Doomlord - obscure 1980's UK Comic character

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Super Freak
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
Updated photos 14/09/10:





Updated photos 25/08/10:



Updated photos 20/08/10:



Original post follows:

Hi guys

Compared to some of the genius work on display here I imagine this will be of very little interest (especially in the US), but hopefully some of you will get a mild kick out of it.

It's my first proper attempt at a 1/6 scale head, so be gentle with me! and it's not finished yet, this is work in progress.

Anyway, I give you: Servitor of Nox. Master of Life, Bringer of Death...



Anyone curious about the character can get more info here:
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Now there's a welcome blast from the past ! I haven't seen this Guy in years. I'll be watching to see how you get on with this one. Good work so far !
Ah, I knew some of my UK brothers would pick up on this. Would be glad to have you following my humble effort.

There is so much I want to correct looking at the photo. The mouth needs widening, the jaw needs to be evened out, the nose shape needs tweaking, and more besides.

The trouble is that it although I've got loads of reference photos (i.e. every issue of Eagle from 1982 to when it went back to drawn comics), the mask often looks different because it was rubber and would change depending on how it was worn and the expression the actor was pulling underneath it!
"Mission proceeding as planned. Have assumed human identity and eliminated former owner. The life of one individual is of course unimportant..."


"If mission reaches expected conclusion - it will result in the ANNIHILATION OF THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE!"


"In the meantime, I'm just gonna chill here for a bit"

Its coming along really well ! I like the obscure and original ideas like this , I'm going to have to hunt out my old comics now ...
Thanks man. This really is one of those things where no-one else is going to make it, so...

I've moved onto my least favourite part now. The ears! (the ones in the previous photos were temporary)

I think they've turned out ok so far. I bet I can't get the other one looking the same though!
Fair bit of progress on this. Nearly ready to call it finished, I think. At least, I'm in danger of making it worse if I carry on!



I've got some Sculpey Diluent arriving from eBay soon, so I'm going to tidy the rough surfaces up with that and then call it a day. Then I need to figure out how to put the full figure together. Doomlord most frequently wore a simple black/charcoal suit, since most of the time he was in the guise of Eric Plumrose:


So I was thinking of buying this figure on eBay:


Which I think will give the right look, although I wish the suit were a tighter fit. Does anyone have any other recommendations for a simple, well fitted suit? alternatively, is there a tall, thin base body that's better than the one that comes with the Saturday Toys figure?
Updated pix in the first post (for the approx 1 person who might be interested in this!)
Don't know who he is, but it looks awesome and for your first 1/6 sculpt it's phenomenal! Looking forward to see it painted.
Thanks man! He's from an English Comic called Eagle that was relaunched in the early 1980's using photo stories (fumetti). Used to give me nightmares!

Doomlord was an Alien who was sent to Earth to judge if mankind was fit to rule the planet. His skills included shape changing and brain-sucking!


I'm going to try and cast it because I'm totally paranoid I'm going to ruin it with my weak paint skills!
"Report of Servitor Vek, time vector 788/01. Have made planetfall on Earth and assumed human identity. However the form I have chosen is far from perfect. The human I have absorbed appears to be a vagrant whose clothes are full of parasites. I will commence looking for a more suitable body.

Ah, these two youths should be more suitable..."




"Who wants to mess with me now, eh?"



Been following this on Gallifrey Base, I'm far far too young to be familiar with this chap, but he creeps me out amazingly so lol Excellently sculpted I must say, actually better than the mask worn I dare say, the photos of the mask look a little like a rather eerie alien character from Fireball XL5....not a bad thing ofcourse lol
yours has to it, can't wait to see him painted/completed :D
Thanks guys! I know this is a bit of a niche effort, but no-one else is ever going to make one!

And yes, the original mask was just some fancy dress shop rubber effort. Effectively creepy, but it looks different in virtually every photo, so quite difficult to actually copy. I know I've got some of the proportions out, but I think it's got the right feel.

Interesting fact, Doomlord was conceived and written by Alan Grant and John Wagner, who wrote Judge Dredd!
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I think I must be in tune with some sort of geek zeitgeist, as there is a 4 page article on Doomlord in this month's SFX magazine!
The only real update on this is that I now have the suit. It's not perfect, but it'll do for now.

Was bored at work though, so cobbled this together!



Mixed results from my first ever mould and cast!




The first casting was a disaster, as the pour spout was too small and got clogged. That meant that the mould only filled with resin to the halfway point.

The second casting was better, but I got a massive air bubble on the back of his skull.

The third was nearly perfect, except that the ears didn't form properly (on any of them for that matter). Fortunately my original sculpt survived (just!) so I'll be able to have another attempt at the mould.

Good fun though, took all weekend!
So I finally got a perfect cast out of my third mould, meaning I can now get on with the next stage which is practicing painting it. Here's my first couple of attempts:




I also experimented with skewing the resin mix ratios, with interesting results!



Nearly finished with this project now, although the suit is still not quite right. Anyone recommend a good 1/6 scale tailor?