre.
And while X1 may seem naive and dated today, it was paving new ground on untested terrain and had a tiny budget.
Singer's talent made it as good as it was. I think X2 was the most solid of the original trilogy, in terms of delivering a good movie that adapted the comic stories well.
X3 was like Spider-Man 3 in that the dreaded "studio notes" syndrome had taken over.
This happens all the time: a visionary director shepherds an iffy property to the box office. It's a financial and critical success. Then the talentless studio hacks swarm in like the vampire squid they are and wipe their greasy feces all over the franchise.
Failure is an orphan, and victory has a thousand fathers.

First Class and DOFP were both pretty good but the plotlines/timelines had become so convoluted and the ever-expanding cast so poorly developed that their weaknesses keep them from being either great adaptations of the books or logical extensions of the franchise.
The definitive X-Men film has yet to be made, IMO.

Fox was making it up as they went along (like trailblazers must). Feige and the MCU had the luxury, foresight, and skill to think about their world-building and develop a blueprint. Building an interconnected cinematic universe had never been done from the ground up before (only retroactively).
Warner Bros/DC is now attempting to copy that blueprint, and I don't think they have a clue how to pull it off.
Your mileage may vary . . . :peace

I do agree Marvel needs to take over Doom. He's just too good of a character to let go to waste.
So true. The FF's rogue's gallery is one of the best in the biz and Doom is the apex.
Kirby & Lee struck a creative mother-lode that is still being mined a half century later.
They were mining gold. Fox kept digging and hit a sewer line . . .


Kevin Smith interviews Josh Trank. Trank sounds pretty positive about the movie and even says that Fox was happy about it.
This may be my favorite review.

Flicks' critic Liam Maguren:

"I could easily say that this new 'Fantastic Four' outstretches its welcome, that its plot vanishes without a trace, that the action fails to ignite, or that the script could have used a good clobbering. But I've got a simpler statement: this is a bad movie and you should not watch it."

Box Office Mojo:

The lowered per-screen-average expectations of the franchise must be painful for Fox for the $120M film. The casting was intriguing and inventive putting together the dedicated and charismatic Miles Teller as the inventor Reed Richards, Kate Mara as Susan Storm, the powerful Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm (which caused a stir when announced), and, in possibly the smartest bit of counter-casting, the wispy Jamie Bell as The Thing. The director, Josh Trank, had a previous sleeper hit with
Chronicle in 2012, making $126.6M worldwide on a $12M budget. But rumors of on-set troubles were rampant, culminating in some sources stating that Matthew Vaughn had been brought in to redo huge patches of the film, burning through the budget reserved for a 3D conversion. Fox may be happy, at this point, just to get the whole thing behind them.
Trank will be fine. A studio might not let him around a comic book property for a long time but I'm sure he'll be out doing something else soon enough.

As for the Fantastic Four, I can't see how this isn't a huge embarrassment for 20th Century Fox, I'm interested to see what their official line will concerning the rights and what they'll do next because I'm sure they'll be asked over and over.
Fox paid 120 million to keep the rights of fantastic 4 just to keep marvel away from it

They should have made a direct to DVD movie....... This is not even about the movie being bad.
It is about how they wasted so much money just to.keep marvel away
Trank will be fine. A studio might not let him around a comic book property for a long time but I'm sure he'll be out doing something else soon enough.

As for the Fantastic Four, I can't see how this isn't a huge embarrassment for 20th Century Fox, I'm interested to see what their official line will concerning the rights and what they'll do next because I'm sure they'll be asked over and over.

I hate the fact that predator is under fox......
They just don't respect crap.

Fantastic 4 is like avpr.... How many flops at they going to make?
This is why Adam Sandler is a millionaire....

Pay for the movies you see.

Fox pretty much sabotaged Trank's movie

There's zero evidence of that.

Fourth. First was Iron Man 2, second was Amazing Spider-Man 2, third was Age of Ultron and fourth was Fantastic Four

Please go away forever.


The Trank/Fox apologists remind me of drug addicts in the throes of denial! :lol

You just lumped ME in with Trank apologists?

This may be my favorite review.

This is my favorite review:

Avengers has the hype and following. This will have the quality storytelling
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Pretty much, saw it today and it's nowhere near as bad as reviews say. I enjoyed it much more than AOU and Ant-Man but it definitely felt like plenty of scenes were cut. I certainly think a director's cut would make this a decent film. The 3rd act feels like it was directed by someone else, and that's probay because it was :lol

That was literally my wifes first comments out the door, why did they tell this huge life journey then do that at the end?

Totally agree, they were teetering on making Doom a puke/likable, why show his interactive machining skills etc... but then somehow they decided to forego ALL the character development they had done and just do a Dr. Smith Lost in Space nonsensical ending... and if anyone hasn't watched the Lost in Space movie, I hope to hell Fox owns it, cause whoever does has some juice in a lawsuit. :lol
You're an idiot. Pay for the movies you see.

You're an idiot. There's zero evidence of that.

You're a desperate idiot. Please go away forever.

You just lumped ME in with Trank apologists? You're a ****ing idiot.

This is my favorite review:

Getting this mad over a 9% turd of a movie... :lol

The only idiot here is the one backing the batman and robin of this generation :lol

Tell me how much you loved pixels as well lol.
Wasting your hard earned money on visual vomit... Ok? :lol

You.might as well wipe your yonose with those 10 bucks
How does Singer release good movies under Fox?

Why didn't Fox ruin Singer's movies like they did with Trask?

Are we sure that Fox was the problem?

This ****** pot head was way over his head, Fincher he will never be.

What was his glorious vision for this movie, a boring lab study 2 hours long.

I don't feel bad for Fox they made their bed now lay on it.

I have no sympathy for Fox, Trank or the cast members who made moronic comments. Like you said; they made their bed and they can lay in it.

2.7 million...



:lol :lol :lol

Trank will be fine. A studio might not let him around a comic book property for a long time but I'm sure he'll be out doing something else soon enough.

The next ShamWow infomercial?
