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    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      i dont know exactly about that.. but i guess it because alot of people criticize it in BBICN or weibo which is based in China.. i dont...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      well to each their own then i guess... For me, im not gonna critisizing a lot on a figure im never gonna buy which wasting my time for...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      Hahahaha... there is a reason these thread called RE CUSTOM thread NOT RE Figure thread.... ever since the first RE figure Hottoys, RE...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      1/12 anyone...
      • 113917y88bwecbzymjecxq.jpg
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      hahaha they release three version of Ada almost in the same year only several months apart... each with more little update than the...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      wow... u guys are really really really, really discussed these alot.. hehehehe... remember guys this is not Hottoys, Inart or even...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      • 112925e00oj5q25xpxio2x.jpg
      • 112927sa2aoqitzjvx9woa.jpg
      • 112929bq7qfoy2qiqfcfu8.jpg
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      Woaa.. thats alot questions in one post... hehehe.. first of all.. the only license RE 1/6 figure were the old Hottoys RE5, RE6 and...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      There are always 2 type of opinions with these type of discussion when we talk about any art... I Myself never and maybe will never...
    • sldoank
      sldoank replied to the thread Resident Evil Customs Thread.
      Ooof that looks bad, i thought its gonna be a "scared/afraid" face from the revision in 3d sculpt, but i guess they changed the eyebrow...
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