District 9

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I just got back from seeing District 9 tonight, and thought it was decent. I liked some of it, and disliked some of it. It isn't nearly as original as some people are leading others to believe, however.

I liked that the graphics were so good that I believed (most of the time) that the aliens were actually in the same frame as the human characters. The closeups of Christopher were particularly good. There were some shots that were less well done than others, but overall, up to par with other achievements like Gollum.

I also liked the setting of Johannesburg, South Africa. It was a very unique place to have the alien ship land. Like the film stated, it was nice to have a break from a major, well-known city like New York or Los Angeles.

I did not like the "fluid" concept. It can alter a human DNA, but also fuel a ship? Pretty multi-purpose, if you ask me. A bit too much so, too. Besides, drinking some concoction and then transforming into something else isn't exactly an original idea.

I also didn't like the "Iron Man" man-inside-a-metal-walking-robot concept. It wasn't original, and just felt too out-of-place. I'm never okay with a man getting inside of and controlling a large, robotic suit of body armor. I just have to put my foot down on that one. I can believe in the aliens, but I can't accept a man controlling a huge metal armor robot from the inside. I guess that's just my own brain rejecting that idea, I'd imagine this won't bother most people.

The "home video" feel combined with the documentary was too much for me. It visually didn't bother me, but the first 30-40 minutes seemed to drag on. When I left the theatre, I checked the time and was surprised that the film was less than 2 hours. It seemed longer.

Overall, it's a movie worth seeing. Obviously some people are going to love it, and I imagine that the majority will. I'll give it a 7 out of 10, although a 6.5 seems reasonable as well.
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It isn't nearly as original as some people are leading others to believe, however.

sorry but those are your opinions. in my own opinion I thought it was pretty original and definitely blows TF2, GI JOE, Harry potter out of the water.
Oh I won't argue about whether or not it blew Transformers 2 out of the water, the answer to that is clear. Transformers 2 was a huge waste of my time. I didn't see GI Joe because it looked terrible, so I'm sure it was blown out of the water, too. I just don't think District 9 was this completely original, never-been-done before film that everyone has been describing. I probably wouldn't have been disappointed as much if that wasn't one of the descriptions people were using.
Just saw it. AWESOME!

Best movie I've seen in a looooong time years of disappointing trips to the theaters. Not this time.
I always go the movies bymyself unless its some major flick then I might go with my friend or mom. Yeah, so what. I seen the T2 with moms and she felled asleep on some of the action scenes.lol Today later, I'll be seeing D9 with my friend and her son and if its all dat, I'll be seeing again bymyself. Going to the movies is great way to relax, I myself love a movie to bring something to the table that I never seen before on screen. That is where I felt GI Joe fell at.
Amazing film, my favorite film of the year so far. I really can't say a single bad thing about it.

I can't wait to see it again, and my GF, who isn't into sci-fi loved it as well. She ranks it as her third fav movie of the year (after Potter and Trek).
Oh I won't argue about whether or not it blew Transformers 2 out of the water, the answer to that is clear. Transformers 2 was a huge waste of my time. I didn't see GI Joe because it looked terrible, so I'm sure it was blown out of the water, too. I just don't think District 9 was this completely original, never-been-done before film that everyone has been describing. I probably wouldn't have been disappointed as much if that wasn't one of the descriptions people were using.

People say it's original because it is an interesting way of retelling the actual Events of District 6. Where the NNP forced Black Africians move out of their homes in District 6 and relocate them to a desert in Cape Flats. Even worse was the fact that District 6 was created to separate Blacks from Whites in the first place meaning living in District 6 does actually mean being free and living where they actually belong... South Africa itself. This was what the Mothership represented.

guys when you said "home video feel like cloverfield and BWP"

is it like they are using a video cam like those 2 movies?

reason I was asking is those 2 movies give me a bad headache with all those camera movements.
I went into this one pretty cold; I knew it had a kinda of 'shame on us' vibe for what happens to aliens, but wow! Just wow.....I give this a 10/10 on the emotional type level: its been a long time that a movie had me all over the place...mad one moment, elated the next, then mad again and so on.....sure, some of the plot devices may or may not be super original, but this one had me going

I did not like the "fluid" concept. It can alter a human DNA, but also fuel a ship? Pretty multi-purpose, if you ask me. A bit too much so, too. Besides, drinking some concoction and then transforming into something else isn't exactly an original idea.


I would say the fluid was pretty far fetched, but considering that the weapons responded only to the Prawn physiology/DNA, it would make sense that the ship also required some sort of DNA-based gasoline to power it. Perhaps it was super concentrated (which was why Christopher was saying that they needed to be extra careful when making it) and that might be why it affected human DNA and why eating the normal Prawn flesh didn't do anything to change people.

But who knows... There are a lot of questions in District 9 :lol:lol:lol:lol
I demand a Christopher PF! :lecture

Win. Someone should tell Sideshow.


Also, they need to give Blomkamp more work straight away. Hopefully they'll reassign him to the Halo movie.