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I look more like the Godfather than Vitoad Corleone.

Well, its not that bad, but it does suffer a bit from frog face.

Still a good figure, but I would pick HT.
Nice job putting some comparative pics together Karnis, but it just reinforces what I'm saying. Different lighting, different camera lens distortions, different angles. Put the two figures side by side, same lighting, same angles etc, and then some uniformity, at least, will be achieved.

I think it does just the opposite. Even with crappy photos, lighting, etc, the differences bewteen the quality of the sculpts are clear. I will say that the EB may have a bit better paint job in terms of overall flesh tone, but a good paint job simply cannot make up for a subpar sculpt. Add to that a misproportion between the EB head & body, ill fitting clothes and a noticeable difference in extras & cost, the HT version comes out the clear winner. Heck, even the HT chair and the dead cat look better.
In the future I expect to see a lot of overlap in licenses (like Godfather and Prison Break) between the two companies. In terms of sheer output and number of licenses, Enterbay is still catching up to HT. They've got room to grow./QUOTE]

While I agree that EB certainly has room to grow, I dont see EB catchig up with HT with respect to number of licenses or output, and dont expect any significant overlap. HT is now the 800 pound gorilla, with countless licenses - but its not just the volume, but the quality, with announcements at SDCC of spiderman, blade and xmen licenses, not to mention the existing predator, alien, terminator, bat man, disney et al licenses. and Howard Chan (CEO of HT) has indicated that HT is not quite done with the military line yet (which makes me and many others happy). EB on the other hand has bruce lee (amazing work no doubt), 24, mr bean,among others. the prison break license sounds almost like EB going after something HT discarded. and Dragonball live action - really? wtf? aside from 24 and godfather, none of EB's licenses are what i would call tier 1 properties.

i really feel Eb should stay as a niche producer of more rare properties - and i feel that this is what they are doing (though the securing of the dragonball license suggests they perhaps they want to grow but couldnt get anything better). its hard to compete with HT when it is just running away from all competition. Plus with HT's volume of output they have the benefit of economies of scale, and with the diversity of licenses can better hedge against a bad product. EB right does not have that luxury. producing a figure from the same license as HT (godfather) at roughly the same time givez the impression that EB is picking for a fight. and if the photos are accurate, eb doesnt looks like it brought a knife (albeit a well painted knife!) to a gunfight.
I Just received my new Enterbay Toadfather Vitoad Corleone....It is a Masterpiece !!!

You threw out the comment about crickets. Where are the defenders? Well here I am. I'm one. I have just as much right as you to say what I think, and, although I wasn't going to post till I had it in hand, you threw down the gauntlet. I felt the need to respond. Really, I am just repeating myself.

You really are a treat. I was not referring to you specifically, but as well as, the other Hot Toys fan boys. The judgements aren't about having to have a figure in front of you, but about being able to adequately judge between two figures, because of some photo's. Not ideal. Show me the figures side by side and make your informative opinion and I wouldn't have anything to say to tell you the error of your ways.

Where have I shut anyone down? You're responding now aren't you? You can talk. :lol Please bend over further, I can't quite hear you. Talk? I meant rant. People like you, who pervert the meaning and intention of someone else posts, on this occasion mine, ought to be shut down. That hasn't happened has it? No. Your posts haven't been deleted have they? So get real. What the hell are you going off about?

I said my piece, that unless you have both, how are you really going to know what's what? Pics are worth what? Some good, some bad. They tell a thousand words as well as tell a thousand lies. Most people posting here have their Hot Toys Don, and aren't likely to get another. They don't have anything better to do than knock the opposition, just on what they happen to see or disregard in pics, as it fits their opinion. Side by side is the only true test.

You're happy with your Hot Toys Don aren't you? Why don't you stay happy? I don't care what you think. I think my previous response made that clear. I'm glad you at least care what I think. Well you must to have bothered responding, albeit in an overly excited manner.

Nice job putting some comparative pics together Karnis, but it just reinforces what I'm saying. Different lighting, different camera lens distortions, different angles. Put the two figures side by side, same lighting, same angles etc, and then some uniformity, at least, will be achieved.

The 'error of my ways' for an opinion? Me throwing down the gauntlet? But somehow on this complete godforsaken earth, it seems only ok for you to say it looks terrible, but no one else can, because they are HT fanboys? I can't hear YOU over the EB parade? Look you're a piece of work mate, whatever, you obviously enjoy trying to gee up other people for their opinionated posts, keep reading them and hitting those keyboard letters through the glass house, i'm not wasting the time. You're going on my ignore list, top of the night to you. :emperor I'll be off getting 'real' somehow.....Perhaps that means i have to buy every 1/6th EB toy ever made before even thinking of making judgement, let alone even looking at this thread? Who knows?......Oh wait..... YOU would, the keeper of all that is EB opinion :rolleyes::confused:
HT has the upper hand, pure and simple. I have the HT and had this one coming to me, but once i saw the pics, I cancelled it. The sculpt is EXACTLY what i feared, too heavy looking and the neck only make it look worse. The tailoring on the suit and type of material used looks bad.
As for the EB-FAN BOYS sorry to say you guys were wrong.
HT has the upper hand, pure and simple. I have the HT and had this one coming to me, but once i saw the pics, I cancelled it. The sculpt is EXACTLY what i feared, too heavy looking and the neck only make it look worse. The tailoring on the suit and type of material used looks bad.
As for the EB-FAN BOYS sorry to say you guys were wrong.

I agree with your post 100% except for the part about "EB Fanboys" I think you mean breakersrevenge. :D
I agree with your post 100% except for the part about "EB Fanboys" I think you mean breakersrevenge. :D

I'm no fanboy!

Just because I made some comments biased to Enterbay Godfather dont make me a FANBOY.

Yes I am a EB dealer, but I also deal in HT - I sell more Hot Toys than Enterbay.

So please dont insult me by calling me a fanboy.

And for your information I do Have the HT Godfather and I will have the EB Godfather and beacuse I like the film I will keep both for display in my shop.

I will pass final judgement when I have both side by side.

BUT like u say 'Its only an opinion'
Kinda disappointed in how the FB Godfather looks.
I have the HT one and was looking forward to seeing the in-hand pics of the EB figure, but it doesn't look very good.
I agree with your post 100% except for the part about "EB Fanboys" I think you mean breakersrevenge. :D

So by that then if Breaker is an EB fanboy then you are a HT fanboy! So swaying on one figure and complimenting that figure makes you a fanboy then does it? If thats the case then surely we all are all of the time no?
Kind of funny how the debate over whose Godfather was best has gone... first HT seemed the clear winner up to the point that it was released. Then EB started showing some new images and the moment started to shift over to EB. Now that the first images of the production figure are out HT seems to be the winner :lol

Collectors are a very fickle group of people :lol
The 'error of my ways' for an opinion? Me throwing down the gauntlet? But somehow on this complete godforsaken earth, it seems only ok for you to say it looks terrible, but no one else can, because they are HT fanboys? I can't hear YOU over the EB parade? Look you're a piece of work mate, whatever, you obviously enjoy trying to gee up other people for their opinionated posts, keep reading them and hitting those keyboard letters through the glass house, i'm not wasting the time. You're going on my ignore list, top of the night to you. :emperor I'll be off getting 'real' somehow.....Perhaps that means i have to buy every 1/6th EB toy ever made before even thinking of making judgement, let alone even looking at this thread? Who knows?......Oh wait..... YOU would, the keeper of all that is EB opinion :rolleyes::confused:
There is a difference between having an opinion and making an informed judgement. That is the message I was trying to get through to you, but you choose to take offense at the slightest thing, and twist my words to that bent.

I'm not the only one that said those first pics were terrible. The pics. Not the figure per se. The gauntlet is where you jibbed about the 'crickets' and called for EB defenders to come forth. So I did. What, now you can't handle it? Now I'm on your ignore list, so you wont have to deal with your own inadequacies. Putting someone on your ignore list just makes you ignorant. I think that fairly safe to say, particularly in your case. :lol Really doesn't matter what I say if you can't read properly or understand the language, aren't able to communicate your ideas or understand others, and then go and hide your head in the sand, does it?
Kind of funny how the debate over whose Godfather was best has gone... first HT seemed the clear winner up to the point that it was released. Then EB started showing some new images and the moment started to shift over to EB. Now that the first images of the production figure are out HT seems to be the winner :lol

Collectors are a very fickle group of people :lol
Fickle and opinionated. :lol

The trouble for me is, that the ones with the opinions, that you say are swaying the balance of which is better, already have the Hot Toys one, so would think it is the better one because they already bought it.

A few new pictures have emerged and in less than 24 hours Hot Toys is deemed the winner.

As it is, I dare say Hot Toys will win, in the minds of those that have it, regardless of what Enterbay brings to the table, and in spite of it. That's not to say there will be a clear winner, but overall, comparisons will be made on many levels and one, the other, or both will have different aspects that will not just be better, but also different. Hot Toys will be deemed to have more winning aspects, relevant to those making their particular judgements, and opinions will justified because of it.

The only time I can recall something similar to this happening was when Hot Toys and Takara battled over Batman. Takara was shouted down, and later touted as being the one to have.

Fickle is right.