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Beto has been usually quiet recently but please be patient as it may be personal issues that he does not want to bring up the forum.

Rest assured he will follow through and then some as he always does :)

El Mocko: he more than likely wasn’t happy with it and wanted to improve it for you. One of his faults/strengths is that he is a perfectionist :lol

I know he started from scratch 3 times before he finished the head on this project. Its frustrating that it takes so long but when I saw it in hand I was glad he did :monkey3
Beto has been usually quiet recently but please be patient as it may be personal issues that he does not want to bring up the forum.

Rest assured he will follow through and then some as he always does :)

El Mocko: he more than likely wasn’t happy with it and wanted to improve it for you. One of his faults/strengths is that he is a perfectionist :lol

I know he started from scratch 3 times before he finished the head on this project. Its frustrating that it takes so long but when I saw it in hand I was glad he did :monkey3
If he wants to improve it then I won't stop him. I know Beto won't disappoint on his product. :)
You guys have a lot of patience. Not me it would drive me nuts paying for something at a high price and constantly get ignored. Good luck hopefully you will receive him soon.
I know that's the worst thing about it. There is nothing you can do. You risk voicing your opinion and getting him mad(which I don't understand why he gets mad in the first place) or just sitting around and hoping he will get to you eventually. And you won't get a refund that's out of the question believe me I tried with him.
Thanks, Nava509. To me, I don't mind Beto took his time and make the figure. I have waited for a year for this Ash, no problem. But the worse thing for me was that I was told it was done and ready to ship almost 3 months now and I was waiting everyday and not sure what is the going on and why it is holding up for shipping, and over 2 months ago, other buyers already received their and made a reveiw. why are they getting their and not me?!
Thanks, Nava509. To me, I don't mind Beto took his time and make the figure. I have waited for a year for this Ash, no problem. But the worse thing for me was that I was told it was done and ready to ship almost 3 months now and I was waiting everyday and not sure what is the going on and why it is holding up for shipping, and over 2 months ago, other buyers already received their and made a reveiw. why are they getting their and not me?!

I love Betos and also don't mind waiting but comes a point where u ask yourself IS IT WORTH IT? Paying high prices for a figure then he selects who and when he will finish and ship figure Too Don't understand his logic. Alot of people's hard earned goes to him he needs to recognize that.
Thanks, Nava509. To me, I don't mind Beto took his time and make the figure. I have waited for a year for this Ash, no problem. But the worse thing for me was that I was told it was done and ready to ship almost 3 months now and I was waiting everyday and not sure what is the going on and why it is holding up for shipping, and over 2 months ago, other buyers already received their and made a reveiw. why are they getting their and not me?!

Yeh that's unacceptable, I don't care how good the figures are.

2 years since announcement.
Quick relay to you guys. I'm sure you will be pleased.

Now concerning projects! Ash project is done all the figures are finished and I only need to send 3 or 4 more boxes,with respect to all the zombie barrels are painted, but need to pack them all and finish some nameplates really want to give a big apology all those still waiting their barrels please do not worry all receive their Tarman soon. As for Freddy 3 and Jason 4, the project is progressing smoothly definitely not a project that will take 2 or 3 or 1 year, in July I take the first two weeks to rest in San Diego (Comic Con), I possibly could take with me some of the pending orders and send them from there, which would significantly reduce the time of delivery, only remember I can not travel whit to many pieces, is not safe, and also take into consideration that these is my unique annual vacation and really need to stay sane or less insane LOL I'm definitely not neglecting the projects or fleeing away with the money you gusy pay me for my work to live the good life, like last year Odell Young proclaimed in his odious and nefarious youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PPmXmbExWQ, I know, I know, it is pathetic and irrelevant but I could not resist!!; Odell keeps trying to cheat me using different identities (Eric, Joe Giannascoli etc.) in order to buy my figures and maybe to make some recast. Its long time since i write this much here, and I really love make he angry so lets have some fun wait to see what he says now!! I love clowns!! so stay tunned because some nice clown is in the way (Penny... who???) and regarding the Freddy chest of souls, we make only 5 in order to design new ways to offer the figures, the pan is make now small runs and offer the figures when this are finished and ready to ship, so no more deposit or reservations, the first to pay the first to have, I paint this figures at the same time im painting the regular Freddy 3 pieces, but due this are only 5 figures and the regular Freddy are more than 20 figures it was posible finish this fast. I have 2 chest of souls Freddy avaible and ready to ship next week so let me know if some one is interesed. I dont think make more of this nasty guy, the same pal is for battle damage Jason 4 so stay alert
Well, if anyone is interested, I finally got a tracking number for my figure which has finally shipped. I can't say for sure what took so long for the figure to ship, but after nearly 3 months from sending payment for shipping, it's finally headed my way. Beto is crazy busy as we know, but I guess other things came up.. personal problems, issues with the bodies, the boxes had to be printed up again due to accidents caused by rains, etc. So mine has shipped and I hope the others still waiting will get theirs soon too! :)
Just a quick unboxing video to show you guys that I FINALLY received my Ultimate Ash! Hopefully the rest of you guys waiting will receive yours soon too! Pics and a better video review to come..! ;)

Nice Marlo, looking forward to seeing the full vid. You got some hard chicken thrown in so I guess it was worth the wait!

LOL..! Yeah, Beto threw in some truly dead extras in my box! LOL! Here's my video review of my figure! Better late than never! Hope the rest of you guys still waiting get yours soon too! Just hang in there as Beto will deliver..!

DSC_0764 2.jpg
