Captain Jack Harkness anyone? (Torchwood/Dr Who)

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It also occurs to me that unlike the Ten coat which needs to be pretty tight around the shoulders and back to look right, we have a bit more leeway with Jack's coat since it is much looser anyway.
It also occurs to me that unlike the Ten coat which needs to be pretty tight around the shoulders and back to look right, we have a bit more leeway with Jack's coat since it is much looser anyway.

The old version of Jacks coat is very bulky, the new version (which I don't like as much) not so much.

I think we have to be careful how much bulk we add to his clothes for as you know that doesn't transfer as well into a smaller scale without looking odd.

If this project does go forward, we need to figure out how we'll handle the coat situation. I would be sending her my own fabric to make sure I get the look I want, so would you guys want to wait and see mine done as the prototype so to speak, and then if everybody digs it, I can send her enough fabric for everyone else or just go every man for himself and each person deal with her 1 on 1? Or I could just handle my own coat, and sueworld could be the go between with Amy for the rest of the group?

I don't mind although in the next couple of months I'm going to be moving home, so communication might be a problem for a while.

Based on my experience with Ten's coat (got it back today woooo!), the best way to make sure the Jack's coat fits properly is to send Amy a sample dressed figure (pants, shirt, suspenders) so she can do the fitting directly over the layers. Then, once she figured out the pattern, if the rest of us use the same kind of body as the sample figure (HT narrow for example) we would know for sure the coat would fit since they would all be the same size and dimensions.

Thats avery good idea. I personally think that we should just put together one figure and then let everyone else have a look at whats been done before rushing off and commissioning the rest. Maybe It would be helpful in a way If we knew exactly what height the new Who figures were going to be, and balance up Jack with both those and the old CO 12".

As I said before Barrowman isn't a small man, and in an ideal world I'm quite keen to try and get relative heights right If It's at all possible. I mean Jack was taller then Tennants Doctor for a start.

I'm also intending to do a few other TW characters including a Capt John Hart and a Gwen that I'm currently getting the parts/clothes for.

Below is the new more streamlined version of Jacks greatcoat. Made with thinner fabric and a more blue looking colour.
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Hey gang,
Wow, you've got eight people signed up for Jack already! I KNOW you can get sixteen!

I actually dropped in here because I wanted to give you all one of my famous "Rick" pep-talks, (so run now!). I wanted to say, you know, I started the "Doctor Who 1:6 customs Group" here on SSF, and I'm really proud it has nearly 80 members. And when I look at the Big Chief thread here on SSF, so many people are excited, and there are names I've never even seen signed up for the Who group, and I mean lots of them. And that's just here on SSF.

So, and I mean this specifically about Doctor Who, don't EVER think 16 people interested in a project is a pain-in-the-ass, hard number to get to. OTHER franchises might have that problem, but we have those 80 people already interested in customs right in the group.

If you really wanted something, I don't think they all visit regularly. Heck, we all know there are periods of just tumbleweeds blowing through it. But I want you to think of it as a resource. Maybe you need to PM them and ask to make your 16, but the work is halfway done just by it's existence.

Ex: For everyone who's said they want a 1:6 Jo Grant or Susan head to go along with their Hartnell, or would maybe like WGP to take a crack at a Hartnell too, 16 interested shouldn't be a hard number to get when you think of it in the above terms.

I think we have an easier shot at getting our things made than others because of our numbers, so never think anything is impossible. :)

-Rick :)
The whole reason I tried to set up a run of coats was in the hope that if people knew they could also get Jack's signature coat they'd be more willing to commit for a headsculpt. It seems like it's getting harder and harder to get people to show up for Who projects these days. Jack's a popular character long overdue for a sculpt, and his outift, aside from the coat, is easy as pie to bash. Maybe we need to spread the message to other boards like Gallifrey Base or OSW? I'm pleasantly suprised we've managed to get 8 on board so far, but I have a feeling that if we have to rely on this forum alone, that other 8 is gonna be a struggle.
Well, I would think if there is any time that people would be interested in Jack it would be right now what with Torchwood finally returning to our screens like right now.

If the new season doesn't totally suck and turn everyone off the franchise forever, I bet if we spread the word we'll get the names in no time. I think people are more likely to express interest in projects like this when it is in front of their face with brand new content.
Yeah, hopefully Miracle Day will help stir up interest. I saw the first episode tonight, and I thought it was great.
The whole reason I tried to set up a run of coats was in the hope that if people knew they could also get Jack's signature coat they'd be more willing to commit for a headsculpt. It seems like it's getting harder and harder to get people to show up for Who projects these days. Jack's a popular character long overdue for a sculpt, and his outift, aside from the coat, is easy as pie to bash. Maybe we need to spread the message to other boards like Gallifrey Base or OSW? I'm pleasantly suprised we've managed to get 8 on board so far, but I have a feeling that if we have to rely on this forum alone, that other 8 is gonna be a struggle.

Yeah I think you're right there, but do they allow such a thread on GB though? The other forum I don't think I've ever posted on. Are you a member?

Well, I would think if there is any time that people would be interested in Jack it would be right now what with Torchwood finally returning to our screens like right now.

If the new season doesn't totally suck and turn everyone off the franchise forever, I bet if we spread the word we'll get the names in no time. I think people are more likely to express interest in projects like this when it is in front of their face with brand new content.

Exactly. It's now or never imo.
Yeah I think you're right there, but do they allow such a thread on GB though?

I'm pretty sure I remember William Shatner's Toupee posting a thread about the WGP Troughton projects over on GB and it not being a problem. You could always ask a mod first I suppose, just to make sure.
I'm interested. But....will Big Chief be venturing there as well?

Somehow I doubt it. They haven't got him listed as one of their intended characters, and for all we know this line may sink before It even gets to him anyway. I mean a lot depends on wether Who fans have the money to fork out on high end stuff.

I'm pretty sure I remember William Shatner's Toupee posting a thread about the WGP Troughton projects over on GB and it not being a problem. You could always ask a mod first I suppose, just to make sure.

Right. Thing is I'm not sure I'n even a member over there. :lol:
I'm interested. But....will Big Chief be venturing there as well?

They have 50 wonderful years worth of Doctor Who to explore, 11 Doctors and many companions and baddies that they can choose from. Like every company, only so many slots are available a year. Like with anything in customizing, it's a crap shoot, man.

I'm pretty sure I remember William Shatner's Toupee posting a thread about the WGP Troughton projects over on GB and it not being a problem. You could always ask a mod first I suppose, just to make sure.

You can do an interest list there. I myself have found for non-customizing Who sites like GB, its been more to my benefit to just go there with the finished product because doing interest lists like we do here kind of confuses them (laugh). They don't know our people here like we do, being a tight community, and to a lesser extent I find the same is true of OSW, where we hardly get responses for anything.

In a month or so when I can show the competed Troughton crew in costumes at GB it may be different as they get to know WGP and our work through that.

That's a big part of why I was saying I was amazed at the 80 people in the Who customs group here and all the new names I was seeing in other Who threads. It's incredible we are getting that kind of numbers for Who here. :)
You can put me down for 2 heads and 2 coats.

Did anyone watch the first part of Miracle Day? What did you think?
I haven't seen it yet, so no spoilers please. :)
I'll be mailing off the fabric for the coat in the morning.

I rememberd that Amy also does leather work (she did a great Leela costume for me a few months back), so I've asked if she'd be interested in doing the Time Vortex Manipulator for us as well. I'll let you guys know what she says.
Oh god thats wonderful news. Please post as soon as you get a reply. :D
You can put me down for 2 heads and 2 coats.

Did anyone watch the first part of Miracle Day? What did you think?
I haven't seen it yet, so no spoilers please. :)

Done. :)

Well I liked it. Not as much as Children of Earth so far, but give it time. :D
Added. :D

Those interested so far...

Sueworld (head and coat)

The ObsoluteMan (1 head and 1 coat)

The Tekkaman Blade (head and 1 coat)

Buffylover (head)

MiskatonicNick (head)

thainer (head)

Duck of Death (head)

tjg (2 heads and 2 coats)

Reinhardt (head)

Ironman1188 (Head)
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Amy says the TVM should be do-able. It won't have the gadgetry inside obviously, but should still look pretty darn cool.