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After the first two waves of Aliens CMs were released there was hope that HT would make another wave of figures, including Lt. Gorman. When that didn't happen there was a sculptor on the board who was going to make a Gorman head, but that too fell through. Never even got off the ground as far as I know. The interest thread still exists, so it's possible it will still happen, as soon as another sculptor offers to make one.

I was looking real hard at pic of Gorman and comparing it to the head I have and I honestly think that with a little tweaking he could be used as a basis for a sculpt.there are only a few minor things that are wrong with it.The first being he has a wider nose (the sculpt not the actor) and second he has darker hair and his eyebrows need to come in closer.
My custom Lt Gorman.almost finished just need to make up the patches for him and darken his hair.:D
Hate that plastic cap but so far Ive been unable to find a cloth one
My custom Lt Gorman.almost finished just need to make up the patches for him and darken his hair.:D
Hate that plastic cap but so far Ive been unable to find a cloth one

He looks pretty good to me great job!
Some paint-ups I did for Sideshow member D-Chaos; Apone and Hudson, headsculpts are available from Lonnie at the Frontline website. :D
Some paint-ups I did for Sideshow member D-Chaos; Apone and Hudson, headsculpts are available from Lonnie at the Frontline website. :D

good stuff,I was finding it really hard to get hudsons eyes done because his eyes are so closed,I did darren carnels trick of painting them wider than they actually are.he needs to be grimmed up then he would look more like hudson imo.been trying to get a hold of lonnie for that apone head but cant get an answer from him:(
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I'm using the new HT truetype head (in the middle) for my Gorman custom:

With a bandage around his head and the right costume I think he'll look pretty close to accurate.

Now, this sculpt realy got kind of a gorman look.:horror
Could b Gorman's Brother.
Anyone have any ideas for a close to, not perfect match to the marines helmet?
Since it's based on the US M1 steel pot, you wouldn't go wrong starting from there. Plenty of those in circulation and sold loose. You'd just need to build up the front with epoxy putty or similar material to get the basic shape of the USCM M10 helmet.

The other details would take a bit of work, but nothing impossible if you have the materials on hand. I think most of it, like the earphone piece and camera, could be sculpted out of epoxy putty, miliput, etc. The lobster neck armour could be scratch built out of plastic sheet and/or epoxy putty too.
My chin strap came off the helmet of my Hicks and I got to wondering, did he ever even wear a chin strap in the movie?



Yeah he wears it.
But, Hicks has it between the edge of the helmet and the strap that surrounds the edge of the helmet.
Hudson wears them hangin loose on the sides and Apone has it strapped tight over his chin.:D
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The helmets used in the movie didn't have the complete chin strap. The left side swivel bale was removed and the helmet modified for the comms ear cup... The helmet liner was also cut down to fit inside the helmet and around the comms ear cup... Ended up with only the right side of the chin strap on the helmet....
Kinda late entry of this game and miss all the good opportunity of getting the marines:monkey2...however, got luck of purchase this from a private collector lately and could finally commence my USCM project:banana

Is this the EVA models kit?

I'm not quite sure as I've only seen EVA mod from pix. However, it looks more like HT kit except from its color appearance.:huh. May be collectors who owned the fig can give some insight on this.
Kinda late entry of this game and miss all the good opportunity of getting the marines:monkey2...however, got luck of purchase this from a private collector lately and could finally commence my USCM project:banana


Thats a HT recast,pretty good too.I know because I own an EVA set and its not that good.Where did you get it
That looks like a recast of Sgt. Apone's armour and gear, and a very clean one at that. EVA's USCM armour model was in kit form. Most of the parts had flashing and sprues that had to be removed, and the pieces had to be finished before assembly. The pieces in this set appear already finished and ready for painting. I'm also very interested in where this armour set came from...
I'd love to get hold of some of those! Any chance you can tell us where it came from evilalive?

I'm working on a new dio and would love to get Frost, Deitrich etc to go with these guys:
Thanks all for the confirmation.

Got this from a private collector here in HK and he told me that the set was original purchased from China though.