Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

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I hope to god they don't mention any of the EU. Theres been so much crappy E than there's been bad SW movies. WHY should they want to bring up anything thats been done? except for Karen Traviss, no other authors seems to care if their creations are mentioned. Or that they have ANY stake on the universe they were INVITED to play in. Most movie fans couldnt care less whats in a SW book and the audience in those seats in 2015 arent going to care anyway.

Something new and fresh.
You are assuming Lucasfilm will dissolve and Disney will directly make the films.

As it has been pointed out, Marvel is still making Marvel films and Disney distributes them. PIXAR makes PIXAR films. I expect Lucasfilm will create Star Wars the same way they have worked previously.

Fox didn't tell George what could and couldn't be in his films. Neither will Disney. When a studio greenlights a film they usually just stipulate a target rating such as PG, PG-13, etc...

Do you realize Disney owned Miramax for nearly 20 years until Harvey Wienstien left the company? During that time they released most of Tarantino's films, several Kevin Smith films, Micheal Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, Hayao Miyazaki's films... all without cutting a frame.

Star Wars will be no more or less sugar-coated than it has been until now.

I hope to god they don't mention any of the EU. Theres been so much crappy E than there's been bad SW movies. WHY should they want to bring up anything thats been done? except for Karen Traviss, no other authors seems to care if their creations are mentioned. Or that they have ANY stake on the universe they were INVITED to play in. Most movie fans couldnt care less whats in a SW book and the audience in those seats in 2015 arent going to care anyway.

Something new and fresh.

I would say a few authors besides Travis's have wrote great books.
Drew Karpyshyn and Tim Zahn have both wrote great books.

The rest seem to be hit and miss.
I would say a few authors besides Travis's have wrote great books.
Drew Karpyshyn and Tim Zahn have both wrote great books.

The rest seem to be hit and miss.

I dislike EU generally but I agree with you there. Especially with regards to Karpyshyn.
I'll have to give them a watch on my current TV. I watched them all on an older TV when I first got them and haven't since. But honestly, they'll still be better than the abominations that have been released since and the VHS with the tracking issues.
You may want to try Harmy's HD fan-edits. They are essentially the original theatrical films, with minor differences here or there, and look great on HDTVs.


There are other edits out there, but I'm not very familiar with them.

Yeah. Still have my VHS tapes but I need to go ahead and pick them up on DVD. Where is the best place to get them and does anyone have a pic of the covers so I can tell the difference between them and the SE?
The DVDs with the original films are out of print, and kind of expensive from eBay. They looked like this:


There are full and widescreen versions.
Hopefully Disney will take the opportunity to release the complete 9 film collection with all editions of every film in 2020. 1977 SW, 1997 SW, 2004 SW, 1999 TPM with Yoda puppet, 2011 TPM with digital Yoda, the whole nine yards.
I hope for my kid's sake Disney doesn't blow this trilogy like Lucas did for the prequels. For god's sake Disney ... talk to the fans and make films they want to see !
I would have been much more impressed if Lucasfilm would have merged with Weta films. Those folks really know how to make these types of films. Disney will overemphasize the marketing aspect of Star Wars, and the new trilogy will suffer for it.
I'll admit, I havent read every EU book. After E3, I read the NJO in a marathon up until the death of F'leya and the sacking of coruscant. I found the series so depressing I had to stop. Got tired of the bad guys winning all the time and the EU characters that were really getting great(ie Anakin Solo) got killed off. I tried to read MILLENNIUM FALCON and if they had just left it as a history of the ship, I would have loved it, but didnt care to read about an 80 year old han hanging out with his grandaughter. And from what I heard about the books that followed, they weren't that good either.

For what it's worth, out of the books I read, I woul LOVE to have the following made into movies:

ac crispin's Han solo trilogy My favorite books Ive read about 4-5 times

Dark Empire 1 of course. The other 2 seemed rushed

Tim Zahn's original trilogy

Kevin Anderson's Jedi academy Need a few tweeks but enjoyed them

The original 4 x-wing novels, and I Jedi.

But if if they don't touch upon any of these books, Im not going to cry, or complain the they are insulting these writers. Everyone should just enjoy the fact they enjoyed a story. Thats all that matters. Who cares if it's official? or canon? WHY does it all have to fit? Yeah it would be nice, but big deal. Evidently SW fans are not into Anime becasue the Japanese are always doing stories in a universe that have NOTHING to do with what came before. Just enjoy the ride.
So will Disney continue to follow the ideology that these movies are for kids or will they go all Nolan on them?

My hope, is they go ESB dark, and no more. Doesn't need to be a dark series...but it should have that sense of danger, without having to resort to murdering children. :lol
My hope, is they go ESB dark, and no more. Doesn't need to be a dark series...but it should have that sense of danger, without having to resort to murdering children. :lol

You bring up a great point.

ESB has the most adult themes of the 6 (SW second) yet no children had to be massacred to create that mature level of drama.
Keep it engaging enough for the adults, but keep it fun enough for the kids.

That's all you need to do. The first two flicks did it perfectly....Return had some...issues with that. But it wasn't on the level of TPM.
Here is a glimpse of what we can expect from this little merger....


....this is "official" Disney. Isn't it adorable? Doesn't it just make you feel all warm inside?

Pardon me while I go vomit....

Oh well....there will always be the original six....
Done by Disney parks, nothing to do with the division that will handle the movies. It's not like there wasn't already a Star Wars presence in the parks already. :slap