Statue ARH Conan W/Slave Girl and 8FT Snake

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Thanks for the excellent post Troy.
I for one am very happy to add this dio to my collection. Ordered! :thud:
The more Conan the better.
Looking forward to any future Conan projects from ARH and you. I say "Bring It!
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yea i don't get the complaining about the price..I mean I get how if u haven't heard anything about this piece, a higher price for the dio might come off as odd at first; however if uve been on the forum since (as others have said) nycc, averone been saying this was gonna be around 1100, so coming in at 1080 for everything, regardless of how it breaks down, is fair imo…even if it was 1000 for the diorama and 80 for the conan or whatever, so long as its close to that origin estimate I'm fine with it, which is why Ive been one of the first to preorder the item….its a beast and how many other massive, 1/4 scale diorama pieces are there? exactly
As I said before I do not know the quality of ARH products cause in Turkey, sadly they are not known enough. Further Turkish people have a bad attitude about shopping from the most popular products without thinking if they suit them or not! For example they underrate the products of Kotobukiya and always compare their items with Sideshow cause in their eyes Sideshow is the king! When I first see the statues of ARH, I am really impressed because of their application of color and high detail. For the Conan diorama, I believe it is an amazing statue and it has a good story behind it. It is not done like a movie with spectacular CGI effects but a poor story and character development! This diorama is a true grail for me and for every Conan fan. I want to thank to ARH for their passion and great kindness:) Let's keep up the good work guys and please don't try to get big as Sideshow. I hope you understand what I want to tell..
Hey gang! I hope no one thinks I've been avoiding the forums because
of the critiques or anything, I've just been EXTREMELY busy and haven't
had the time to post.

While I love the posts praising me for whatever work I've done, I really
don't mind the feedback that's less "complimentary". I've always felt that,
as an artist, you need to have a thick enough skin to take the good with
the bad, and if you think your work is above criticism, you're fooling

I actually like to listen to the fans feedback, and I take a lot of it to heart.
Over the course of my sculpting career, good, constructive criticism has
definitely made me adjust my style and the way I work. I never assume
everyone is going to like my work, and I pay attention to courteous,
dissenting viewpoints.

The only feedback I completely ignore is that which is delivered in a rude,
or disrespectful manner, or criticism which makes assumptions about me
as a sculptor (i.e.; my influences, what references I used, assumptions
about who I'm familiar with or not familiar with, etc.).

As far as this particular project goes, I'm not going to get into any of the
specifics details regarding deadlines, art direction, promotion of the piece
or my own style choices. I will tell you that Conan is probably my all-time
favorite literary character and you will not find a bigger Buscema or Frazetta
fan, especially when it comes to their interpretations of Conan.

I've got just about every Frazetta art book ever put out, and a large collection
of Buscema sketch books, interviews and boxes upon boxes of Buscema comics.
Did you ever see the Ulik bust I did for Bowen? Take a look at that face and
tell me I'm not a Buscema fan. :)

That being said, Neither I, or Arahom wanted this to be a Buscema or Frazetta
Conan. Are there things that he, or I might have changed or altered if we had
more time to work on the heads? Sure, but that's 100% the case for EVERY
sculpt I've ever done!

You have to understand, this is my only job. I consistently have 5-8 projects going on
simultaneously, at all times, just so I can keep a roof over my kid's heads. I don't
have the time, or the inclination, to tweak every sculpt I do until it's "perfect", which
is a ridiculous notion anyway. As professional artists, we do the very best we can,
at the time, and then move on. We're NEVER going to please all of the people all of
the time, which is totally fine. It's easy to be an armchair art director after the fact,
but when you're trying to run a business, or freelance sculpting career, you don't
have the luxury of open-ended deadlines.

This isn't the last Conan, or girl I'm going to sculpt, and this isn't the only style
I'm going to sculpt them in. I doubt this is the last Conan, or girl that Arahom is
going to produce. We do the best we can, and if whatever we do doesn't sell, we
know something we've done wasn't right, and we try and adjust accordingly for the
next time.

So to all of you that are happy w/ this piece, thank you so much for the support!

To all of you that had issues with it, and expressed your dissatisfaction in a respectful,
constructive way, thanks for your feedback and I absolutely paid attention to what
you had to say.

….and to the people who essentially just said "FAIL", thanks for nothing. Your "feedback"
was as helpful as a squawking crow.

See you all next time! :D

I don't have a problem with the sculpts so this isn't actually criticism ....

It may not have been your conscious intention to sculpt a Buscema Conan here, but per your own words about their 'not being a bigger fan', the comic love has obviously shone here because its obvious what the final sculpts look most like !
he he he, you know when you get people who come on and just hate, its when you know your doing something right.

ARH Studios is now on its 3rd year of production and development and still with a small crew, we manage to produce quality high grade statues. For me, its not just another job, its my hobby and part of what I love so I get a real kick out of it.
Troy is a great guy, and we are so very proud to work with him.
Which set has the 3rd Head sculpt ? Do we just order via the 2 links posted to get the whole lot, exclusives etc ?

Sorry for being a bit numb on this :1-1:

The 3rd headsculpt is an ARH website exclusive. Think ya gotta order the whole package on their website to get it. :dunno
Which set has the 3rd Head sculpt ? Do we just order via the 2 links posted to get the whole lot, exclusives etc ?

Sorry for being a bit numb on this :1-1:

Format for the packs agreed on by ARH and SideShow.

Easy can get:

Pack 1 from ARH that will be their Website EX, which includes: 1/hair head, 1/axe hands, 1/headband head and 1/sword hands


Pack 1 from Sideshow, which will only come with: 1/hair head and 1/axe hands.


Pack 2 from ARH or Sideshow and it will be the same and include: Snake Base, Girl, 1/helmet head and 1/variant axe hands.
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