...and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho. Kit 3 coming cloth bandanna for HT

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Super Freak
Sep 4, 2009
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1:MarfMaster (lucky winner)
2:Y4NK33 PL4N3T
5:Tekkaman Blade
7arth Madden
11: Manticore72c
Ok guys here is the full reveal of the Pirates kit #1. I am unfortunately having some computer/ printer trouble at the moment so the pics of the final tattoo are not available at the moment I will be posting a pic of my mock up so you can see what it looks like though. Now on to the kit and its parts.

Map: I used an old Spanish map to create this piece. It took a while to find one I liked and one that was big enough then I edited it a little and printed it out on material. It is very similar to the one included with the Jack PF so if you have seen that or own it then you'll have a good idea what it is like. This one is a little more crisp than the PF one so I think it looks better. It measures 3" wide and 2" high I also included a hand for size.


Bottle: I first sculpted this off of some pics I found online of Jack with a bottle (he has several throughout the movies) and used the PF one as a little inspiration. It was then cast in a clear Greenish blueish resin because I thought it would look way cooler if it was somewhat see through rather than solid color. It measures about 1.25" tall and .5" wide at the bottom again a hand is included for reference.


Small bag and gold: I always liked the opening scene of the first movie when he arrives at port and pays extra to not tell his name and then steals the little bag. The bag is made of a thin swede like material and is hand sewn with a working draw string so it can be closed. It will also include 10 little gold pieces.


Handcuff: Jack always seems to be getting himself locked up in these so it seemed like a no brainer. They are made as a solid cuff that doesn't actually open. To put them on you need to remove the hands and then slide them on the wrists and then replace the hands. I decided to go that way because it was simplest to produce and will be quicker for me to make multiples of. I may increase the length of the chain to about 3" because it looks a tad short to me at 2.5".


Tattoo: now like I mentioned earlier I have been having trouble with my desktop computer which has all my editing software on there and is also hooked to the printer. So I do not have a finished pic of this part yet. I already know the trick of printing this will be the "P" because if its too light it wont show up on the arm and it may not print all together. Once I get it back to working I will play with it and hopefully I can get the whole thing to work but the "P" may have to be dropped so I want everyone to be aware of that now. As for the direction of the bird I elected to go with what the first movie showed and that was the bird flying away from his body. I know Depp has since gotten the tattoo for real and it faces the other way towards him. But I think for movie accuracy away is the way to go.
Tattoo pics added...my camera sucks but you get an idea of what it looks like applied to the figure. I will adjust the color on that P a little more before the final release to make it a tad bit lighter. Again I wish I had a better camera it looks way better in person.


That is it for the full reveal! Let me know what you guys think and lets get a list started so I know how many I need to make on the initial run. The price for this set as stated earlier is $15. Drink up me hearties yo ho!


Yharr here be a preview of an accessory set I been working on in my free time. It is meant to compliment a new pirate figure that is coming out soon savvy? Lol anyway more details at the end of the week and a very cool secret piece is going to be revealed with the final pics (free set to whoever can guess what it is before hand). Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

Oh that lovely. Whats the bottle made out of? Resin?
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

yes it is a clear green/blue tinted resin. I had this all planned before HT showed Jack would indeed come with a rum bottle, but its a cool upgrade and would be perfect for the enterbay one since he probably won't have it
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

looks indeed very beautiful :)

any words on your inception briefcase etc? tried to pm you, but haven't heard from you back :)
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

Wow , that looks really good. Great detail. I'd love to be put on the list for this cool accessory set if thats possible. Cheers !!

Does the secret piece have anything to do with the Fountain of Youth Chalice or Jack the capuchin monkey? (Thats two guesses I know..cheeky hey..lol)
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

That's awesome. Great job! How about a map to the land of the lost or a treasure chest with a heart?
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

lol no long telescope...whats the deal with that anyway?
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

Some figures got the long others will only get the short one, It depended on when and who you ordered the latest Jack Sparrow figure through.
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

weird...I'm getting mine from TA so we'll see haha
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

Hell yeah! I'm in for a set. You need to include a divider. That would be so awesome!
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

@ ShortRound What does that look like the divider you are talking about?

@KingGrayskull & Buttmunch swing and a miss keep guessing lol :)
Although I am pretty sure nobody will see this part coming....to give you a small hint it is not something that he holds but it is on him ;)
Re: ....and really bad eggs drink up me hearties yo ho

Decals for his "P" brand and Sparrow tattoo?