Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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I don't know about the wrinkle in time stuff. Or the science stuff you're talking about. I know a lot of people, mainly guys on my social media don't like her because she's a feminist. That's new to me. Never heard of the other stuff.

With a wrinkle in time she stated that she did not need a 40 year old man to tell her his thoughts on the film because that film was not made for him.

I get where she is coming from.. But that film has a Giant Oprah in it :lol Its a pretty bad movie. Don't take my word for it.. 42% critics and 27% audience score on Rotten tomatoes

Her Gender Norms was a complaint that while at the gym and lifting heavy weights a man came over and said "Wow I cant even lift that" to which she thought "Like your the epitome of health,,, You better rethink you Gender Norms" Which is stupid on a few levels.. 1. The guy was trying to give her props. Maybe not the best way but still give me a break. The second part of the statement is just bad science. Don't get me wrong. Woman can do amazing things with strength and fitness but one should not have to give her a basic biology lessons.
Put it this way, has Tom Cruise crazy antics and opinions swayed you from seeing his films? He has some out there beliefs... Read up on his theories and ideas.
i just find it odd, that someone would talk crap about a movie before it comes out because of a person's ideas or opinions or, yes, I am beating a dead horse, the whole feminist thing. If this was about something else, I apologize, but it seemed a lot of people have been on her because of the whole feminist movement she pushes.

I think people are tired of being lectured to. Especially by the truly privileged Hollywood types.
Put it this way, has Tom Cruise crazy antics and opinions swayed you from seeing his films? He has some out there beliefs... Read up on his theories and ideas.

He has also learned over the years to keep his mouth shut about his religion ever since his antics almost cost him his career in the mid-2000s.
I rather have people speak out to what the Trump administration is doing, then remaining silent about it. In the end of the day, as mentioned before, people watch films of Tom Cruise and his crazy out there beliefs, wife beating Johnny Depp and the list goes on. If we can separate those actors from their films, why can't you do it for Brie Larson?
I rather have people speak out to what the Trump administration is doing, then remaining silent about it. In the end of the day, as mentioned before, people watch films of Tom Cruise and his crazy out there beliefs, wife beating Johnny Depp and the list goes on. If we can separate those actors from their films, why can't you do it for Brie Larson?
Tom Cruise was pretty looked down upon for awhile and basically had to disappear for awhile to recover his career. Jhonny Depp just got fired from the Pirates franchise over his domestic violence charges and its unclear if he can recover.

Bree Larson went on a racist tirade onstage only days ago.

Bet you guys believe in reverse racism as well.
You're right. There is no such thing as any special kind of racism. Only racism.
Put it this way, has Tom Cruise crazy antics and opinions swayed you from seeing his films? He has some out there beliefs... Read up on his theories and ideas.

I wont go over what I said about actors and poor behavior back a few pages but I will say this about Cruise.

Tom Cruise paid a price for that.. The MI films got Jeremy Reiner involved because Cruise's box office was going down and many figured it was because of his mouth and beliefs. So Tom had to reinvent himself. He became the crazy do your own stunts guy who does not talk about his personal beliefs anymore.

Now Reiner is gone and he is king of the box office again.

Cruise paid a price in the public eye, the media, and the box office.

I can honestly say that while I still would go to a Cruise film.. I would say more enjoyment was effected by having to force myself to separate the nut from the character on film.

And unlike Cruise. The media is already covering for Brie.. If this film fails it because of the white make Patriarchy. If it succeeds its a victory for Woman and a blow to the white make trolls...

We will see how the public eye and box office deal with it.
I am not saying she's my kind of person... I just don't get the anger behind it, because it's like... it's just her opinion. I am able to separate the person from the art. Can't speak for all the other stuff she's said, but I have no issue with feminism and don't think anyone should.

People have been annoyed when Leonardo DiCaprio advocated to clean up the planet, but then mock him for flying in private jets. They aren't wrong. It's appropriate, but the message is still one of value. He's not wrong. Sure it doesn't look good on the individual... and makes him off like a contradicting fool. And I am all for saying, that people who are right in thought are not always right with the execution, but looks like he's learning. lol Still, I am not using Leo as the Golden Boy for the environment. Far from it. And Bono kind of turns me the wrong way, so I get it.

Any Leo is now flying commercial with the rest of us. lol
I rather have people speak out to what the Trump administration is doing, then remaining silent about it. In the end of the day, as mentioned before, people watch films of Tom Cruise and his crazy out there beliefs, wife beating Johnny Depp and the list goes on. If we can separate those actors from their films, why can't you do it for Brie Larson?

But this is a movie forum... Believe me.. I talk about real politics other places.

But if Trump starts making Marvel movies.. You bet your ass I'll start talking about it here :lol

Here are some of my thought about other actors and their bad behavior and why we might be more willing to forgive. Its not in complete context but I think you will get the point I was trying to make.

Again I think that all boils down to the fact that the bad deeds done by those actors were found out after we already knew them. They had street cred. We fell in love with the characters before we found out what **** ups they were. So its hard to go back and retroactively hate what we loved.

Plus nobody made excuses for those actions. We might forgive after time. Mel has gone on the apology tour time and time again. But his career paid for his actions. Did Arnold apologize? I don't know.. I guess cheating on your spouse does not seem like as a big a deal when it comes to our Hollywood favs as they all seem to do it.

Plus there is the saying.. Time heals all wounds..

But Brie.. Well that just happened. There is no street Cred. No previous roles to love and no real apology for her social justice warrior grandstanding

Nope she knows she can get away with it right now because 1. She is in a freaking Marvel movie right before the biggest one of all time. 2. She is a privilege Hollywood star and the rest of Hollywood and much of the media agree with her views.

So yeah.. She comes across as far more annoying because she has chosen to attack the base that will be a big part of seeing her films.. And unlike Mel and Arnold.. She wont have to apologize. \

I guess you could say she kinda did when she walked it back a bit... But that really seemed like pressure from Disney. But who am I to say?

But like I said.. Some have already come to her defense.. Did people come to Mel's defense? I don't recall. I know when it happened I was like "Oh oh Mel there goes your career dumbass" and even though I liked him I knew he was going to get what he deserved.

As for Brie, well time will heal all wounds.. If the film is great and she is great in it and she stops the goofy comments in the future. Well I am sure most of us wont care what she said a few months from now.

As for Boycotting.. Meh.. Not a fan... I hope the film is good and I enjoy it. I hope I like her in it. I also hope she does not say dumb sexist things in the future so it will be easier for me to enjoy the films :)


I agree.. But I think or would like to think that if a White male actor came out and started crapping on the fan base or a certain group of people regardless of race, gender, or religion we would get annoyed and speak out about it here also.

Maybe we don't? IDK I cant think of anything off the top of my head.

Also I want to stress the street cred thing has more to do with loving something before the thing you love turns into something bad. Again its hard to retroactively dislike something that you loved for years.

Bad analogy but it s like family. Much easier to forgive family then a stranger. Especially if the family apologizes and the stranger does not.

Thanks for the cool reply also.. Good discussion.
I wont go over what I said about actors and poor behavior back a few pages but I will say this about Cruise.

Tom Cruise paid a price for that.. The MI films got Jeremy Reiner involved because Cruise's box office was going down and many figured it was because of his mouth and beliefs. So Tom had to reinvent himself. He became the crazy do your own stunts guy who does not talk about his personal beliefs anymore.

Now Reiner is gone and he is king of the box office again.

Yea, come to think of it Tom Cruise is still suffering from the effects of his couch jumping antics. Back in the 90s he was one of the most famous celebrities out there, with his personal life constantly in the limelight. Now he is borderline reclusive whenever he isn't on screen.
So yes, I read she's sick of too many white dudes. Probably not the best way to get your point across. I think what she meant to say, and should have said, is there needs to be more diversity. That being said, saying white dudes I can see would piss some people off.
I am not saying she's my kind of person... I just don't get the anger behind it, because it's like... it's just her opinion. I am able to separate the person from the art. Can't speak for all the other stuff she's said, but I have no issue with feminism and don't think anyone should.

People have been annoyed when Leonardo DiCaprio advocated to clean up the planet, but then mock him for flying in private jets. They aren't wrong. It's appropriate, but the message is still one of value. He's not wrong. Sure it doesn't look good on the individual... and makes him off like a contradicting fool. And I am all for saying, that people who are right in thought are not always right with the execution, but looks like he's learning. lol Still, I am not using Leo as the Golden Boy for the environment. Far from it. And Bono kind of turns me the wrong way, so I get it.

Any Leo is now taking a commercial jet with the rest of us. lol

First off.. Good for Leo, I applaud that.

But it goes back to being lectured by the Hollywood Elite who are truly privileged. They love to talk a big game but they have no idea what life is really like. Its easy to advocate for the Planet when those laws really wont effect you. But they will the average man and woman. Not saying we shouldn't do the things but it would help if Celebs practiced what they preached more.. Like Ed Begley Jr. Now that is commitment.
So yes, I read she's sick of too many white dudes. Probably not the best way to get your point across. I think what she meant to say, and should have said, is there needs to be more diversity. That being said, saying white dudes I can see would piss some people off.

I was more annoyed when she gave a speech a few nights ago saying that she didn't care what white men thought of a Wrinkle in Time because the movie wasn't made for them. Replace the term "white man" with any other demographic and see how well that statement would fly.
The feminist thing doesn’t bother me it’s just that some of these celebrities mostly white women play this card to gain the favor of people of color to boost there thing they are promoting. They don’t really care about social issues or never done anything to ever help people but as soon as something big that they are starring in happens they say how they hate white men and blah blah to gain acceptance from people of color causing a divide and making it seem like we hate white people and want to kill them. She seems fake and just trying to boost herself. Not once did she mention the first captain marvel who is a black woman. She is basically thrown to the side as like some little kid that looks up to carol. Wow. Talk about disrespectful. If she really was so progressive as she says she is she would of gave up the role to a black Woman seeing as how captain marvel is black before .

I for one don’t care about feminism but when one does it to push a movie but they haven’t done **** beforehand to help others it’s stupid.

She as passionate about this as she says. Then donate all the money this movie made to women shelters like black panther did. No? Ok then
First off.. Good for Leo, I applaud that.

But it goes back to being lectured by the Hollywood Elite who are truly privileged. They love to talk a big game but they have no idea what life is really like. Its easy to advocate for the Planet when those laws really wont effect you. But they will the average man and woman. Not saying we shouldn't do the things but it would help if Celebs practiced what they preached more.. Like Ed Begley Jr. Now that is commitment.

I agree, Ed Begley Jr is what he preaches. He shows it in his life style. To his home and way he travels. He's more than just words and that is what sells people. The genuine article.
So yes, I read she's sick of too many white dudes. Probably not the best way to get your point across. I think what she meant to say, and should have said, is there needs to be more diversity. That being said, saying white dudes I can see would piss some people off.

Exactly.. I dont disagree with there being more diversity if its out there to be had. I said this before. THe movie going public is mostly men... So do men gravitate towards that sort of work and thus there are more men? IDK. But I I get her point. If I was a woman I would probably take the critical advice of abother woman about a movie a little more to heart becasue she might be more wired like me.

Saying that just made me realize how really dumb her "rethinking" Gender Norms comment was... If she really believes that then she should have no problem with 40 year old men reviewing any kind of film.. :lol
The feminist thing doesn’t bother me it’s just that some of these celebrities mostly white women play this card to gain the favor of people of color to boost there thing they are promoting. They don’t really care about social issues or never done anything to ever help people but as soon as something big that they are starring in happens they say how they hate white men and blah blah to gain acceptance from people of color causing a divide and making it seem like we hate white people and want to kill them. She seems fake and just trying to boost herself. Not once did she mention the first captain marvel who is a black woman. She is basically thrown to the side as like some little kid that looks up to carol. Wow. Talk about disrespectful. If she really was so progressive as she says she is she would of gave up the role to a black Woman seeing as how captain marvel is black before .

I for one don’t care about feminism but when one does it to push a movie but they haven’t done **** beforehand to help others it’s stupid.

She as passionate about this as she says. Then donate all the money this movie made to women shelters like black panther did. No? Ok then

I don't have an issue with that as well. Actions speak far more than the words do. See Ed Begley Jr.
Exactly.. I dont disagree with there being more diversity if its out there to be had. I said this before. THe movie going public is mostly men... So do men gravitate towards that sort of work and thus there are more men? IDK. But I I get her point. If I was a woman I would probably take the critical advice of abother woman about a movie a little more to heart becasue she might be more wired like me.

Saying that just made me realize how really dumb her "rethinking" Gender Norms comment was... If she really believes that then she should have no problem with 40 year old men reviewing any kind of film.. :lol

It's heading there. I am in a multimedia program and half of the students in my class are female. And when it comes to the creative communications students, the majority are female in my school.