SSC Green Lantern 1/6 Figure

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I am very sad to be so disappointed in this figure - I was extremely excite when it was announced. I'm a huge GL fan, and especially a Hal fan - my home office has an embarrassing number of GL statues and figures (just about every GL statue ever produced)... but I have to pass on this figure.

My wife already complains that my DC Direct figure (Hal, Sinestro, Superman and Captain Marvel) look silly in the same display cases as my Hot Toys figures - and this one looks worse than they do on some dimensions.

I have a good income and spend way too much on toys and statues (maybe they'll fund my retirement someday) - I think I'm up to 17 Hot Toys figures alone at this point.

Despite all of this, the price tag here is, well, laughable. As others have said, I'd give in to my GL OCD if this were $100-$150. When I look at other figures that cost $220 the comparison is pretty, uh, stark.

I'm not trying to be snarky or over critical - I don't expect these things to be perfect. I also am not doubting that it was expensive (for whatever reasons) to produce. That expense, in my opinion, does not correlate well with the figure's worth or value. I'm really sad not to be getting it.

In the last month I've bought Star Lord and the Captain America Stealth 2 pack from the Winter Soldier - I love the GL character more than just about any other (Rom Spaceknight and the Silver Age Hawkman excepted), so my not buying it should speak volumes.

Just to be specific:

-I LIKE the Geoff Johns/Rebirth era costume a lot, but it doesn't look right here. The texture is not doing any favors and the lack of muscle definition hurts the look, making it look too "toy like."
-Something about the gloves looks really strange. Not sure if the hands are too small, but they just do not look right.
-The head doesn't look in the right proportion to the body and the sculpt looks... cartoony?
-I don't care about accessories and leave most of my figures' stuff in the boxes rather than displaying them, but there is a real lack here given the price point.

I really am sad to pass on this.
This is the kind of comment that irritates me on this forum. What does being a navy veteran have to do with you not liking this figure? Who cares if you can afford any figure you want? You think you're the only one that's doing well financially here? Insulting other forum members isn't cool--especially over a difference of opinion on a figure. You get the obligatory "Thanks for your service" but you've lost my respect with that post.

My point is I am not a child like some of the members act here and I paid my dues in life and have more life experience to offer opinions on. I am a grown up and could care less if you loss respect for me. If my comment made you lose respect than I never wanted it in the first place and do not need your thanks for service. Only thanks I need are from my family, fellow veterans, and people who care. People on this forum take themselves way to serious. Again my service mentioning is relevevent because a few people sound like entitled punks who act tough behind a key board and say things that I guarantee would not be said to my face.

There are more reasons not coming to these so called discussions, but the nice collectors I have sold to, bought or traded with is worth it. Sorry if your lack of understanding of my post bothers you. I am at a point in my life where I worked hard and financially comfortable to afford figures, but that being said, the price of GL and lack of quality and accessories is not good. Especially if you are a collector who has a limited budget each year for figures. I am sorry if I offended any one with my comments in first paragraph, but sometimes I get so frustrated with people. Collecting should be fun and a distraction from the troubles and seriousness of life. I had to bury 3 of my children and this hobby is an escape for me and brings back some of the few happy memories I had growing up collecting star wars and mego figures. But, there is more to life and true happiness than toys and temporal things. I am sure I will get flamed for my comments, but I have been through much worse in my life to be bothered with it.

For those who are happy with GL than that is great. But there are people like myself that are not and only resource they have is to rant or whine like some people say. We just need to voice our opinions that we are not happy with the direction side show is going with price and quality. We need to let them know, even if they do not listen. Again, if GL cost only 149.99 I would buy him, but the quality and accessories do not justify the price.
I am very sad to be so disappointed in this figure - I was extremely excite when it was announced. I'm a huge GL fan, and especially a Hal fan - my home office has an embarrassing number of GL statues and figures (just about every GL statue ever produced)... but I have to pass on this figure.

My wife already complains that my DC Direct figure (Hal, Sinestro, Superman and Captain Marvel) look silly in the same display cases as my Hot Toys figures - and this one looks worse than they do on some dimensions.

I have a good income and spend way too much on toys and statues (maybe they'll fund my retirement someday) - I think I'm up to 17 Hot Toys figures alone at this point.

Despite all of this, the price tag here is, well, laughable. As others have said, I'd give in to my GL OCD if this were $100-$150. When I look at other figures that cost $220 the comparison is pretty, uh, stark.

I'm not trying to be snarky or over critical - I don't expect these things to be perfect. I also am not doubting that it was expensive (for whatever reasons) to produce. That expense, in my opinion, does not correlate well with the figure's worth or value. I'm really sad not to be getting it.

In the last month I've bought Star Lord and the Captain America Stealth 2 pack from the Winter Soldier - I love the GL character more than just about any other (Rom Spaceknight and the Silver Age Hawkman excepted), so my not buying it should speak volumes.

Just to be specific:

-I LIKE the Geoff Johns/Rebirth era costume a lot, but it doesn't look right here. The texture is not doing any favors and the lack of muscle definition hurts the look, making it look too "toy like."
-Something about the gloves looks really strange. Not sure if the hands are too small, but they just do not look right.
-The head doesn't look in the right proportion to the body and the sculpt looks... cartoony?
-I don't care about accessories and leave most of my figures' stuff in the boxes rather than displaying them, but there is a real lack here given the price point.

I really am sad to pass on this.

Do not display DC Direct figures with hot toys if you have the space. I plan on doing that when I buy are new house and when I can display them. By themselves, they look great together in pictures I have seen. I can see your wife's point, they look a little weird compared to the more stylised ht's figures. Sorry you are not happy with gl as many are. Congrats on your income situation, with the pricing now a days, you will need it!
My point is I am not a child like some of the members act here and I paid my dues in life and have more life experience to offer opinions on. I am a grown up and could care less if you loss respect for me. If my comment made you lose respect than I never wanted it in the first place and do not need your thanks for service. Only thanks I need are from my family, fellow veterans, and people who care. People on this forum take themselves way to serious. Again my service mentioning is relevevent because a few people sound like entitled punks who act tough behind a key board and say things that I guarantee would not be said to my face.

There are more reasons not coming to these so called discussions, but the nice collectors I have sold to, bought or traded with is worth it. Sorry if your lack of understanding of my post bothers you. I am at a point in my life where I worked hard and financially comfortable to afford figures, but that being said, the price of GL and lack of quality and accessories is not good. Especially if you are a collector who has a limited budget each year for figures. I am sorry if I offended any one with my comments in first paragraph, but sometimes I get so frustrated with people. Collecting should be fun and a distraction from the troubles and seriousness of life. I had to bury 3 of my children and this hobby is an escape for me and brings back some of the few happy memories I had growing up collecting star wars and mego figures. But, there is more to life and true happiness than toys and temporal things. I am sure I will get flamed for my comments, but I have been through much worse in my life to be bothered with it.

Your life experiences are no more valid than anyone else's in terms of what they have to do with this figure. The Navy certainly didn't make you an expert in doll-making. Everyone has an opinion on this figure, whether they're buying it or not. Discussing those opinions maturely means not resorting to name-calling and Richard Grayson measuring.

For those who are happy with GL than that is great. But there are people like myself that are not and only resource they have is to rant or whine like some people say. We just need to voice our opinions that we are not happy with the direction side show is going with price and quality. We need to let them know, even if they do not listen. Again, if GL cost only 149.99 I would buy him, but the quality and accessories do not justify the price.

That's a excellent way of stating your argument without all the drama and is all that needed to be said. I happen to agree with you.
This forum has become a joke over the past 15 months. It is nowhere close to what it was 5 years ago.

If I may be so bold. . . moderators need to keep these things in control. But the issue is, you hire mods that are mature and can deal with these things in a rational manner, but because they're mature, rational people, they don't have a lot of time to spend on the forum, keeping things in control.

If I make a personal insult, I get an infraction or my post gets deleted, but if I insult Sideshow, there's not really any consequences. That's a double standard that shouldn't exist.
My point is I am not a child like some of the members act here and I paid my dues in life and have more life experience to offer opinions on. I am a grown up and could care less if you loss respect for me. If my comment made you lose respect than I never wanted it in the first place and do not need your thanks for service. Only thanks I need are from my family, fellow veterans, and people who care. People on this forum take themselves way to serious. Again my service mentioning is relevevent because a few people sound like entitled punks who act tough behind a key board and say things that I guarantee would not be said to my face.

There are more reasons not coming to these so called discussions, but the nice collectors I have sold to, bought or traded with is worth it. Sorry if your lack of understanding of my post bothers you. I am at a point in my life where I worked hard and financially comfortable to afford figures, but that being said, the price of GL and lack of quality and accessories is not good. Especially if you are a collector who has a limited budget each year for figures. I am sorry if I offended any one with my comments in first paragraph, but sometimes I get so frustrated with people. Collecting should be fun and a distraction from the troubles and seriousness of life. I had to bury 3 of my children and this hobby is an escape for me and brings back some of the few happy memories I had growing up collecting star wars and mego figures. But, there is more to life and true happiness than toys and temporal things. I am sure I will get flamed for my comments, but I have been through much worse in my life to be bothered with it.

For those who are happy with GL than that is great. But there are people like myself that are not and only resource they have is to rant or whine like some people say. We just need to voice our opinions that we are not happy with the direction side show is going with price and quality. We need to let them know, even if they do not listen. Again, if GL cost only 149.99 I would buy him, but the quality and accessories do not justify the price.

That right there, says exactly the reason we "whine". Well said sir :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

This forum has become a joke over the past 15 months. It is nowhere close to what it was 5 years ago.

Yeah, but 5 years ago, figures didn't cost this much. People want more for their dollar.
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If I may be so bold. . . moderators need to keep these things in control. But the issue is, you hire mods that are mature and can deal with these things in a rational manner, but because they're mature, rational people, they don't have a lot of time to spend on the forum, keeping things in control.

If I make a personal insult, I get an infraction or my post gets deleted, but if I insult Sideshow, there's not really any consequences. That's a double standard that shouldn't exist.

Dude, this forum hasn't been a Sideshow forum for a long time! It's a Hot Toys forum, the name is misleading! Sideshow's been dead and buried for years! Didn't you get the memo?:lol
Seriously, I don't get all this!

Some people like this, others don't, obviously you're not gonna reconcile the diverging opinions!

You like it, you buy it, you don't like it you don't buy it! Either way, there's no need in those pointless discussion as I learned during a pro or con recast exchange. It just creates bad feelings, for everyone. It's time to let go, it's just a friggin'plastic doll after all!:wave
Almost everything is more expensive than it was five years ago. It's called inflation.

Yeah so? People are going to voice their opinion because they have to pay more, it's human nature. Not only is this hobby overpriced as it is, but then this figure comes out with less extras at a higher price, on top of that they ad a nrd. What do you think was going to happen?

Dude, this forum hasn't been a Sideshow forum for a long time! It's a Hot Toys forum, the name is misleading! Sideshow's been dead and buried for years! Didn't you get the memo?:lol

:lecture :lecture :lecture
I think it's time for the mods to close this thread or clean it...:(

Oh I get it close the thread because these people are telling it like it is. This is not 1950's communist Russia and sideshow is not the romanov's. That unless propaganda is pro it must be deleted.
No, close the thread because it's become pointless! This figure is a heap of crap, but face it, there's nothing you're gonna do about it! No whining or protesting will change anything about it! Sideshow is selling a toad and making us try to think it's a princess! Do like me, don't buy it, they'll lose money on it and perhaps try not to take us for suckers the next time, but talking endlessly saying the same thing pages after pages? Believe me! Not doing any good!
Im not buying it im actually getting mine finished before sideshows comes out. I was going to hold off and get it so i dint have to go through the trouble but considering what i have viewed mine will be more acceptable to me. I'll pick up the construct when it's parted out.

this figure is only fodder.

Seriousness aside if sideshow continues on path of low quality high priced items they will end up like Triad.
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Almost everything is more expensive than it was five years ago. It's called inflation.

Not at the rate these are rising. $150 in 2009 is about $164 in 2015. I understand there are other factors in pricing, but there's no debating that these have climbed at an accelerated pace.
What I don't understand is the fact that the reason many companies gave for the higher prices was that gasoline was more expensive. But in the past 6 months gasoline has been at an all time low shouldn't the prices have gone down to reflect that?
Almost everything is more expensive than it was five years ago. It's called inflation.

That would be fine if the price increase had gone up in line with inflation... but this... at least **** Turpin wore a mask!

Don't get me wrong it's not only SSC who are overcharging these days - but GL just doesn't justify his price tag by anyones imagination. As I and pretty much every other nay-sayer have said, price this at $150 and i'll buy it – $220 is just taking the p***!
Oh I get it close the thread because these people are telling it like it is. This is not 1950's communist Russia and sideshow is not the romanov's. That unless propaganda is pro it must be deleted.

lol, you sure have peoples posts removed though.
I wonder if the rest of the GL's suits will look like this for uniformity. If this is the look they've chosen, the rest should follow suit. This suit might look really good with this texture, make it look a bit different.


I love Hal, but Kyle was my GL growing up so I want him done sooner than later and matching Hal hopefully.
I can't wait to see what Flash is going to cost hopefully around like 189 or less lol ,he has no xtra's it's crazy the amount cool xtra's Deadpool get's included for only 10 more green. We still have wolverine to wait for. The one thing i realy do appreciate with sideshow is xtra heads and xtra's hopefully this is just 1 kinda bare bones release and sideshow include's more on next release or add to this before he ships out.