Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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Totally man - agreed.

So glad the new RoboMurphy doesn't have that sheet.
Too bad we're paying for the diecast and sound features, anyway. But yeah, for sure, good thing they're not there.

When Hot Toys announces their Vader I can see many SS Vader figures finding their way onto eBay.
Yep, that's the thing to ponder, Fiend. It's difficult to know what it'll sell for once the initial HT panic dies down, but if you really hate being saddled w/SSC Vader, I'd just sell it at ideally cost, or a loss (if that's what it takes), and be done with it. Holding out for every last dollar is just not worth the stress, IMO. I expect to take a loss with everything I sell in this hobby, but bit by bit it's teaching me a lesson. Don't buy in the first place if you're fickle about a piece or worried about space or who's getting into the market.
My rule is I don't buy for my collection what I don't intend to keep. That doesn't of course apply to speculative products picked up to flip, but those are few and far between as it's a hassle running an eBay sale when you're not set up to do that kind of thing in volume day-to-day.
I've had mine on ebay for a while at 325 shopped and all the offers I keep getting are for 200-225. I might sell it for that locally off ebay but no way will I on ebay shipping lord knows where. Shame. Great figure. I had every intention of keeping it and still might in the end but I decided not to collect Star Wars 1/6 after a while. Of course now that thought changes with Hot Toys picking up the license. Definitely does seem to be a buyers market for this Vader tho.
I would wait and see if the post HT SW announcement rush to sell dies down on the bay and before the HT Vader announcement and see if you can at least break even on the sale. :dunno
With any luck (for prospective sellers), Sideshow's edition size for the next production run (available Jan 2015) won't last very long and Hot Toys won't announce anything (ANH for instance) for a long while. That will give you a better window for resale if you can wait it out.
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It's the next production run that I think is having a bigger impact on selling this guy now. That and I've found most don't care about the EX. It was bad timing for me putting it up. My decision to sell it had nothing to do with HT announcement. In fact that made me hesitate to sell it, but I had already sold my Bespin Luke so Vader is all alone now. While Vader certainly can stand alone in a collection, When I decided to sell I needed the extra money and was focusing on statues. Sold about half my hot toys. Luckily I don't need the money anymore so if I sell Vader great, if not, fine. I definitely know I refuse to take a loss on him. With the prices of things these days and the amount of stuff Vader comes with, I think the $250 retail price is totally justified in today's 1/6 market.
Anyone else having problems getting Vader to stand without his stand, it;s because of his boots having too big holes for the pegs, simply pry some paper between them to fill it up and its ok.
^ I kinda wish you would have left that out. :lol

I know it isn't what you wanted to hear but my message is that now is not the time to sell. Even if Hot Toys makes a Vader, which I hope they will, I imagine the value of the SSC Vader will still go up in 5 or so years. I can't imagine a collectors market were this Vader will not be in demand. The Hasbro Electronic Vader from 1998 is still in demand as is the Ultimate Vader from Revenge of the Sith. In the new trilogy I believe the character will play a part which will create more demand.

I have always bought multiples of every 1/6 Vader going back to 1996. I firmly believe that my collection is not complete without a Darth Vader figure. I bought the ESB/ROTJ Vader to kitbash with the ANH Vader. Plus I have found that the HT Zod and Roadblock figures provide create bodies for Vader. They are big, not too muscular and, most importantly, are very well articulated. When HT does a Vader I imagine the parts will be interchangeable with the SSC Vaders. I'm counting on it.
I'm with Piper here... I don't buy for my collection what I don't intend to keep. Not buying for investment or speculation or whatnot.
Hot Toys could announce a PO for their version of Vader tomorrow and it wouldn't make me rush to sell my Sideshow one....

Love this figure...looks great and is really well-done. I'm sure Hot Toys will produce a good one too, but it won't diminish my appreciation for this's a keeper.
I've had mine on ebay for a while at 325 shopped

I'd say you have to think of it from the buyers' perspective a bit here too. A U.S. buyer can get this thing from sideshow direct with all those benefits for $240 shipped come January (I'm including the code pricing -- $20 off). So in a sense you're asking someone to pay $85 more for the severed hand and gauntlet.

eBay is terrible for trying to make your money back. Because I can imagine you maybe paid $260 + tax in CA, so $280 then add PayPal and eBay fees and you need to sell it for $315 to make that money back, then also have to factor in shipping, so your price seems understandable in that regard but to a buyer they might just see $65-$85 extra for the hand and gauntlet.
I'm with Piper here... I don't buy for my collection what I don't intend to keep. Not buying for investment or speculation or whatnot.
Hot Toys could announce a PO for their version of Vader tomorrow and it wouldn't make me rush to sell my Sideshow one....

Love this figure...looks great and is really well-done. I'm sure Hot Toys will produce a good one too, but it won't diminish my appreciation for this's a keeper.

Good postt!!
I'd say you have to think of it from the buyers' perspective a bit here too. A U.S. buyer can get this thing from sideshow direct with all those benefits for $240 shipped come January (I'm including the code pricing -- $20 off). So in a sense you're asking someone to pay $85 more for the severed hand and gauntlet.

eBay is terrible for trying to make your money back. Because I can imagine you maybe paid $260 + tax in CA, so $280 then add PayPal and eBay fees and you need to sell it for $315 to make that money back, then also have to factor in shipping, so your price seems understandable in that regard but to a buyer they might just see $65-$85 extra for the hand and gauntlet.

Totally agree with you. That's why my perspective is either I eventually get my money back or I keep it. I don't need to get rid of it bad enough to take a heavy loss... Which $220ish on ebay would be. The price will go up and down. Maybe one day I sell it. Maybe one day I don't. If I'm only going to get $180 ish back on it I'd rather keep it. I don't begrudge buyer's the current market. I wouldn't pay $325 for it when I could have the regular at retail either.
Both SSC Vaders are too big for the scale.

Are you suggesting that HT will follow suit & make a 1/5 Vader as well?? :lol

You got me there. I'm think SSC did a nice job in some areas but a "What in name of high school football!" on other areas. I just like have a pool of parts to choose from while making my Ultimate Vader.
I'm looking forward to any saber-weilding releases. Regardless who make them, Sideshow or Hot Toys, I'll light them up. ;)
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It won't be difficult for Hot Toys to beat the Sideshow offerings. But whether they'll beat the Marmit is another thing. Even though that one is unproduced, it is still the best created licensed version to date. Of course, if Hot Toys want, they can go all-accurate and do what I did - scan the original pieces for sixth scale reproduction - but they won't. Sadly.