Fantastic Four reboot

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It's crazy that Trank and Fox thought that a soulless and dour movie was compatible with a property that starts with the name FANTASTIC!

What dummies. :lol
Maybe they watched the Dark Knight trilogy and Man of Steel and thought "this is the way to go! This is what the public wants Dark and Gritty superheroes!"


As Dr Doom (ironically) posted on that very article:

Definite financial write-off for the studio of at least $60 million if not more

Ungodly negative reception

A brand that's completely toxic with all audiences

Try to sell that to the shareholders

Then again, someone who posted an article that he heard from a guy that heard it from another guy, who heard it from another guy is pretty much a lock. :lol

Another article with an actual Fox source states:

But despite all the negative buzz, Fox is still trying to stay committed to the future of the Fantastic Four franchise, which previously had a sequel dated for June 9th, 2017. 20th Century Fox’s domestic distribution chief Chris Aronson hasn’t commented on Josh Trank’s since-deleted Twitter update distancing himself from the final cut of the movie that you can see in theaters now, but he did tell THR that “studio fully supported Josh Trank’s vision for the film, as we do with all our filmmakers.”

In addition, despite the box office flop, which didn’t even meet expectations, Aronson also told THR, “While we’re disappointed, we remain committed to these characters and we have a lot to look forward to in our Marvel universe.” But that’s exactly what someone in Aronson’s shoes has to say, just to make sure he doesn’t hurt the box office return even more by denouncing the movie. After all, they still have Blu-Ray and DVD product to sell later.

Remember this thing isn't out on DVD/Blu-Ray where a lot of films make a lot of cash, tanking out anything right now would essentially destroy those possible future sales and be an even bigger embarrassment for the studio. Even if they had no intention of even making a new FF Denny's commercial, they wouldn't say anything until after they play the home market.
Remember this thing isn't out on DVD/Blu-Ray where a lot of films make a lot of cash, tanking out anything right now would essentially destroy those possible future sales and be an even bigger embarrassment for the studio. Even if they had no intention of even making a new FF Denny's commercial, they wouldn't say anything until after they play the home market.

Oh I'm sure in a couple months Trank will Tweet that the blu-ray cut is even worse than the theatrical.

Seriously though, is there any precedent at all for what Trank did the day before the film hit theaters? In the history of boneheaded Hollywood moves I don't believe I've ever heard of a spiteful director sabotaging the box office of his own film. Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of LFL must be high fiving each other on what a massive bullet they dodged.
This is what social media leads us to. Who knows? If Twitter existed in 1993 or whatever, maybe Fincher would have also petulantly whined before Alien3 was released.

Nah, he probably wouldn't get high enough to do that.
I dont know I think I am starting to realize that Fantastic 4 maybe is just a stupid idea in on itself and no movie would ever be good.

Im really sorry for the comic fans but the more I see about them the cheesier they appear. even the cartoon was cheesier than most hero cartoons.

the stretchy power is kind of stupid when you think about it.
What are you talking about dude. :lol

FF is a benchmark of classic Marvel - that's the short of it. They're just as worthy (if not more) as any of the current flavours of the month that plebville seem to be beating off over. Any of these characters could / can be seen as stupid or funny or cheesy, given the appropriate context for that.

This legenday property being continuously mishandled, is the only real 'realization'.
One of Trank's deleted scenes has been released. It's a really cool scene of the cast waving goodbye to the sequel.

This is three times Fox has tried out FF and each time it has failed to take hold. Its a business and has to answer to shareholders who don't care about pride and ego they care about the bottom line. Fox will become "too busy" to revisit Fantastic Four, or they feel the CBM craze is dying. Money makes the decisions.
Maybe, but two things--first, the Story films, as bad as they were, were profitable. They weren't runaway hits, but they did well. So I think Fox probably recognizes that it's not a blanket lesson that you can apply to the franchise. And beyond that, Khev makes an excellent point. They didn't exactly give this franchise an "A-team" of writers and directors in any previous attempt. Roger Corman, guy from Barbershop, and unproven, petulant, bratty guy give you a pretty limited understanding of what films from this franchise could really accomplish if handled the right way.
20th Century Fox isn't in the comic book film business. They just care if the film makes money but as to what goes into it, there isn't any kind of stock. Marvel Studios had a plan, from the beginning, to make a shared universe and one that built upon itself with every film. Even the less than stellar ones still had that goal in mind. Warner Bros is on that plan as well right now.

As far as 20th Century Fox is concerned, if someone has an idea no matter how bat**** crazy, if they can convince the studio heads that it will make money, that's all that matters. Sure the first FF was corny but good enough to warrant a sequel which underperformed. On paper with an exciting new director and then a cast which is comprised of some talented folks, I'm sure they thought slam dunk before seeing the actual thing.

Even Kevin Feige has a finish line in sight dealing with these on every turn whereas the folks at 20th Century Fox are just trying to make it profitable. It's not The Fantastic Four as a license or subject, it's 20th Century Fox not getting the right folks.

Look at X3 and X-Men: First Class. A perfect example how the right group makes all the difference. 20th Century Fox didn't give a **** about the groups, just that they made them money so they greenlit them both.
Maybe, but two things--first, the Story films, as bad as they were, were profitable. They weren't runaway hits, but they did well. So I think Fox probably recognizes that it's not a blanket lesson that you can apply to the franchise. And beyond that, Khev makes an excellent point. They didn't exactly give this franchise an "A-team" of writers and directors in any previous attempt. Roger Corman, guy from Barbershop, and unproven, petulant, bratty guy give you a pretty limited understanding of what films from this franchise could really accomplish if handled the right way.

This sounds like the Marvel way though.

James Gunn wasn't really proven when he made Guardians, Shane Black was proven when he made Iron Man 3, Alan Taylor still isn't proven, Payton Reed is pretty much equivalent to Tim Story, the Russos were not proven when they made The Winter Soldier and even Whedon wasn't really proven when he directed The Avengers.

Marvel Studios only make comic book movies, so it makes sense that they have a stronghold on things at all times, they have a vision for each movie and before they hire their director's they make sure that director is willing to follow their vision. That's not the Fox way obviously, they have so many other properties. Sometimes things work like Singer's X-Men and sometimes they don't which is the case with F4.

I think getting Trank after he directed Chronicle was an inspired choice, it made sense. Things just didn't work out but it's not like Sony getting Marc Webb to direct their Spider-Man movies after he directed one good romantic comedy.
I think Fox tried to emulate WB more than anything else. Indie director + comic book origin story = Batman Begins. The problem was Chronicle was no Memento and Trank sure as heck isn't Nolan.
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