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Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
*CLOSED: Sorry for this but some users say about I use a recasted head from betomatali and I dont know about this, I only buy at eBay like an original one. Well, sorry for the inconvenince, I admire and respect the work from the great beto.
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Recasted Head Sculpt MEH

I dont know what is "Recasted Head Sculpt MEH", my english it's bad, but I buy the head at eBay like an original betomatali's sculpt and I only made some modifications with putti... I dont know why you post this...
responeded to your PM , due to the artist involved and out of respect for him...

What? I dont out of respect for noone, I respect and admire betomatali man, I only buy this product at eBay... Sorry for the inconvenience I delette the pictures but i'ts not my fault man, I dont know about this casts, recasts, etc... I only paint for me.
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Any blank beto headsculpts you buy off ebay are fake. Beto doesnt sell headsculpts on ebay. This freddy is a recast and id say your remake jason voorhees would be a recast too if u purchase it off ebay. Dont buy any blank beto sculpts off ebay. Buy them off beto on this board they will be original and you will be supporting the artist who sculpted it
Any blank beto headsculpts you buy off ebay are fake. Beto doesnt sell headsculpts on ebay. This freddy is a recast and id ssy your remake jason voorhees would be a recast too if u purchase it off ebay. Dont buy any blank beto sculpts off ebay. Buy them off beto on this board they will be original and you will be supporting the artist who sculpted it too

Sorry but I dont know about this... I buy some items at eBay with the description like an original product, I never more do this, I'm sorry for that I respect the great betomatali but never have notices about this "recast" items, I painted for a long years but I'm new here and only paint for me until now. Sorry one more time, never do again...
Sorry but I dont know about this... I buy some items at eBay with the description like an original product, I never more do this, I'm sorry for that I respect the great betomatali but never have notices about this "recast" items, I painted for a long years but I'm new here and only paint for me until now. Sorry one more time, never do again...

Dont worry alot of ppl don't understand and didn't realize they are fake/copies of betos work. From now on when you want a beto sculpt buy directly off him on this forum. You will get a premium product and also buying directly off the artist
How do you tell when a head is a recast? Any signs to be aware of other than knowing the artist doesn't sell on ebay?
Check feedback often. I think Beto is from Mexico, but OP bought sculpt from a recaster in California. If the item locations don't match up that's probably a good indication as well. You should be able to tell from quality too, but not always.
You guys are too vicious when someone makes a mistake and doesn't realize what they're doing. Give the guy some slack. Now he knows...but damn yall.

:exactly: i think PM is better and more mature way to approach the situation. if you decide to post for everyone to see, come across nicely and mature. If your attention is to educate people about recasts that is. but if your attention is to embarass someone then your not being a fellow freak your being a ***k.

naming no names just saying in general.
I think this too but well... I work hard to finish the figure an pay for the "recast" thinking its an original but dont want to disturb and think beter delette the pictures. Thanks for the comments about and sorry for my bad english.
I think this too but well... I work hard to finish the figure an pay for the "recast" thinking its an original but dont want to disturb and think beter delette the pictures. Thanks for the comments about and sorry for my bad english.

I never got to see the finished result can you post pics of it again? Recast or not I would love to see your finished work dude
But some users say about I dont respect beto for publish it. I dont like problems with administrators or other users. You think I can post the pictures?
Hey what's done is done and you just want to show your painting apps which was the point of this wasn't it? You never recasted it or knew it was so that's already water under the bridge, I say post the pics to show off your mad paint skills cause whatever cast it is it's some really great work :clap:clap:clap
You guys are too vicious when someone makes a mistake and doesn't realize what they're doing. Give the guy some slack. Now he knows...but damn yall.

Can you please explain what you mean? Every comment ive read in response has been fair. No one has been "vicious" just pointing out its a recast and not to buy them
But some users say about I dont respect beto for publish it. I dont like problems with administrators or other users. You think I can post the pictures?
Which users? No one has said u dont respect beto. Unless you have received a private message saying that

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