12" CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN by Distinctive Dummies

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Has anyone here seen this?


I recently discovered this limited edition custom figure online, and was blown away by the quality! As a long-time fan of Hammer Films, a quality 12" line is a personal grail, especially after being ignored by toy companies for so long. I had the older 12" Dracula figure, and even though it wasn't so hot, I wanted some representation of Hammer in my collection. Now he won't be lonely!

The figure's producer hopes to continue the series with other legendary characters from Hammer Films, and has produced an additional Glow in the Dark variant as well. As a fan and collector who really wants to see this line succeed, I want to show my support and share it with fellow fans.


You can order it directly from their website: https://www.distinctivedummies.com/custom_action_figures.htm
Looks like a nice figure.

I love the Hammer Monster movies, but all their Frankenstein Monster designs looked terrible.
Looks like a nice figure.

... all their Frankenstein Monster designs looked terrible.

I have to disagree. While some were downright awful:


I feel that, despite not being as iconic as Karloff's, Lee's make-up is classic in it's own right.


It's pretty gruesome and closer to the spirit of Shelley's description than most Frankenstein Monsters. Plus, it looks like how I would imagine a stitched up, rotting corpse would.
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I have just ordered this item....i will certainly collect the entire series.
since he makes all these by hand all on his own, he should be able to avoid any lawsuits. Lets hope so anyway as I want the Lee Monster and prolly everything else too. Just gotta get the $$ for them. Money is tight for me right now.
He's got one back for me until I get the money. Curse of the Werewolf is slated to be his next venture. then a certain emaciated Doctor played by Peter Cushing to go with Lee's "Creature".:yess:
I am very excited about the upcoming figures! Bring on the Baron! (and hopefully The Mummy... and The Phantom...)




You sound like a chimp thats been taught a few English words. Why clutter threads that have nothing to do with whatever it is you are on about?

Nuqjatlh? naDevvo' yIghoS bIjatlh 'e' yImev!!!!!! Cthulhu Rlyeh!!!!
I wish the above poster would land a job or a date. Anything to get him from cluttering the boards up with gigantic posts of sheer lunacy as he cries out how wonderful McFarlane figures from 125 years ago are compared to Hot Toys and SSC. Its getting old.:cuckoo::cuckoo::panic::cuckoo:
I unboxed the Creature last night and.... wow. This is absolutely terrific in person, and like most great figures, pictures don't do it justice!

My only nit-picks: the right hand is very floppy and has a few paint chips on the fingers (an easy paint over,) and it was very difficult to get out of the twisty ties (but worth the struggle!) Also, while great as a stand-alone figure (and I'm sure all of the Hammer figs will be an impressive set up,) he is a bit on the small side. Taller than a Medicom fig, but shorter than a SS or HT figure. Looks great next to the older 12" Hammer Dracula and still looks good with my Sideshow Monsters. Just not giant Chris Lee/Predator/Vader-sized.

That being said, the sculpt and tailoring are VERY professional. The box is also very classy and has an almost retro quality to it. The figure itself certainly looks as good or better than any of Sideshow's Monsters. I especially like that it's realistically proportioned. No melon-head like Sideshow's older stuff and the current Hammer Dracula.

The Curse of Frankenstein Creature is a beautiful piece that every serious Hammer fan needs in their collection. If you like Hammer's original Frankenstein, or great looking monsters in general, this guy is worth every penny. This is my most anticipated toy-line in a while (since Sideshow put the stake into Universal Monsters,) and I eagerly anticipate the Curse of the Werewolf and Baron Victor von Frankenstein.

This is as close as vintage horror fans are going to get to some of our favorite unmade characters. SS fizzled out a LONG time ago and AmokTime takes your money and runs. With their inaugural figure Distinctive Dummies has shown they can make a quality figure, and ship them in a fast, reliable manner. You pay for it when it's ready. No unreliable pre-orders and years of waiting. If there are any classic monster collectors left, I suggest you show that there is a market out there for these iconic characters.
I unboxed the Creature last night and.... wow. This is absolutely terrific in person, and like most great figures, pictures don't do it justice!

My only nit-picks: the right hand is very floppy and has a few paint chips on the fingers (an easy paint over,) and it was very difficult to get out of the twisty ties (but worth the struggle!) Also, while great as a stand-alone figure (and I'm sure all of the Hammer figs will be an impressive set up,) he is a bit on the small side. Taller than a Medicom fig, but shorter than a SS or HT figure. Looks great next to the older 12" Hammer Dracula and still looks good with my Sideshow Monsters. Just not giant Chris Lee/Predator/Vader-sized.

That being said, the sculpt and tailoring are VERY professional. The box is also very classy and has an almost retro quality to it. The figure itself certainly looks as good or better than any of Sideshow's Monsters. I especially like that it's realistically proportioned. No melon-head like Sideshow's older stuff and the current Hammer Dracula.

The Curse of Frankenstein Creature is a beautiful piece that every serious Hammer fan needs in their collection. If you like Hammer's original Frankenstein, or great looking monsters in general, this guy is worth every penny. This is my most anticipated toy-line in a while (since Sideshow put the stake into Universal Monsters,) and I eagerly anticipate the Curse of the Werewolf and Baron Victor von Frankenstein.

This is as close as vintage horror fans are going to get to some of our favorite unmade characters. SS fizzled out a LONG time ago and AmokTime takes your money and runs. With their inaugural figure Distinctive Dummies has shown they can make a quality figure, and ship them in a fast, reliable manner. You pay for it when it's ready. No unreliable pre-orders and years of waiting. If there are any classic monster collectors left, I suggest you show that there is a market out there for these iconic characters.

How about some pictures of yours,bro.? Purdy pleeze.:wink1:
Very nice indeed!

Curse of the Werewolf has recently resurfaced on DVD, so a figure would be good to see. A decent Peter Cushing is a must too!

I apologize for the poor picture quality. I'm not much of a still photographer!

Here he is with his fellow 1950's monsters:



Hammer's Twin Titans of Terror:



And for those who are interested, a new figure is supposed to make an appearance this week. I think most of you will be happy with the choice!