Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I can’t remember, but was the Hulk landing in Dr. Strange’s home from the comics or did Marvel take that from X-men’s Onslaught? Because I remember Juggernaut landing somewhere just like Hulk and repeating “Onslaught is coming!”

In the comics, it was Silver Surfer who crashed into the Sanctum Sanctorum to warn of Thanos coming.

Even a crappy 360p cam footage of Thor showing up with his new weapon is trending on UK YouTube. That was like a Stone Cold coming to save everyone moment, only thing missing was the glass shatter theme. :lol

Moments like that make me feel like a kid again.

Yeah how do you not love Thor after this movie. Because Russos. Can't wait for the epic Hulk-out of all time when Banner gets his mojo back.
I wasn't fond of the Tony mentor thing with Spiderman initially but I have to say it had big dramatic pay-off in this film that I cannot ignore.

Good post here. Made me think about a few things I didn't previously. First, Spidey's trauma from dying could set up a film version of one of the very best Spidey comic stories of all time

Well that depends on how the dead characters will be brought back. If it's just a time reversal then as far as they're concerned they never died in the first place, they didn't experience that. If it's some other means then probably yes, they will know and remember that they died.
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Yeah how do you not love Thor after this movie. Because Russos. Can't wait for the epic Hulk-out of all time when Banner gets his mojo back.

Those Russo cats do not mess around do they.

They possess a grand vision and comprehension of a characters full abilities, persona and importance.

Real shame Marvel gave away the F4 and XM they can’t get them back fast enough I mean just look at that AntMan 2 trailer sheesh, Peyton is a hardcore geek more than even the Russo’s I think.

But can you imagine Russo’s with Wolverine :thud:

I like how Thor has gotten stronger in Thor 3 and IW. He's reaching Superman level power in the movies finally.

I loved it when he grabbed Thanos’s head and was like ***** you’re mine.
I lived it when he grabbed Thanos’s head and was like ***** you’re mine.

Those Russo cats do not mess around do they.

They possess a grand vision and comprehension of a characters full abilities, persona and importance.

Real shame Marvel gave away the F4 and XM they can’t get them back fast enough I mean just look at that AntMan 2 trailer sheesh, Peyton is a hardcore geek more than even the Russo’s I think.

But can you imagine Russo’s with Wolverine :thud:

I loved it when he grabbed Thanos’s head and was like ***** you’re mine.

No wonder the DC fans are constantly bashing these movies, pure unadulterated jealousy. They wish in their heat of hearts that WB could pull off what Disney has been pulling off for 10 years. I'm not a cb reader, so I never had any stake in this, but its shocking how poorly WB is handling those movies. They had a gold mine at their fingertips and constantly squander it.
No wonder the DC fans are constantly bashing these movies, pure unadulterated jealousy. They wish in their heat of hearts that WB could pull off what Disney has been pulling off for 10 years. I'm not a cb reader, so I never had any stake in this, but its shocking how poorly WB is handling those movies. They had a gold mine at their fingertips and constantly squander it.

I'd love to be able to praise DC like I've praised Marvel. But I can't, their universe building has been arseways from the start so none of the films are having any impact. You kill Superman in only his second appearance and expect me to feel something? When you didn't even make him particularly likable in the first place? Sorry :dunno
Marvel's heroes were never as well known as the DC Trinity aside from Spidey and Hulk and *they still don't even have access to some of their most popular characters* and yet look what they've done. Unbelievable. It's almost inconceivable actually, lol.
Every decade or so things tend to get trumpeted as "the new SW OT" (HP, Avatar, hell even The Fifth Element, lol) with really only the LOTR trilogy coming close. Until now. I think the "finger snap" is going to be remembered and referenced the way Superman turning back time is still remembered today.


All others bow down.
I enjoyed Ragnarok. Very much. But after IW i hooe Chris and Taika dont get their wish for making Thor 4 lol.

Also. The Russos did great with cap an im. I really appreciate how they gave Thor that “Russo treatment” as well. Next up I hope they give us that badass hulk. It will be the end of his arc after all.

I remember last year A4 would be the Russos last marvel movie. They would then leave to direct their own movies under their company or something. I get the feeling that has changed. The way they y talk in interviews make it seem like they have more plans with other properties

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The ego on "Kathy" to put her name there in big letters.

I was waiting for someone to point that out, lol. The way the pic is staged and captioned it looks like Kathy herself is handing the lightsaber to Iron Man. :slap

The pic even leads off with "From a galaxy far, far away" yet she still had to get her own personal "From" in there.