ANH Luke

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It just doesn't appear to me to be something so tough to get right.

It isn't. That's what's so damn frustrating.

Maybe I'm just a hard ass (and maybe I wouldn't be around for too long) but I can guarantee you that if it were up to me those production tunics would NOT have been acceptable (because, to me they aren't) and ANH Luke would not be leaving the factory until it sported something much closer to what was on the prototype.

I would learn very quickly how to write and say "not acceptable", "try harder", "uh, did you actually LOOK at the prototypes?" and "do better" in Chinese. :lol
I don't really think it's fair to go naming particular names, since we have no idea what the situation really is. I just think that something is going wrong somewhere.
Or by the looks of it, the water might just roll right off of it. :lol

No one is implying any deliberate fraud on the part of SideShow.

Then its not the proper term to use.

But few would argue that the original tunic generated a lot of excitement on this forum, and to have such a key feature switched out just as shipping begins feels bad. I think we should hold any company to do their level best not to promote with something they cannot deliver. Did SS do their level best? Who knows, but we don't have to be happy.

I agree the original tunic was better in every way. However, I don't think SS promoted the original with the thought we won't be able to deliver on it.

Also, sometimes familiarity with - not ignorance of - certain phases allows you the freedom to use them in different ways to convey feeling. One doesn't need to find a specific listing in Webster.... For instance, if I were to describe you as a pompous horse's rear-end for that last post you made, it could be proven that you are neither pompous nor a horse's rear end in point of fact, but the feeling is nevertheless conveyed... :D

I'd just tell you to have the intestinal fortitude to call me a jackass. :)

I'd hate to name names, but the truth is that it is Scott Klauder's job and responsibility to try and ensure that things come out of production as close as possible to the approved prototype. Now, I know he's only able to go over to China and inspect things at the factories for himself about 4 times a year or so. But maybe it's time he either moves there... or they hire a counterpart who is there full-time. Or maybe he can switch to Marketing/PR (which he's pretty brilliant at) and the Production Manager comes out of Asia.

Clearly, whatever they are doing now to ensure that production pieces turn out as close and humanly possible to the solicited prototypes is NOT working.

Do we know that he didn't try or whatever. A lot of assuming that SS just tossed it in and said ^^^^ it.
Damn Josh, give it a [cute] bleeping rest.

I'm beggining to think YOU are the one that had SS swap out tunics you are defending that inferior piece of material so much.
I don't think Irish is saying anyone is not doing their job. He said perhaps the process of getting prototype to production would be easier and more accurate if they had someone (assuming they don't already) in asia who is an employee of Sideshow (not an associate or a "hire-out" company) to oversee these things.
I think a significant ammount of things need to be moved to the Asian facilities in order to make the final steps SSC needs to make, they're getting better and better, if they can clear the last few hurdles they could be kings. I imagine Hot Toys success comes because their proto painters and fabricators can easily work with and instruct the production crews.
I just had a vision !!!! A certain member of this board will review this figure once he receives it and this amazing masterpiece will receive a high note of 10 in every category, except in the clothing category, because of the Tunic thing, poor Luke will receive a 9.5......
I don't think Irish is saying anyone is not doing their job. He said perhaps the process of getting prototype to production would be easier and more accurate if they had someone (assuming they don't already) in asia who is an employee of Sideshow (not an associate or a "hire-out" company) to oversee these things.

That's what I took from his comments, not that anyone is doing anything wrong, but that something in the company structure or production process gets in the way of people being able to do their best, that they're doing their best with circumstances but those circumstances need to be fixed so they're able to really tap into their strengths.

It's like if Josh(DA) was only given red and black to paint figures with, could he come up with some good paint jobs, sure, but they'll never be the best job he could do and it doesn't mean he's not capable of better, it just means he can only do as good as he can with the resources he's given.
I don't think Irish is saying anyone is not doing their job. He said perhaps the process of getting prototype to production would be easier and more accurate if they had someone (assuming they don't already) in asia who is an employee of Sideshow (not an associate or a "hire-out" company) to oversee these things.

Well, if they do already have a direct, full-time Sideshow employee in Asia who is supposed to be Klauder's PM counterpart then I think we've figured out the kink in the armor. But I don't believe that's the case.
I just had a vision !!!! A certain member of this board will review this figure once he receives it and this amazing masterpiece will receive a high note of 10 in every category, except in the clothing category, because of the Tunic thing, poor Luke will receive a 9.5......

No, that person will give extra points for the tunic and Luke will get a 11!!!!
That's what I took from his comments, not that anyone is doing anything wrong, but that something in the company structure or production process gets in the way of people being able to do their best, that they're doing their best with circumstances but those circumstances need to be fixed so they're able to really tap into their strengths.

Exactly! :lecture

And I wasn't calling out Klauder at all, just pointing out that PM is his title and responsibility. In fact, if I were him I'd be beyond pissed at some of these things.

He could be like the all-star Quarterback who has to play behind an offensive line made up of 98 pound weaklings for all we know.
Let's... again... Not jump the gun on this until we start seeing what the actual fig looks like in hand.
Prototype Luke: :banana

Production Luke:
Let's... again... Not jump the gun on this until we start seeing what the actual fig looks like in hand.

I agree, but... Here's the thing:

1) We have all established that our concerns are over the tunic as shown in the new production pics on Sideshow's site.

2) Even though they are just pics (and we all know how that can go) it is without any doubt 100% obvious that the tunic material was drastically changed.

3) There is already emperical evidence from several other previously released Sideshow products that they have a pretty abnormal problem (among high-end companies) of stuff coming out of their factories with QC issues, unannounced changes, head-scratching compromises, etc.

This is a legitimate topic of concern and discussion, especially if you are as heavily invested in these products as many of us are.
I agree, but... Here's the thing:

1) We have all established that our concerns are over the tunic as shown in the new production pics on Sideshow's site.

2) Even though they are just pics (and we all know how that can go) it is without any doubt 100% obvious that the tunic material was drastically changed.

3) There is already emperical evidence from several other previously released Sideshow products that they have a pretty abnormal problem (among high-end companies) of stuff coming out of their factories with QC issues, unannounced changes, head-scratching compromises, etc.

This is a legitimate topic of concern and discussion, especially if you are as heavily invested in these products as many of us are.

I agree 100% and I hope that someone will either on this site or at the next panel address those very concerns. We as the paying customer have every right to voice concerns when we feel that what we're getting offered is not what it should (or could) be.

I just want the discussion to stay civil (somewhat for here:D) and let's take a wait and see approach until someone offers some in hand shots.

Then we can crucify it.:lol