Diablo Overthrown VS Conan the Prize

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Super Freak
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I'm having a hard time making up my mind which statue I want to keep, Diablo Overthrown or Conan the Prize. They are both exclusive versions. If you had to keep one of them, which statue would it be?

The reason I want to sell one of them is that I want to cut my collection a bit, trying for a "less is more"-approach. Since they are both barbarians I figured I could sell one of them. I know this thread is of little informative value, sorry about that, but maybe it could make my decision a little easier :)


depends on what kind of collection you have. If it's all games, keep Overthrown, if it's more comic/barbarian, keep Conan.

I'd love to have the Overthrown one :( still bummed we couldn't buy it when it was still in stock :(
My collection is mainly Terminator + the TMNT-line from Sideshow. I only got two pieces that are not from those lines, Diablo and Conan.
So I'm not sure what to call my collection with 5 Terminator- and 5 TMNT statues + two barbarians:p
get rid of those terminator and tmnt stuff, I am not sure what you have but if they are sideshow releases then they are not very good...

both barbarians are masterpieces and two of the best releases sideshow has ever done. I wouldn't get rid of either..ever.
The Diablo piece is a true work of art and with the exclusive option making it a grail piece. For me it represents a genre of characters and not only gaming.
Conan is also a stunning piece but is a very specific representation of a niche character.

As a Conan, R E Howard fan I would keep The prize, but if you are looking for a visual piece that just looks fantastic without really representing anyone, then its the Barbarian.

I will have to keep my eye on your decision :lol
Personally I'm a big Diablo fan but to me the Overthrown statue is too generic to seem part of the franchise.
Personally I would keep both of them. If I were forced to choose, I would keep the Overthrown statue. There are plenty of great Conan pieces out there. That Diablo piece however is just classic D&D character awesomeness. Both pieces are phenomenal but I think Diablo has the edge here.

Good luck with that decision.
I may be in the minority, but the Overthrown statue is a bit overboard. I have my EX in a box, because it doesn't jump out as well, compared to the other Blizzard statues like The Marine, or Arthas.

I'd keep the Conan, only because it's iconic Conan, and the sex factor is quite a sight to behold. It also transcends other genres. When people see it they don't necessarily associate it as Conan.
Of the 2, and I have neither one but would love 2, I'd keep the Overthrown. If it wasn't for that almost naked girl the Conan wouldn't be that special.
Overthrown ex, no contest. Personally I think it's better than Tychus and Arthas, though they are awesome too.