1/6 scale Diana Prince (Hot Toys Wonder Woman) custom figures

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FDQ7vok7lFGO.jpgLlaqPQYyP9yd (1).jpg Now, I can't wait for Justice League (film and figures)!!!!
revE14dTMrkk.jpg I've been a fan and collector of Hot Toys ever since The Avengers (film and figures). They do a great job. They make people happy all over the world. It's poetic how a 1/6 scale figure can unite people from so many different places. I was highly critical (negative) when HTS released their BVS WW head sculpt. I loved everything else about the figure (body, costume, accessories et). Collecting and customizing 1/6 scale figures for 25+ years has assimilated in me very specific 1/6 tastes and needs. It's difficult to find a company's work 100% flawless. But that is how custom figures are born. I'm also currently a member of 1/6 scale online discussion groups, and it's easy to allow other people's opinions to influence my opinion (both pros and cons apply). Customizing this sculpt reinvented my perspective towards HTS and all 1/6 scale figure makers. It's not easy to work on a tiny tiny tiny head!!!! The amount of precision that goes to the the smallest detail matters as much as the huge details. I didn't do anything extraordinary to this sculpt. I wanted a HTS Gal Gadot/Diana Prince without the tiara. I like Hot Toys sculpts best and didn't want to use a Knock-off. So I began finding ways to hide the crown and after several unsatisfying attempts decided custom "bangs" (combining hair implantations) was the most efficient. Again I have a whole new appreciation for what toy makers face with every toy produced because of the small, hardly significant and simplistic work I put into this sculpt.The parts weren't cheap. I had to move slowly, be mindful & stay focused. I got criticized heavily for being true to myself; my ideas and goals. It's not easy to please people. And a lot of people were upset at seeing Gal Gadot with bangs (she did not have this hairstyle in BVS). The worst critique I received was ultimately beneficial because I needed to hear it, understand it, and see it. And by doing so, it helped me move forward and improve the sculpt. Mad Praise and thanks to Hot Toys for their BVS Wonder Woman and to all the 1/6 scalers who make figures for fun and/or for a living (and stay sane). Lol - it's TEDIOUS, REWARDING; FUN; HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!
You would assume cutting hair in a straight line would be extremely easy BUT - no!!!! I put so many layers of hair into the second half of the wig that I literally have to cut each one separately. So it's going back on shelf like this until my eyes & perspective are renewed!!! (Maybe a straight razor will work better than scissors?)


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Dvym6S8bv4Fp.jpgk7XAITHxJ0Ft.jpg92yuopZTGdSr.jpgpvxuTCI4lkbM.jpg Ok latest update to my Gal Gadot/Diana Prince custom 1/6 scale figure with the "bangs!!!!" ****Rooted hair is wet/being treated with fabric softener in these pictures (see pics in next post for results). I know lots of folks didn't like the bangs but I really enjoy this sculpt with this hairstyle. But it took a long time to get there. After listening to feedback about cutting the bangs straight, I ended up cutting them too short. So I put this figure away and decided to get the Knock-off with the ponytail (coming out mid November 2017). But today I looked at this figure; remembered how much work I put into this and remembered I like authentic Hot Toys sculpts for my bashes. So I found what little matching hair I had left from original wig(s) and added more bangs. But this time, the goal was to give her a 1970s style look (where the hair almost looks one length and parted in the middle). FINALLY, I am satisfied with this. I like the bangs look (hair hiding her face) for several reasons. One reason is: It gives the character (Diana Prince) a more plausible disguise vs simply wearing a pair of glasses. Peace out brothers and sisters!!!!
fBzerZnQkBkY.jpgrpT7B6hDzzQE.jpgpTa4NrVBqAk9.jpgAohyHdO3esGN.jpg I no longer use wax or oil on a Hot Toys figure's hair. Unless the rooted hair is severely damaged, oil and wax will actually make the synthetic hair used for Hot Toys deteriorate faster. So last night after adding the 3rd and final layer of bangs to head sculpt, I soaked the hair in downy fabric softener and let it dry overnight. This morning I rinsed it; let it air-dry. Again, I know it's not movie accurate. And this hair is very "1970s style Stevie Nicks/Farrah Fawcett et." But it really came out well regarding symmetry. The fabric softener keeps the hair shiny and conditioned without adding any greasy elements to the figure/hair et. And because this hairstyle hides parts of her face, it makes for an excellent alter-ego disguise. Who knows, maybe Gadot will sport bangs in one of her upcoming movies? If you want to see a more specific photo evolution of this process click https://myalbum.com/album/xUg0HC2PEIRt. Thanks for looking. I'll try to add some daylight pics when my schedule allows. And please, if you've put together a custom Gadot please share your pics or a link. I'm interested in seeing other people's ideas/work regarding Diana Prince custom options.
eJrKJJxQES2f.jpg Also, not discrediting the use of oil and wax for your figure's rooted hair. Both can be essential depending on your needs. If the hair is damaged, oil will help tame the damage. Wax is great when your figure's hair requires a static hold for a moving pose et. However, I don't recommend leaving in wax for extended periods of time. Wax left applied for too long can cause irreversible damage. The stuff Hot Toys uses for rooted hair is a synthetic fabric. So fabric softener will "condition" the hair, prevent damage and is the best choice for regular rooted hair maintenance.
BlsYluFNmyUd.jpg Another close up: Pay attention to the results of fabric softener. You can compare with pictures from previous post the differences between the downy, the wax and the oil. I'm happy to answer any questions but please be patient. My schedule is crazy during the holidays!!!!
Is anyone here knowledgeable of Phicen (now TBLEAGUE) stainless steel seamless female figures? If yes, do you know what's going on with the "discontinuation" of the old suntan figures (S02A, S06B, S09C and the S12D)? Apparently these same series of figures are still currently being produced but with a new lighter suntan skin tone. Why they chose to do this is confusing because their male figures (M31, M33; M34) are still made with the old/Hot Toys suntan skin!?!?!?!?!?!? New suntan DOES NOT match the skin tone of Hot Toys head sculpts (nor 99% of all other head sculpts available for sale on the market - brand or custom). If you're aware and have found retailers who still have the original female old suntan figures in stock will you please post? Several boxed female Phicen figures were also produced using the old "HOT Toys" suntan (it's original name was Hot Toys suntan because they were made to match HTS sculpts!!!!). Does anyone know which boxed Phicen figures have the old suntan skin tone? I just don't understand this move on P/TBL's part. Why discontinue a product with a huge consumer base and replace it with a figure who's skin tone will only match 1% of ALL available head sculpts? If the skin tones don't match - who is willingly going to buy these offerings? This change of skin tone decision has zero logic because they will lose the financial support of us who care about matching skin tone!!!! If they think collectors aren't going to notice they are wrong/insane. The new suntan looks pale when you put a HTS head sculpt on it. The whole thing is incredibly insulting to those of us who have been purchasing thier products regularly. I have absolutely no need whatsoever for a pale Phicen body. Sure, I can hide all the exposed skin with clothing but that defeats the need for a seamless body. What is the point of owning/bashing a figure with a seamless body if I can't show off the seamless non-exposed joints? If you have to cover the whole figure with clothing anyway, why not purchase a $30 true type body vs paying the $80-$100 you shell out for a Phicen. Again, any guidance or advice is very much appreciated to help me and others understand P/TBLs desicion to discontinue the female version of the old "HOT Toys" suntan.
3T32TG00E7IL.jpgeSYGLqVrV8HC.jpgR4qlxLt94KGU.jpgWpo40HyckGS0.jpg For your knowledge: I apologize for not first taking pics of head sculpt on the nude "new suntan" P/TBL S09C figure. I originally bought the red turtleneck to use for the WW/Gadot custom. As previously mentioned, the skin tone match between the HTS WW sculpt and an "old suntan" Phicen S09C is a 85%-91% match. So I put that outfit on an old suntan Phicen for my WW figure. Then I go to eBay to buy a new S09C (advertised as it always has - as "suntan.). But when it arrived it was this new suntan which is basically PALE!!!! So I removed the turtleneck from the darker skinned figure, put that figure in my closet and fully clothed the new suntan figure. 1) Finding 1/6 scale female clothing that completely hides the body is challenging, 2) I would have spent $40 less on a quality, non-seamless body and achieved the exact same results. 3) Unless my favorite brands (mostly HTS begin mass producing pale skinned figures/sculpts - this will always require use of turtleneck. Also, EBay sellers (for whatever reason) are not disclosing the information about the old vs new suntan in their item's descriptions. Technically they are selling a suntan female Phicen figure and describing it accurately; according to the manufacturer. YOU HAVE TO ASK: Is this the original old suntan or TBLEAGUE's new lighter suntan. Maybe if enough of us ask, sellers will start to provide more accurate item descriptions which would generate better trust between buyer and seller and prevent lots of wasted time and money. I'm happy to answer any questions. But please feel free to chime in.
i3LVmxypH7PE.jpgbWu6cHsplJc6.jpg Can you imagine how many variations on "origin stories" will be written once the DC and Marvel Universes collide?!?! Anyway, back to sub-topic: "Matching P/TBL & Hot Toys Skin Tones," and TBLEAGUE'S discontinuation of their female figures with the Hot Toys suntan. Why did they make this decision? Will it help or hurt their sales? Is this a tease/will they bring it back new and improved? They are a legitimate 1/6 scale company that must do product development and sales research. If they no longer offer a female base body with a skin tone that matches the standard head sculpt's skin tone, who will buy their loose bodies and for what? TBL has a respectably sized following regarding their boxed figure characters (Red Sonya, Caroline Monroe, Vampirella et). But is this market greater than that of those who only collect P/TBL for custom purposes? Again, they are still producing thier male figures in the Hot Toys suntan (or, aka "the skin tone used by most 1/6 scale companies"). Furthermore, every male Phicen/HTs hybrid figure I've made is perfectly matched in terms of skin tone. ****Pictured with Gadot - HTs Samuri Wolverine/Hugh Jackman sculpt with Phicen M31.


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WFBUeMSyT7OK.jpgnZ7EtOobcEuo.jpgJjkzaaj3OjRh.jpgTDTWFPcMemYW.jpgSub-topic continued: Next with custom Gal Gadot is my custom Green Goblin/James Franco. I'm not a fan of the comic book character but I am a huge fan of James Franco. Hot Toys hit the ball out of the park with Franco's likeness. This is one of Hot Toys most phenomenal and realistic looking portraits/head sculpts. It's got an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Franco. It's stunning. I put together a 1/6 scale figure using his HTS sculpt and Phicen's M33. The M33 is also the original "Hot Toys or old suntan" skin tone. The sculpt and body are a 100% skin tone match!!!! If you haven't created a Phicen figure and you're a fan of James Franco, this combination of parts is a great place to start. However, just a friendly reminder, it can be challenging to fit normal sized 1/6 scale male clothing on the M33 due to the bodies muscular design.
rcbHns8IbBoc.jpg9cPMtswY3rQE.jpgRJkG2ARbmvVG.jpgxLueoZIpdOWd.jpgCool things about a customized HTs/Phicen/Superhero hybrid: 1) You can completely recreate the Superhero to your satisfaction, 2) You can make the character's alter-ego based on the actor playing the part in the movie and 3) You can bash a figure of an actor you like regardless of the movie or part they play. As mentioned in previous post, this figure as 1/6 scale Diana Prince is heavily influenced by DC's Silver Age works (1970s), where she ditches the WW title and outfit and does all her fighting as Diana Prince!!!! If interested in WW's publication history, check out the link above for more information.
Thanks. And I've looked for those. Any suggestions on where to find one in 1/6 scale (all the stuff I've seen/bought on ebay is either for Barbie or just wrong for this)?
exP0CXKF2Qjv.jpgOk, so ultimately you can make an excellent Phicen (or TBLEAGUE) custom figure using the BVS WONDER WOMAN authentic HTS head sculpt. However, remember - you will have to heavily modify it first. Unlike the authentic Scarjo HTs sculpts, the WW/Gadot sculpt won't just pop on a P/TBL body. Regardless of whether you want a WW or Gadot figure, you'll have to extend the inner neck peg (so it will fit) and find a body dark enough in skin tone to match. Good luck young Jedi!!!!
Yg9PUDMJkrsW.jpgQZr7UBhlr65v.jpgRO1Itidr4eM7.jpgI was hesitant to show side by side pics of WW and Scarlet Witch because to date - the SW authentic HTS sculpts are the easiest to bash with the old suntan skin tone female Phicen bodies (more on that in a minute). The skin tones match perfectly and you don't need to modify anything to make a custom Scarlet Witch with a Phicen. The BVS authentic HTS WW sculpt poses several challenges (discussed throughout this thread) to the basher before you can even begin to make your figure. If you own for example Phicen's "Van Helsing" figure, all you have to do is replace the head and presto, you have an amazing custom that meets your comic book and movie related needs for SW. Recently however Phicen/TBLEAGUE has changed their female figures skin tone. What was once called suntan (and matched HTS sculpts) is now a lighter skin tone that looks pale with a HTS sculpt. I wonder if WW will be the last the two companies see of each other in terms of compatible custom female figure parts? Only time will tell.
VebVkHufKDAQ.jpgO7aplp6v6bgT.jpgoDKr1NTd7rC6.jpgDirect sunlight pics of BVS WW HTS sculpt and TWS BW HTS sculpt custom figures. Phicen ladies standing tall together! They're looking hot, feeling hot and ready to fight some bad, bad guys. Lol. You'll notice as a result of direct sunlight the differences in skin tone matches between the head sculpts & Phicen bodies. Obviously, BW'S is a better match. Why did P/TBL and Hot Toys move in opposite directions regarding 1/6 scale physical-characteristics? Please, if people from these COMPANIES (Hot Toys and Phicen/TBLeague) are reading/listening: CONTINUE MAKING YOUR 1/6 SCALE OFFERINGS AS PHYSICALLY COMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER AS POSSIBLE (SKIN TONE, HEAD SIZE INCLUDING NECK PEG DIMENSIONS ET) AND WE WILL CONTINUE PURCHASING YOUR FIGURES!!!!! Hot Toys and P/TBL are the best at what they do for very specific reasons. TOGETHER HOT TOYS AND PHICEN/TBLEAGUE MAKE A 1/6 SCALE PHENOMENON COMPLETELY UNIQUE TO THE UNIVERSE; FIGURES BETTER THAN WE'VE EVER SEEN BEFORE. Let's all hope these Alpha companies will listen, work things out and get back to it.