Indy Pre-Orders

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Its not a perfect slam dunk sculpt but its pretty close. Then you toss in all the stuff you get with it and I dont have much in the way of issues with it. The price even makes sense with all the stuff you get and the way the outfit is when you look at it up close. I can't complain cause mines only gonna cost $25 so.......
just ordered it , to me this brilliant and I can't wait to get it in hand , so Les you thinking of a repaint yet ? :lol.
I actually like this sculpt and the paint seems well done to me.
I don't think its over priced , hey try living in the uk , I just paid $22.00 to get it shipped :lol. But I want the exclusive , after seeing that trailer its really put me in an Indiana mood. The accessories look really well done too.
This is the reason I never made a custom jones , I knew sideshow would get the license. To me this is a very well done figure. Bravo sideshow , bravo!.

Oh yeah! Don't get me wrong. I always defend the paints when I can. And this one looks cool. We haven't seen real production ones yet of course, but I am sure he will be a nice one. And, you cannot lose with a Trevor sculpt! Like DA said, it is a good day!

But, since I can repaint, I will. Sorry, just my way. So yeah, of course! I have dreamed of a figure like this for so long, that in my mind's eye, I am painting it right now! As I write! Imagining what will be dirtier, and worn, and the sweat on his face, and all. I can't wait! This is not only a great figure outright, it is a repainter's dream subject. Indy just begs that. For those of us that do that, that is, it's just in our DNA. You know, work him over! Make him even more real.

As a collectible, he is SO COOL ALREADY, as to be astounding.
So, I am just happy for everyone. Even those that don't appreciate it yet. This is such a wonderful marriage of subject and company, and so inevitably cool.
Not completely blown away.
More interested in how the new body is and how the fabric paint will look in hand.

Ordered one, but the Arnie Kims still is the better one, especially the face.

Ooh and will spare you the effort to type comments:

I am a "censored" :lol
Probably the most anticipated and coveted license since Star Wars. But, I still feel a tiny bit let down. The Toys McCoy looks better to me. I know it is more expensive, but I would have paid more for a better representation.

This one is fine, don't get me wrong, but the head scupt is too bland or something...why couldn't the extra head have a different facial expression? This is one of the most iconic cinema characters of all time and have MANY facial expression that became classic smirks and looks. I guess they just have to make more versions.

Also, the Jacket looks cheap and too clean.
Oh yeah! Don't get me wrong. I always defend the paints when I can. And this one looks cool. We haven't seen real production ones yet of course, but I am sure he will be a nice one. And, you cannot lose with a Trevor sculpt! Like DA said, it is a good day!

But, since I can repaint, I will. Sorry, just my way. So yeah, of course! I have dreamed of a figure like this for so long, that in my mind's eye, I am painting it right now! As I write! Imagining what will be dirtier, and worn, and the sweat on his face, and all. I can't wait! This is not only a great figure outright, it is a repainter's dream subject. Indy just begs that. For those of us that do that, that is, it's just in our DNA. You know, work him over! Make him even more real.

As a collectible, he is SO COOL ALREADY, as to be astounding.
So, I am just happy for everyone. Even those that don't appreciate it yet. This is such a wonderful marriage of subject and company, and so inevitably cool.

I know exactly what you are talking about... I am already planning what needs to be done with Indy, the paint on the face, beard, sweat and grime... the weathering is all in place. For us this is like getting a glimpse at a future canvas, one that we have been preparing to paint for years. It's just who we are.

I think it's a great figure already, of course when it ships... it will have it's issues. All figures do. But I'm just excited to have that canvas coming at last. :rock
Got him...and wow! Great list of accessories! An alternate head for the hat!?! Wow...that was unexpected. Very cool....
They look different to me.

In any case, I have no major gripes with this figure... including the price. Bring on the Professor! :rock

They do? Maybe I have to look closer, but it just looks liek one has a hat and one doesn't That is no big deal. He looks bored or like he is on downers.
I actually like the head sculpt to be honest , I never get really hyped about anything because if you do you will always be let down ahem.... avp 2.
I am very happy with what sideshow has offered here and glad I have bought him. Go sideshow !.
If people aren't happy with him don't buy him , simple!.
That's the edited version... :lol

You should see me at work when I get pissed off. :emperor

Uh-huh. That's what I figured. :D

I don't think anything anyone said could spoil the good feeling I have right now. I'm going to savor the moment and nothing's gonna make it otherwise. Like Les said... "whatever". Like Smeagol said, "Not listening... not listening!" :cool:
I am absolutely excited about this figure. I can't wait to get him and weather him up real good. The jacket looks much better in the new photos too.

I do however see what some others are seeing as far as being it looking off a bit.
Personally I think it's all in the head size. The sculpt is great but the cast is slightly too big which always takes away some of the realism of a figure.
