Why no love for Hot Toys Tarkin?

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I have a feeling that the "green" uniform was actually more of a khaki and not accurate, so there was a recall on them. Just a guess, as I noticed on the pics of the uniform that the color appeared too beige and not towards green. I'm probably wrong, though...

I used RLM Gray on my custom 6" Black Tarkin it is a dead match.
Turns out I got it today after all. The nice chinese people payed for door to door delivery, so it waited at the stairs when I got home..

Sorry to say it was black, but other than that I thought it was pretty good. Of course I don't have Praji or Piett so I can't compare with those suits.

I was going to snap a few quick pictures but my camera had been left too long alone in the bag and in it's depressed lonely state the battery had gone flat. But I improvised and tried a few with the ipad. But I can't put them up as is, I will do that tomorrow from work. So expect incredibad pictures of a dusty black uniform sometime tomorrow.

Sounds great! I'll take some incredibad pics over no pics at all. :D
What I can't believe if that despite having tailored a great suit and used a number of times they never went "full clone" with it. Imperial officers in grey, takin, veers, ozzell, etc. Etc.

It is odd we only got Praji, Piett, and Thrawn. Tarkin was an obvious choice at any stage. We might fair a better chance at Veers now that they are stuck in a Hoth phase. Tarkin is still my #1 want, but I'd love for them to tackle a Rebels version of Thrawn now. I was never a fan of the Sideshow head - that jaw was huge!
Ok, here we go. Pictures are worse than I thought looking at them on the ipad. But I lightened them so the details show. It should work fine for our purposes as it shows the uniform as it is at least. Didn't futz around with it too much, but I tried to straighten it out as best I could. When the camera battery wasn't charged I had to improvise and set up a lamp shining at a white binder and a white cardboard box to get better lighting. It didn't work out so well.
Apparently the cardboard box was very dusty. :lol

The body was the only one I could find that wasn't fully clothed. It's a Soldier Story SS069 "Infantry in South Korea" or something like that. It's kind of broad shouldered, but other than that it's a good one. Face is Terry O'Quinn I guess.

Close up:
Close up.jpg

From all sides:
Back front side.jpg

There are pockets..

Shoes, cap and socks. Ignore the Han Solo sculpt, the only reason it's there is that I got it yesterday too, so I kept all the small things together so as to not misplace them.

I just got the one picture with the cap on as it wouldn't stay on long enough to get a picture of how it actally looks on the head. It's starting to fall off in the picture, but I don't think it would look bad taped up (or fastened another way) to the head a little, the shape seems pretty good.
Thank you so much for the pics, anwe! That actually looks very good. The fit was what I was concerned about but it doesn't look too loose at all. Really makes me hope they'll do a green version but I may pic one or two of these up to begin with.
I'm not sure if it's that he's not wearing the boots/shoes but I'm not convinced yet. Perhaps when I see a completed figure set up, it will win me over.
Man I thought this thread would be full of posts, but I find only one !!!

Guess there is a specific thread setup. Time to go for a look over there for some love.

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I'm not familiar with the names being tossed out here? Are these actually Star Wars characters being discussed? What is a Po Dameon? Is Krennic a vintage toy reference?