Cyberpunk 2077

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Jul 19, 2008
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Is anyone currently playing this? It seems that CDPR has patched and fixed all of the issues that once hampered the game, and now it's reflective of the original vision that they once had. The overall reviews on Steam now have it at "Overwhelmingly Positive".

I originally had the "Limited Edition" for pre-order in 2019 and cancelled due to the all of the negative reviews. But, I just bought the Ultimate Edition - which includes the original game plus the Phantom Liberty DLC on a Humble Bundle sale for $29.99.
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Is anyone currently playing this?
Some of us never stopped playing! 😂


Even after 700+hrs, I still go back in every so often. The game is just so darn beautiful.
Cyberpunk made me feel like that 12 year old kid again when he first discovered 3D videogames (N64 FTW!). Hadn't felt that in over 20 years.
Definitely keeping my eye on the next installment, Orion, which is supposedly based in Chicago. Hopefully they'll be able to bring back that similar feeling like Night City did.
Is anyone currently playing this? It seems that CDPR has patched and fixed all of the issues that once hampered the game, and now it's reflective of the original vision that they once had. The overall reviews on Steam now have at "Overwhelmingly Positive".

I originally had the "Limited Edition" for pre-order in 2019 and cancelled due to the all of the negative reviews. But, I just bought the Ultimate Edition - which includes the original game plus the Phantom Liberty DLC on a Humble Bundle sale for $29.99.

Great game and I really liked it, finished it at launch and actually didn't have any issues on pc. I'm afraid its too little too late now, but I'm glad they kept updating the game, might get the dlc if I ever finish my backlog of games lol.
I’ve finished the game like 4 times now. It’s one of my favourite games of all time. It may not have been exactly what was promised initially but it still turned out to be a fantastic experience regardless.

The expansion was amazing and I’m looking forward to the next game.
Some of us never stopped playing! 😂

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Even after 700+hrs, I still go back in every so often. The game is just so darn beautiful.
Cyberpunk made me feel like that 12 year old kid again when he first discovered 3D videogames (N64 FTW!). Hadn't felt that in over 20 years.
Definitely keeping my eye on the next installment, Orion, which is supposedly based in Chicago. Hopefully they'll be able to bring back that similar feeling like Night City did.

That's awesome, I'm only at the beginning stages, but the sheer amount of visual detail and the expansiveness of the city is just staggering. On a technical level, it truly feels like a next-gen game. I'm also planning to download some high-res texture packs to try out as well (I just hope they aren't too taxing on my build :lol).

I didn't realize there was a sequel coming out!

Great game and I really liked it, finished it at launch and actually didn't have any issues on pc. I'm afraid its too little too late now, but I'm glad they kept updating the game, might get the dlc if I ever finish my backlog of games lol.

I've read that the DLC adds some content that you can access even at the beginning of the game without engaging fully in the storyline. I haven't really gotten to far to give a good opinion on this as yet, though.

Were you playing it on Steam or GOG?
Played it a couple of months ago. One of the best games I’ve ever played.
I was not expecting to see Hideo Kojima in this game. Now, the Cyberpunk 2077 references in Death Stranding make sense.

Anyways, the game is phenomenal. This is basically the world of Blade Runner, and I love the subtle references to the film as well. I also haven't encountered any glitches at all - it seems that CDPR did a phenomenal job of fixing the issues.

The game is a pretty wild ride for sure. Good to hear you're having a blast with it so far! Just remember to save often, just in case. lol
Also, if you liked Blade Runner, check out the first season of Altered Carbon. One can definitely see how much the series influenced Cyberpunk 2077! (also the show is awesome. Season 2 not so much. lol)
The game is a pretty wild ride for sure. Good to hear you're having a blast with it so far! Just remember to save often, just in case. lol
Also, if you liked Blade Runner, check out the first season of Altered Carbon. One can definitely see how much the series influenced Cyberpunk 2077! (also the show is awesome. Season 2 not so much. lol)
I love the first season of Altered Carbon. But yeah the second season isn’t even worth watching.

Luckily the first season wraps things up enough to end it there.
Man, I loved Altered Carbon, and I agree with you guys about Season 1. It was phenomenal. I also thought Joel Kinnaman's portrayal of Takeshi Kovacs was better than Anthony Mackie's (although, they're both great actors).

I remember in 2018, I saw a guy in Manhattan with a trench coat and a pink Unicorn backpack at a Starbucks. It didn't make sense until I saw Altered Carbon a year later :rotfl.

I've been keeping an eye out for references about the show in 2077. Maybe there are one or a few of the guns that Kovacs uses... :unsure:
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That reminds me, Gunship (one of my favorite Synth bands) made a tribute song for Altered Carbon several years back. It's called "Woken Furies" in reference to the third book from the series.

I don't think V's feeling very well these days




The skin textures and lighting aren't usually this good even on max settings with NVidia's AI upscaling enabled. I experimented a bit with running a high-texture mod plus the GITS 3.X photo-realism mod (which adds lighting similar to the "Ghost in The Shell" movie). I think it did a phenomenal job with improving contrast at night time especially.



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I don't think V's feeling very well these days

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The skin textures and lighting aren't usually this good even on max settings with NVidia's AI upscaling enabled. I experimented a bit with running a high-texture mod plus the GITS 3.X photo-realism mod (which adds lighting similar to the "Ghost in The Shell" movie). I think it did a phenomenal job with improving contrast at night time especially.

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lol @ the first pics. That was me too. I think I took an extra close look at everyone and everything. I remember staring at the pavement textures in awe at 6am in the morning during my first couple hours in. 😅
It seems like lighting mods is the one thing I normally don't bother with for some reason, but that one looks really good.
What graphics card are you using? I started with a 2070, then a 3070, and finally got my hands on a 4070. Mostly for Phantom Liberty.
Worth it though!


Nice pics! I had a similar experience like yours. I've only been at it a few weeks, but I spent a good amount of hours just walking in the city and taking in the digital scenery. I was also meaning to ask you if you were using any mods, but the game still looks fantastic without them. I'm surprised that the game seems to be forgiving on system resources, even when settings are maxed out on 1440p (I'm using a 4070 Ti Super, btw).

This is probably the most photogenic game I ever played. I took some car shots :lol.





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One cool fact that I read, was that the game wasn't digitally created on a computer. The composers experimented on old Soviet-era synthesizers, which were used to give the game its sound.

The majority of electronic music is created from a widely-available database of preset sounds built into a computer or synth. To create Cyberpunk 2077’s unique sonic identity, the composers eschewed convention and took a more experimental approach, using a slew of odd machines to create bespoke sounds that give the score its ethereal edge.

“What we’ve done is ridiculous,” Leonard-Morgan explains. “It hasn’t been done before. We’ve composed with virtually no software at all. It’s all external gear. So it’s all weird and wacky synthesizers, all weird modular synths, always stuff which you then had to record the audio and process that around. You can never recreate the sounds again.”
Nice pics! I had a similar experience like yours. I've only been at it a few weeks, but I spent a good amount of hours just walking in the city and taking in the digital scenery. I was also meaning to ask you if you were using any mods, but the game still looks fantastic without them. I'm surprised that the game seems to be forgiving on system resources, even when settings are maxed out on 1440p (I'm using a 4070 Ti Super, btw).

This is probably the most photogenic game I ever played. I took some car shots :lol.

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It definitely is photogenic! lol I've got a bunch of different folders of screenshots from the last couple years, including my first folder which are all in 1080p from my first playthough. I remember staring up and the skyscrapers in awe, the city just seemed like this massive steel giant. Great memories. lol
As for mods, I'm not entirely sure. I remember I had some kind of mod that enhances draw distance, but I don't think I had any texture or lighting mods. I did have a few installed that changed/added new vehicles. It's like everytime I install mods, the games gets an update and messes them all up.
I'm pretty sure I'll give mods another shot soon though. I doubt I'll ever fully stop playing the game. lol

One cool fact that I read, was that the game wasn't digitally created on a computer. The composers experimented on old Soviet-era synthesizers, which were used to give the game its sound.
That is very cool. I never knew they did that with this soundtrack. I saw a Master Class with deadmau5, he uses a similar technique with his music too. You get some very neat and unique sounds that way, but unfortunately have no way of saving them. So as soon as you start turning knobs/sliders, those exact sounds are gone forever.
Very cool though. That makes me appreciate it's composers ever more now!
It definitely is photogenic! lol I've got a bunch of different folders of screenshots from the last couple years, including my first folder which are all in 1080p from my first playthough. I remember staring up and the skyscrapers in awe, the city just seemed like this massive steel giant. Great memories. lol
As for mods, I'm not entirely sure. I remember I had some kind of mod that enhances draw distance, but I don't think I had any texture or lighting mods. I did have a few installed that changed/added new vehicles. It's like everytime I install mods, the games gets an update and messes them all up.
I'm pretty sure I'll give mods another shot soon though. I doubt I'll ever fully stop playing the game. lol

That is very cool. I never knew they did that with this soundtrack. I saw a Master Class with deadmau5, he uses a similar technique with his music too. You get some very neat and unique sounds that way, but unfortunately have no way of saving them. So as soon as you start turning knobs/sliders, those exact sounds are gone forever.
Very cool though. That makes me appreciate it's composers ever more now!

Yeah, I can imagine my photo folder getting big as well. Every time I play, I have to pause the game and take a photo :lol.

Cyberpunk seems to be as expansive as Witcher 3 (at least that's the impression I have). I replayed Withcer 3 many times, and spent hundreds of hours on that game over a course of several years. I've also been thinking of re-playing it again, now that I have a new GPU.

Btw, I'm using an app called "Vortex", to download and manage the mods. It stores everything in it's own separate folder, and then loads the mods you've selected once you started the game. I tried doing things manually at first, but I ran into compatibility issues with the official files.

As for the sound, I found it pretty incredible that old tech still has so much use. The game had a budget of millions of dollars, but the composers managed to create an incredible in-game soundtrack with instruments that you can buy with pocket change. That's some real ingenuity.
Damn it, V!



I'm still experimenting with a bunch of different mods. Skin tones are generally okay, but upon closer inspection, clothes appear somewhat washed out. Not sure if it's due to the new textures from the HD Reworked mod. The opposite is everything looking overly saturated. I'm trying to find a good balance with the colors right now :unsure:

Here's a list of what I'm using so far:

Screenshot 2024-05-29 213532.jpg

As for the story progression, I'm right now in the Ghost Town chapter. I hope I won't need too many cybernetic implants as the game progresses, because I also blew most of V's income on an expensive apartment and a new sports car :lol.
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Damn it, V!

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I'm still experimenting with a bunch of different mods. Skin tones are generally okay, but upon closer inspection, clothes appear somewhat washed out. Not sure if it's due to the new textures from the HD Reworked mod. The opposite is everything looking overly saturated. I'm trying to find a good balance with the colors right now :unsure:

Here's a list of what I'm using so far:

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As for the story progression, I'm right now in the Ghost Town chapter. I hope I won't need too many cybernetic implants as the game progresses, because I also blew most of V's income on an expensive apartment and a new sports car :lol.
V, get your nose outta there! She belongs to 30 million other Cyberpunk gamers! 😂
Man Ghost Town, seems like ages ago since I was last there. lol I'd highly recommend doing a few side missions after Ghost Town, as some of the smaller missions will get bypassed unless you spend a few days in NC doing other stuff. I found that out the disappointing way with one of the Aldecaldo missions.
I'd also recommend doing the side missions and Phantom Liberty expansion first before completing the Nocturne Op55N1 mission. ;)
Lol I think I broke the game last night because I used a mod to force a romance between V and Judy. Not sure if you ever tried that, but I won't recommend it :lol. The voice lines were just all wrong. Judy referred to male V's butt as a "booty", and called him "girl", etc. Hope it doesn't prevent him getting any action from Panam.

Thanks for the tips! :duff I've been especially trying to level up the Shinobi skills though the side-missions, and I was in the process of doing a bunch after Ghost Town. My V is purely a stealth build. I mean... a cloaking device, a katana as a main weapon, Sandevistan - I just had to do it as an MGS fan.