Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)


All eyes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are looking toward Avengers: Infinity War, including Kevin Feige's.

There are five movies in between now and the 2018 release of Infinity War. First comes Doctor Strange, which hits theaters on November 4th, and then Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther. And, Feige laments with a laugh, people are already asking him for his nextfive year plan.

But looking ahead, the head of Marvel Studios believes the hardest challenge for the big screen superhero franchise is behind them.

"When Tony Stark and Stark Industries and the world of that first movie was the definition of the Cinematic Universe, the question was how do you bring a soldier from World War 2 into that in a way that makes sense, how do you bring a Norse god from a whole other planet into that in a way that makes sense, how do you introduce flying aircraft carriers into that? That was the challenge. Now -- particularly after Avengers, after Guardians, after this movie -- the sky's the limit with where we go," he told IGN at a Doctor Strange sneak peek footage event.

The Avengers have been brought together multiple times -- first in 2012's The Avengers, then in 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron, and most recently in 2016's Captain America: Civil War -- so the next step is making sure all the new pieces being added to the MCU puzzle (Strange, Captain Marvel and whatever other new Avengers are introduced in the next two years)- fit together nicely.

Of Doctor Strange's powerful, magical abilities balancing off with the rest of the Avengers, Feige said, "He's not all powerful. Without giving too much away, he's not an expert when he faces off against the things he has to face off with in this movie, even toward the end of the movie. So there's a learning curve for him, which is always fun for all of the heroes -- and they face a pretty tough dude in the next Avengers movie."

Feige also talked about making each of the standalone Avengers film worlds feel like they're part of the same whole, using Wakanda -- which was introduced at the end of Civil War -- as an example.

"We promised Ryan Cooler we wouldn't show too much, which is why it's so misty at the end. We didn't want to lock him into it. All of that I think is going to integrate really easily and nicely now that audiences seems to accept that they all inhabit the same universe," Feige said. He also talked about how Doctor Strange is already setting up "Strange's place in that universe, which Wong defined, is 'Avengers do this, we do this.'"

After Benedict Cumberbatch wraps promoting his upcoming MCU debut, he'll already be gearing up to reprise his role as Doctor Strange in the next Avengers film. There he'll be filming Avengers 3 and 4 back-to-back, though Feige was mum about just how different the two movies would be.

"There's a reason we have publicly called the first one 'Infinity War' and the second one 'Untitled,' because the movies we were developing were not -- certainly there's a connection, there are with all our movies -- but it's not a first part and a second part. It's a whole movie and a whole story, and then a whole movie and a whole story. That's about all I can say," Feige said. "It's certainly inspired by everything that has come before and everything that is hinted at before."

Bringing together all these characters in one movie -- including Captain Marvel, who Feige calls "the most powerful character we've ever introduced" -- will be an act of balancing their strengths and weaknesses against one another like the Russo brothers did in Civil War.

"We will be intercutting a lot of stories in that movie in a lot of different locales, as it sort of is in the Avengers movies as well; who is facing off against who. In this movie, it's going to be fun to mix that up. One of the things that's great about the Infinity Gauntlet is everybody tried to go up against Thanos whether they were god-like powers or not, because that's what Avengers do," said Feige. "The fun about those two movies that we're doing essentially at the same time is everybody's there."

And does that "everybody" include the TV characters as well, like the Defenders? All Feige would say: "Spoilers!"

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

I hope the Defenders make it in the movie.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)


Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

I really hope to see a version of this on screen. I know John Walker has worn this as U.S.Agent longer than Steve in the comics, but Rogers had it first. With the way things went in Civil War it make sense to me that this could be a possibility for Rogers moving forward in the MCU....However that may be just wishful thinking on my part! But look back into the comics when Cap QUIT being Cap! In Captain America issue #341 he fights Iron Man, and in issue #342 he gets a new VIBRANIUM SHIELD from Black Panther. All this while he has left the old shield and suit behind, refusing to become a government lackey! Again, just my opinion, but one can dream right? Besides, I'm not to big on seeing Nomad!


Also, Hope he returns to the Red White and Blue by the end of the Infinity War!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

I think it's pretty obvious that's the route they're going to take. Maybe he won't don the U.S.Agent/Captain suit, instead going for the Commander Rogers look, but they're setting that storyline up IMO.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

That color scheme is too pretty, too vibrant and the design to nice and simple to ever be used in the MCU.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

That color scheme is too pretty, too vibrant and the design to nice and simple to ever be used in the MCU.

It's just... black with some red and white lines. I don't see how it's more vibrant than his regular suit.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

the red is pretty vibrant and contrasting, maybe vibrant is the wrong adjective, just contrasting.

His regular suit is all washed out it might as well be all muddy dark blue, the exception being the Avengers one but that one's yucky.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

the red is pretty vibrant and contrasting, maybe vibrant is the wrong adjective, just contrasting.

His regular suit is all washed out it might as well be all muddy dark blue, the exception being the Avengers one but that one's yucky.

The MCU gave us the Strange costume. I really don't think they're gonna go with "it's too comic book-y" when it comes to The Captain/U.S. Agent uni.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

Yeah you're right Strange's costume is great. But they've already settled too much into the tacticool with CA to give it any color and simplicity.

I don't mind, I don't dislike it, I just don't expect stylish simplicity from them.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

Yeah you're right Strange's costume is great. But they've already settled too much into the tacticool with CA to give it any color and simplicity.

I don't mind, I don't dislike it, I just don't expect stylish simplicity from them.

Eh, I don't see the difference apart from the colour scheme. It's not like they went for the chainmail and cloth mask look in the first place.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

But there is a big difference and it's right there in front of you, the chest part is just simple lines, in full color and uninterrupted by pointless segments, retarded lines and unneeded patterns. Which gives it much needed breathing room from the usual vacuous over-design and makes the colors pop more with less distractions.

And the black on the pants helps hide all that design fat I mentioned.

It doesn't need to be chain-mail, but damn they could lay off the panels all over :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

The pic was just a design or sample idea I did. Obviously if they did do it, it would probably look fairly different, especially on screen.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

The pic was just a design or sample idea I did. Obviously if they did do it, it would probably look fairly different, especially on screen.
And you did good.

I have great distaste for most modern concept/character artists, all that technique and so little taste, not often do they see the appeal in simplicity.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

But there is a big difference and it's right there in front of you, the chest part is just simple lines, in full color and uninterrupted by pointless segments, retarded lines and unneeded patterns. Which gives it much needed breathing room from the usual vacuous over-design and makes the colors pop more with less distractions.

And the black on the pants helps hide all that design fat I mentioned.

It doesn't need to be chain-mail, but damn they could lay off the panels all over :lol

Eh, I like the tactical look of the recent Cap uniforms, so, either way, I'm good.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

Yeah like I said I don't dislike it, I just don't expect simplicity from them.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

That color scheme is too pretty, too vibrant and the design too nice and simple to ever be used in the MCU.
they've already settled too much into the tacticool with CA to give it any color and simplicity.
Ummm... He's with T'Challa now, and we all know that Black Panther's costume is simple, pretty and vibrant. Not to mention the only tacticool part of Cap's costume since TWS is his helmet, the rest was just a bunch of nonsensical redesigns of the Super Soldier uniform.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

Gaspar is right and there is a good reason why the saying "less is more" was invented to begin with.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Part 1 & Part 2 - (May 4, 2018 & May 3, 2019)

Ummm... He's with T'Challa now, and we all know that Black Panther's costume is simple, pretty and vibrant. Not to mention the only tacticool part of Cap's costume since TWS is his helmet, the rest was just a bunch of nonsensical redesigns of the Super Soldier uniform.
Yeah it goes without saying there are always exceptions to the rule, Spidey's costume isn't that bad either, if not for the ugly black stripes.

Tacticool != tactical, tacticool is dumb overdesign to give the impression of tactical, Caps costume is tacticool.

Gaspar is right and there is a good reason why the saying "less is more" was invented to begin with.